Investigate 911 and the New World Order

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DT3's Twinkie
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Meh, I cant buy into the fact that the govt set up 911. All the eveidence provided in the two conspiracy theory dvds Ive seen are consequential.

But I will tell you this....if you want to shady shit that the government does, look at the Oklahoma City bombing.

I don't personally think the government was in on it.

Bush can't put together a coherent sentence let alone a plan involving moving parts:D
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Punk Rock Soldier
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Well, Bush doesnt necesarily have anything to do with it. I dont think that Bush has much to do with anything. Hes the money and the figurehead, thats it.

Minor Axis

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Not yet--but just let the Democrats get a few more seats and the Presidency!!! ;)

Actually your party beat the Democrats to the punch.

Bush can't put together a coherent sentence let alone a plan involving moving parts:D

Inept as he may be he was able to create endorse promote and initiate a sham war and piss away a trillion dollars faster than any of his predecessors.


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The third video down... how can people be so ignorant? You see small plumes coming out of the side of the buildings. Yes, explosions that small are going to bring an entire building down, when it's already collapsing.

When you take an area of enclosed space and rapidly decrease it's size (as one floor falls on another), the weakest spot is going to give out due to extreme pressure and displacement. It's not an explosion.

Then they showed a video being purposely demo'd. I saw no plumes? hmm...

When you demo a building you explode devices at the base of the building, not 70 stories up. I'm really really getting tired of these 9/11 conspiracy theories. It's getting old, and after 7 years no one has any concrete irefuttable evidence.


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What ever happened to revolutions? In history, when governments led their people astray, those people would rise up in revolution and take back their dignity, rights, lives, and thoughts... now, they sit back and eat up that crap that is given to them. With what went on 7 years ago, you'd think that people would have woken up by now to what they united states government has been doing. It's not a conspiracy theory any more. With all the information that has been forced out over the past 7 years regarding the genocidal attacks on the united states, why does everyone still do nothing? Where are those with the means for change? We need people to revolt and take back their country. Forget democracy, it's never worked before and it doesn't work now. Democracy has always failed as a form of government. I would gladly follow any dictator who can overthrow the pathetic excuses that now hold office in the united states.
On a side note, I hope that all of those Bush followers out there realize that the man is copying Hitler to nearly a 'T'. Hitler blew up a government building and then pinned it on another country in order to begin his war. Bush blew up 3 to start his.

Minor Axis

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We need people to revolt and take back their country.

Welcome to the forums. I think it will have to get much worse before we're gonna have a revolution.

However the country is in the toilet and half the populace are asking for more! ;) Are we a country of morons?


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Well here's some conspiracy theory related info for you that makes total and complete sense in my humble opinion.

There is a 'theory' that there is an unknown planet in our solar system that scientists call Planet X (also called Nibiru). Scientists believe that Planet X is responsible for several anomolies that occur within our solar system (the odd wobbly orbit of Uranus and Neptune for example). They believe that this planet is as large as Jupiter, runs on an eliptical orbit and that it takes over 2000 years to complete one orbit around our sun. In fact, this 'theory' is so strongly believed by scientists world wide that NASA sent out 2 probes (Pioneer 10 & 11) over 30 years ago in search of Planet X, we're talking millions of dollars spent just in hopes of proving this theory. We were told that aside from gaining information on the already discovered planets in our solar system, both probes were fruitless in the search for Planet X (Pioneer 10 was in contact with NASA for 30 years btw while it drifted off course, believed to have been 'pulled' by the gravitational force of a much larger object...)

Anyhow, strangely enough, when we take a look at the 2 oldest known civilizations on Earth (Sumer and the Mayan Empire) we find carvings, paintings, and historical records of information that we only 'discovered' over the past 200 years. Sumerians somehow knew that our solar system has 9 planets orbitting our sun. They knew the correct sizes, order, and orbital patterns of all of these planets which we eventually discovered using telescopes and satellites. Sumerians also stated that there is a 10th planet in our solar system that travels on an eliptical orbit around our sun and that it takes over 2000 years to complete one orbit. They named this planet Nibiru which means "the crossing planet".

Scientists today believe that if this planet does in fact exist, that it's orbit this time around may cause it to cross the orbits of the other planets and place itself between the Earth and the Sun for a period of time as it passes us by.

Just on a side note, pictures of this 'theoretical' planet were apparently posted and then quickly removed from utube, and yes, apparently these were authentic photos taken from a NASA telescope that has been trained on this planet that they supposedly haven't found yet.

Now, I am no conspiracy theorist but after taking all of this info in for entertainment purposes only, I got to thinking... If there actually is this large planet that is headed towards us, people on the internet are saying that it will be visible with the naked eye within 2 years and will arrive in the inner area of our solar system by 2012, then this would actually explain a million questions that the human race has been asking with no answers in sight.

Scientists believe that this planet, should it pass us, will cause chaos with the Earth's orbit, rotation, magnetics, and axis to the point that the north and south poles will shift, storms will become worse on Earth creating super storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc will plague the Earth while this planet is at it's closest to us. They believe that many people will not survive and that humanity may be thrown into a stone age once again. The Bible states that the Rapture is coming where many will be taken to God. The Bible also states that no stone on Earth will be left where it once was due to world wide devestation. God himself says in the Bible that there will be 3 days of darkness where no one can survive if they go outside. Seems like science and religion are actually in agreement on this. If this planet passes between the Earth and Sun and if it's bigger than Jupiter it could potentially block out the sun creating freezing temperatures on Earth for a period of time.

Scientists are now theorizing that this Planet X (if it exists) could have been what destroyed the dinosaurs, the dinos on land could not have survived but many species could have lived in hibernation in the ground or water to survive which brought us our sharks, alligators, komodos, etc of today. They theorize that the Great Flood (which they have evidence of occurring approx 2000 years ago) could also have been triggered by this crosser of planets.

From a religious perspective, did you know that nearly all of the world's major religions prophesize of a great and terrible event taking place in 2012? The Sumerian, Mayan, Egyptian, Incan, Aztec, Hopi, etc calendars all end December 2012. All of these cultures and many more including Christianity, Catholocism, Hebrew, etc say that something big is coming and they all say that there will be great devestation to the Earth and it's people. Kinda odd how science is finally catching up with history and religion.

I don't know this to be true but what if a planet does appear in the sky next year? It's supposed to be seen as red to us on the Earth and it may appear to have wings on the sides due to debris and dust being attracted to and then flying out of this planet's outer most atmosphere. If this thing does appear I strongly suggest that everyone read up on historical 'myth' and prepare yourselves because it seems like all of the signs and warnings could have always been there, people just couldn't see the forest through all the trees.

I seriously believe that the biggest problem with society today is that people are too wrapped up in our own tiny little insignificant lives and distracted by propaganda in the media too easily. We worry about too much on a daily basis to be truely educated in what really matters. The information is all out there and I pray that if scientific theory is correct and this planet approaches that people will finally realize what is truely important. The Bible states that we are too wrapped up in material and worldly goods... we could have seen all this coming years ago if not for concerns of money, objects, appointments, daily overcrowded schedules... maybe we are just being distracted by those that already know the truth?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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well that is a new one

makes little sense that something with that big of an obrit could show up in 2 years and then 2 years later have such greater interference.

sounds like junk science based on the bible to me


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I totally see your opinion and I wasn't posting to try to convince anyone that this is the truth. I was simply speculating on information that I've come across. Think of it as rampant musings.

If the existence of this planet is proven true though and it actually becomes visible in the sky to the population, it's quite possible that the increased severity of our storms now (Ike, Katrina, etc.) is a result of this thing. Not only that but I also read a reputable scientific report that states the Earth's ocean currents are progressively slowing down even now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe this through and through, I just believe that it would be the biggest mind clusterf*ck in history if it was. o_O


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september 11th 2001 one of the most horrifying days in US history. It was also the biggest form of government sponsored terroism that the US has ever witnissed. on that tragic day the US government murdered thousands of people. 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings...that dosnt add up.
You're gullible.
Onions said:
Think of it as rampant musings.
I shall.

Minor Axis

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Bush was in charge when 9-11 happened. Not only that, he got more than ample warning that an attack was coming. I guarantee you that if a Democrat President had been sitting we would never hear the end of it from the Republican Party. Actually the Republican party is very talented when it comes to shifting blame. Republican's love calling Democrats weak. But mums the word when it comes to incompetence which this Administration has displayed since day one in office. This is one of the many problems when any organization decides that clinging to power is more important than everything else including the truth.


New Member
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I am not gullible. I stated several times that I don't believe this and that it was simply presented as info that I've read, collected on the net from other people. It's all just theories created by people far more qualified than myself. I just thought that since this is a forum for debate I might get more educated responses than "you're gullible" and "junk science based on the bible" which, btw, I don't follow b/c I'm not religious either :p

I do believe, however, that the US government has now progressed into a Dictatorship without anyone really putting up a fight. Bush has done several impeachable offenses over the past 8 years. Not only that but I doubt he'll step down from Commander in Chief in November. He passed an Act during his presidency that states he doesn't have to leave office if he is at war during the regularly scheduled election time.


Active Member
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I didn't say you were gullible, I was quoting someone else when I said that.

You were the second quote.


Well-Known Member
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I do believe, however, that the US government has now progressed into a Dictatorship without anyone really putting up a fight. Bush has done several impeachable offenses over the past 8 years. Not only that but I doubt he'll step down from Commander in Chief in November. He passed an Act during his presidency that states he doesn't have to leave office if he is at war during the regularly scheduled election time.
