Is evil just a tool against God’s boredom?

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I want to modify this statement. Religion starts when man started thinking about it, so it was a good place to start. But to keep it relevant, man must update his thinking on religion as knowledge is gained. Many theist can't bring themselves to do this.

Posts like this are evidence of evolution because some people still cling to their primate cousin's practice of slinging their own poo!!!!:24:
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It seems to be human nature to latch onto anything that makes people feel more secure with their worldview.

Yeah. Most people probably never question their worldview. The one they formed as a child is the one they die with. I am one who did question but not because I'm more skeptical than average. In fact, it was just the opposite. I was gullible and got mixed up in a cult. They pushed me past the limit of credibility and the whole thing came down like a house of cards. At first I was turned off to religion and wanted nothing more to do with it. But eventually I realized I shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water.


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Yeah. Most people probably never question their worldview. The one they formed as a child is the one they die with. I am one who did question but not because I'm more skeptical than average. In fact, it was just the opposite. I was gullible and got mixed up in a cult. They pushed me past the limit of credibility and the whole thing came down like a house of cards. At first I was turned off to religion and wanted nothing more to do with it. But eventually I realized I shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Exactly BornReady. When I looked into other religions I liked the story of Buddha and how he searched for his own enlightenment. To me this is the way to go.


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No, I was honest with my response. What is the reasoning behind your paranoid perceptions of my posting style?

I think a more honest response would have been to say you don't know instead you decided to mask this in ambiguity. Paranoid perceptions? Nah, I am being honest with my response.

That's one opinion.

Such a short response. I guess this use of "Ockham's razor" is quite inconvenient for you.

I feel the quote is good for illuminating the poor logic of latching on to one god story as truth without evidence and rejecting other god stories as fiction.

Logic and religion? Funny how you only use these words together when trying to explain some half baked quote. It seems to me this statement is making an argument for atheism from a position which is irrational and contradictory. From a debating standpoint it is being disingenuous and actively making ad hominem jabs at theists.

Skeptics do not, by definition, have problems with falsifiable theories like evolution.

But a true skeptic would have problems with it. I find that many Agnostics and Atheists are only masquerading as skeptics when it is convenient for them to do so.

I always believed evolution and intelligent design could be reconciled until I started studying evolution in more depth. I understand how and why people reconcile the two, and live their lives under the assumption evolution was a god's plan, but what we know of evolution is nearly proof positive a god as we have commonly defined it throughout history did not create life.

Funny how you claim to have studied evolution and make claims saying how evolution proves this or that but you fail to explain yourself or go into detail. For example, there are two major theories of evolution
1) microevolution and 2) macroevolution. Macroevolution has two major models 1) Gradualism
and 2) Punctuated Equilibrium. Which ones do you believe? It seems there is quite a few items on the buffet here to suit just about any purpose.

Evolution does not require faith. It is built on a system of physical evidence, and does not make assumptions without the help of physical evidence.

Since the Theory of Evolution has produced theories and sub-theories I find the physical evidence quite lacking therefore requiring faith to believe in it. It is still interesting to me and the research done can benefit people so I'm not saying the Theory of Evolution is without value.

Yeah, scientists don't believe in evolution. 99 plus percent of scientists accept it as the best theory currently available based on the evidence they have studied. Lay people sometimes believe or don't believe in evolution because they don't have the knowledge to determine whether to accept or reject it. For them it is a matter of how much they trust or distrust science.

That is right BornReady. If you are not a scientist that has studied evolution it is a matter of trust or distrust in science so the lay person has to rely on FAITH. It seems to be human nature to latch onto anything that makes people feel more secure with their worldview. Atheists and Agnostics are no different. They cling to ideas that seem just as absurd as anything any religious person believes.

The above post was the last one made in an exchange with Panacea. Questions were asked and statements were made and she NEVER responded. Just an example of how she runs away when asked questions.


Having way too much fun
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The above post was the last one made in an exchange with Panacea. Questions were asked and statements were made and she NEVER responded. Just an example of how she runs away when asked questions.

Let me fill you in on something everyone is aware of, except for you...

Nobody is running away from you, it's just that we adults understand that you can't carry on an intelligent conversation with an idiot. So when the conversation reaches a certain point of intellect and your eyes glaze over, you start with the insults. That's our clue to ignore you and let you pout in the corner by yourself...

I hope that helps. :)


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Let me fill you in on something everyone is aware of, except for you...

Nobody is running away from you, it's just that we adults understand that you can't carry on an intelligent conversation with an idiot. So when the conversation reaches a certain point of intellect and your eyes glaze over, you start with the insults. That's our clue to ignore you and let you pout in the corner by yourself...

I hope that helps. :)

Nah, I don't buy it. If you truly thought I had nothing to say you would pester me like you do others here. You stay away because you got nothin'. If that isn't true then prove it or shut your pie hole and stop making excuses.
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