Investigate 911 and the New World Order

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september 11th 2001 one of the most horrifying days in US history. It was also the biggest form of government sponsored terroism that the US has ever witnissed. on that tragic day the US government murdered thousands of people. 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings...that dosnt add up.

3 buildings imploded. they where said to collapse due to structural failure from fires caused by the planes jet fuel. It was said when the 2 towers collapsed they sent burning debrees falling down onto WTC building 7 causing it to catch fire resulting in collapse due to structural failure. NEVER in the history of STEEL structure building has a building collapsed into its own footprint at the rate of gravity due to structural failure. Jet fuel is not a hot burning fuel propane burns hotter than jet fuel and when your barbequing it dosnt melt the metal racks does it? the buildings collapsed due to a controlled explosion using explosives and thermate.

99.99% of the people that disagree that the government isnt telling the truth about 911 have not investigated it on there own they just sit back and listen to what the media tells them and call 911 activists, conspiricay theroists and unpatriotic. how are we unpatriotic just becuase we care enough to ivestigate on our own to what caused the tragedy.

Please post your insight and views in the 911 tragedy and the new world order.

also flamers are welcome becase thats what fuels 911 activists to work harder at getting the truth out.

here are some websites to help you investigate on your own and fight the new world order

Alex Jones’ Prison
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
ALEX JONES' MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE - An Information Resource Companion

here a a few vidoes
1-4 of the coincidences series in order
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (Part One)
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (Part Two)
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (Part Three)
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (Part Four)

short vidoes:
YouTube - 911 Truth: Explosive Force & Volcano-Style Pyroclastic Flow
YouTube - Barry Jennings interview on WT7 9/11 explosions, bodies.
YouTube - 9/11 Squibs
YouTube - Proof thermate was used on 911
YouTube - New World Order

YouTube - Moulton Steel Productions - Calgary 9/11 Truth
YouTube - Walmart Intercom: 9/11 Truth
YouTube - Edmonton 9/11 Truth joins forces with Calgary 9/11 Truth
YouTube - Street Action with Alex Jones and His Arrest in New York
YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911
YouTube - Alex Jones arrested for refusing to thumbscan
YouTube - NYC Activists 911 Truth Jam Time Square
YouTube - They're Censoring Your Reality (Alex Jones)

feature films:
YouTube - Alex Jones' Terror Storm: Final Cut -terrorstorm final cut
endgame - Google Video -Endgame
endgame - Google Video- Truth Rising part 1

endgame - Google Video- Loose Change the final cut

these are just a hand full of videos there are hundreds to research and learn from.
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Okay - here's what happened: A bunch of radical islamists (an explanation for which will follow below) spent 8 years planning a massive attack against the United States. They targeted 2 buildings because of what they stood for: Commericalism. If you believe the :New World Order" has anything to do with "The Capitalist Power Structure", then why on earth did they attack the 2 most capitalist buildings in New York (okay - maybe the 2nd, there's Trump Tower as well)? Now, that's what happened. If you believe anything else, you are merely playing into the radical extremists hands.

ON RADICAL ISLAM: Throughout history, there has almost always been one particular idealogy ruling the world and one engaged in massive movements to overthrow it. In the 1800s and 1900s Capitalism emerged. Socialism, Communism, and Fascism quickly rose to play their historical parts as Capitalism's counter. But the problem that arose for them was that Capitalism WORKS. Socialism failed - the communes, a few countries here and there that tired it, etc. It didn't work as well. People got more extreme, and went to Communism. Obviously - didn't work. There's only a couple of real communist countries left. People also tried fascism (naziism, mousillini, etc.) - didn't excactly crumble, but didn't become massive world movements. So as political movements like this fail to overthrow capitalism or do better then it - they die off. People don't accept them. So the movements that come up to combat capitalism get more extreme - hence, the rise of radical islamism.
On the rise of a capitalist utopia (related to above): What drives a lot of people toward radicalism instead of looking to the west and joing the great Capitalist movement and creating a world utopia is simply this - there is no capitalist movement. It was largely an accident - a scottish economist wrote a book, a nation overthrew English rule and founded something like it, and a bunch of buisnessmen in England opened up factories. There were no mass movements, no rebellions with banners reading "Profit for the Producers" or "Money, Money, Money". There was no International Capitalist Party. It was an accident - it only became an idealogy because Marx created one to oppose it. And that accouts for part of the reason why people join those radical movements - they don't understand Capitalism and they are confused, and the only political 'movements' they see are these fringe groups that pop up trying to fill a rebellious role.
Ayn Rand's Objectivist Movement is the closest thing there is to a Capitalist movement.

Hope my views on history and politics have given you something to think about. :)


Accidental Bastard
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september 11th 2001 one of the most horrifying days in US history. It was also the biggest form of government sponsored terroism that the US has ever witnissed. on that tragic day the US government murdered thousands of people. 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings...that dosnt add up.

:welcome: Its been done to death here.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I get this when I try to click on the links

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

How the fuck did Bush and Chaney find this web site and do this?

I tell ya there is a conspiracy and we will never know the truth.

Pisses me off.

I was hoping to see the administration be held accountable

Why I bet that Bush actually piloted all the planes. There was enough time for him to jump out and parachute into supersonic super secret molecular transportation machine which Chaney was manning.

Damn why won't people just wake up and smell the coffee. Our govt is destroying us. I hear that Bush has a hate list like Nixon did. Have you heard anymore from even one of those on the list? Thought not. Yup, they were put on one of those missions to Mars and are operating the robots there. If you look careful you can see their shadows. They complained but then were told that some celebrities would be sent up next who they can cozy up to. I think Rosie O'Oconnell was the first one to be sent. You have not heard from her lately have you?



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NEVER in the history of STEEL structure building has a building collapsed into its own footprint at the rate of gravity due to structural failure.

NEVER in the history of STEEL structure building has a fully loaded 757 that took off less an hour earlier hit a STEEL structure building with full fuel capacity.


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Now one can argue that a bomber hit the Empire state building in the 50s and it didn't collapse. But you have to look at how the ESB (full metal square skeleton) was built compared to the WTC towers (central skeleton with "skin" supporting the weight with the floors being bolted on both sides only by trusses), and also take into account the size of the planes that hit them. The B57? fighter pales in comparison to the size of a 757.


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Now one can argue that a bomber hit the Empire state building in the 50s and it didn't collapse. But you have to look at how the ESB (full metal square skeleton) was built compared to the WTC towers (central skeleton with "skin" supporting the weight with the floors being bolted on both sides only by trusses), and also take into account the size of the planes that hit them. The B57? fighter pales in comparison to the size of a 757.
It was a B-25 bomber that hit the empire state building in 1945 but it's still a much smaller plane and wasn't loaded with jet fuel.


DT3's Twinkie
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Now one can argue that a bomber hit the Empire state building in the 50s and it didn't collapse. But you have to look at how the ESB (full metal square skeleton) was built compared to the WTC towers (central skeleton with "skin" supporting the weight with the floors being bolted on both sides only by trusses), and also take into account the size of the planes that hit them. The B57? fighter pales in comparison to the size of a 757.

Right, and metal fatigue. Putting it briefly when I was in design (In the refining industry, not civil) we had to do studies on metal fatigue, this was to ensure that the structures that were being built could withstand a certain amount of heat, for a certain duration to prevent possible collapse.

Structural steel can behave strange when it experiences impact followed by a fire.

JP-5/6 (Jet fuel) a.k.a. Kerosene has a lot of BTU's I would imagine the temperature at its hottest point in either tower exceeded 700 degrees F.


Punk Rock Soldier
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Meh, I cant buy into the fact that the govt set up 911. All the eveidence provided in the two conspiracy theory dvds Ive seen are consequential.

But I will tell you this....if you want to shady shit that the government does, look at the Oklahoma City bombing.