Injured Iraq Vet: "Obama Disrespects those that Served" -- Great Video!

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Fox Mulder

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This is from an Iraq War Vet--excellent video! :thumbup

"Dear Mr. Obama--having spent 12 months in the Iraq Theater, I can promise you this was not a mistake. I have witnessed first hand the many sacrifices made for the people of Iraq. Those sacrifices were not mistakes. Iraqi people are just like us—they want a chance to live in a secure world. Free from tyranny, free from terrorism, free to prosper, free to raise their children and pass on a future. Are they better off today then they were 2002?—you bet. I’ve seen many men sacrifice their lives for the Iraqi people. They died for a purpose, not a mistake—they died giving hope, they died promoting freedom. Do you rescue a fireman just as he’s about to save a child? When you call the Iraqi war a mistake, you disrepect the service and the sacrifice of everyone who has died protecting freedom! Freedom carries with it a price. Because you do not understand nor appreciate these principles sir, I am supporting Senator John McCain for President. He too made a huge sacrifice promoting freedom—because he understands the fundamental truth—freedom is always worth the price.":thumbup

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Dana Scully FBI

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We are laughing at this right? I don't really see a point, well at least not a truthful one represented in the media, to this war other than oil and the usual suspects.


Having way too much fun
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So because he disagrees with Obama and buys into the "just" nature of this war, he is willing to vote against his best interests? Since when did McCain start supporting the returning vets? Maybe it was when McCain supported the GI bill... Oh, that's right, he was against that. Maybe it was when he fought for the troops to get as much time out of theater as in so they can rest and see their families... Yeah, he voted against that as well. Maybe it was the $20 million he voted for health care facilities at the VA... Nope, he voted no to that. Could it be the $43 million voted to go to the veteran affairs for the outpatient care and treatment for veterans? Hell, only 13 senators voted against that one... Yup, he was one of them. Then surely it must be the $1.5 billion for veterans medical services he voted for... Once again he was one of the very few that voted no...

The list could go on and on, these are only a few from the past 2 years. It's no wonder that veteran groups rate him at the bottom of the senate barrel.
Way to vote against your best interests...

Fox Mulder

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So because he disagrees with Obama and buys into the "just" nature of this war, he is willing to vote against his best interests? Since when did McCain start supporting the returning vets? Maybe it was when McCain supported the GI bill... Oh, that's right, he was against that. Maybe it was when he fought for the troops to get as much time out of theater as in so they can rest and see their families... Yeah, he voted against that as well. Maybe it was the $20 million he voted for health care facilities at the VA... Nope, he voted no to that. Could it be the $43 million voted to go to the veteran affairs for the outpatient care and treatment for veterans? Hell, only 13 senators voted against that one... Yup, he was one of them. Then surely it must be the $1.5 billion for veterans medical services he voted for... Once again he was one of the very few that voted no...

The list could go on and on, these are only a few from the past 2 years. It's no wonder that veteran groups rate him at the bottom of the senate barrel.
Way to vote against your best interests...

Interesting--putting aside the unsupported accusations, this is what Democrats just don't get--its the party of the handouts--the special interest groups like the unions looking for the handout from the working taxpayer---voting for more socialism and government giveaway programs all to the detriment of the working taxpayer. Did it ever occur to you that to this young man that his ideals and life experencies (i.e., specifically what he saw in Iraq as oppossed ot the distorted trash you are fed by the main stream media) are more important to him than whether he gets an extra 20 a month in his disability check? :rolleyes:


Having way too much fun
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Interesting--putting aside the unsupported accusations, this is what Democrats just don't get--its the party of the handouts--the special interest groups like the unions looking for the handout from the working taxpayer---voting for more socialism and government giveaway programs all to the detriment of the working taxpayer. Did it ever occur to you that to this young man that his ideals and life experencies (i.e., specifically what he saw in Iraq as oppossed ot the distorted trash you are fed by the main stream media) are more important to him than whether he gets an extra 20 a month in his disability check? :rolleyes:

Unsupported accusations? How can you say that when these are his votes? This is a matter of public record, you can see exactly how each and every senator voted for each bill and read the full text of each of these bills. That is about as supported as you can get.

So in your view, taking care of the Iraq vets is nothing more than government handouts? It's considered a handout when they risk life and limb for this country? They are not deserving of the best medical care this country has to offer after they are wounded while serving?

Maybe your right, maybe we are coddling these service members too much. They need to pull themselves up by their boot straps and take care of their own medical benefits. Hell, I'd rather my tax dollars go to a good cause like the bridge to nowhere or paying 100% of the Georgian war and not these whiny servicemen. :rolleyes:

Fox Mulder

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Unsupported accusations? How can you say that when these are his votes? This is a matter of public record, you can see exactly how each and every senator voted for each bill and read the full text of each of these bills. That is about as supported as you can get.

So in your view, taking care of the Iraq vets is nothing more than government handouts? It's considered a handout when they risk life and limb for this country? They are not deserving of the best medical care this country has to offer after they are wounded while serving?

Maybe your right, maybe we are coddling these service members too much. They need to pull themselves up by their boot straps and take care of their own medical benefits. Hell, I'd rather my tax dollars go to a good cause like the bridge to nowhere or paying 100% of the Georgian war and not these whiny servicemen. :rolleyes:

Post the exact bills--eveything that is included in them--the problem is as you well know is that many of these bills are facades--put forth so that Demoncrats can claim they want to help some "group" when in reality the other items on the bill are what they really want pushed through--as a politician, you need to decide what's more important in that bill--what's good, what's bad and if the bad outweighs the good, you vote against it--so again--post the full text of the bill and everything it had in it and then we can talk about why people voted for what they did. And I don't have time now, but I'll research it.

But, even assuming you are correct, you STILL avoided the question--why is it wrong for this man to put his ideals above his own financial intestests? That's a rhetorical question--one no Democrat can really understand when it comes to the men and women who have actually served, the vast majority of whom will be voting for McCain.


Having way too much fun
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Post the exact bills--eveything that is included in them--the problem is as you well know is that many of these bills are facades--put forth so that Demoncrats can claim they want to help some "group" when in reality the other items on the bill are what they really want pushed through--as a politician, you need to decide what's more important in that bill--what's good, what's bad and if the bad outweighs the good, you vote against it--so again--post the full text of the bill and everything it had in it and then we can talk about why people voted for what they did. And I don't have time now, but I'll research it.

But, even assuming you are correct, you STILL avoided the question--why is it wrong for this man to put his ideals above his own financial intestests? That's a rhetorical question--one no Democrat can really understand when it comes to the men and women who have actually served, the vast majority of whom will be voting for McCain.

Reading comprehension is your friend Mulder...

I never said it was wrong to vote against his financial interests. I do think it's foolish, but not wrong.

It's actually more important that he has a stance and that he votes come November than who he votes for and the reason for his choice.

And as far as the "homework" on the bills and McCains voting record, go research it and come back when you are able to back up your suspicions. Unlike you, I have read the bills in question, my answer was not some boiler plate response. I'll wait until you catch up.


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Interesting--putting aside the unsupported accusations, this is what Democrats just don't get--its the party of the handouts--the special interest groups like the unions looking for the handout from the working taxpayer---voting for more socialism and government giveaway programs all to the detriment of the working taxpayer. Did it ever occur to you that to this young man that his ideals and life experencies (i.e., specifically what he saw in Iraq as oppossed ot the distorted trash you are fed by the main stream media) are more important to him than whether he gets an extra 20 a month in his disability check? :rolleyes:

it looks like your bi-polar value system ;) is getting in the way here fox....i respect the way you feel about this kid; it's indicative of your support for our troops putting themselves in harms way

and there can't be much doubt that what he's seen, he's seen

but let's take a closer look at what he's seen, shall we?
I have witnessed first hand the many sacrifices made for the people of Iraq.... I’ve seen many men sacrifice their lives for the Iraqi people.
a lot of death....without a purpose, thye'd all be pretty damn it's natural to find a reason for it....
not death, but sacrifice, call a sacrifice a mistake is way different than to call a senseless death a mistake

here we go off on two separate paths....

one's religious....jesus was sacrificed on the cross..."paying it forward" ,as the story goes, for our sins...we'll come back to that in a sec.

the other is the one i want to look at more said
this is what Democrats just don't get--its the party of the handouts--the special interest groups like the unions looking for the handout from the working taxpayer
...or the welfare system, aye?....both require the american taxpayer to "sacrifice" their hard earned income to support a system of special being those who have lobbying clout, and the other being those who don't have any clout at all.....and this irks you, i know....because you see so much abuse in these "handouts", and so little constructive benefit.

so i have to wonder, then, why this particular "war", after all the reasons that were presented for its necessity years ago has boiled away, leaving their calcified residue all over that region and our psyches, is now simply about our sacrifice for the iraqi people

it seems to me you're presenting in this tread an arguement that this is actually just a glorified handout ...courageous and noble in many people eyes -because american lives are part of the sacrifice -but still just a handout.....

and it seems, too, to be an ok type of handout only because of the american lives being lost....a sort of "death is good" kind of logic.

which could take us back to the religious idea of sacrifce i mentioned earlier....there are martyrs everywhere right now, it would seem



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And as far as the "homework" on the bills and McCains voting record, go research it and come back when you are able to back up your suspicions. Unlike you, I have read the bills in question, my answer was not some boiler plate response. I'll wait until you catch up.
Could you kindly show me where to find the full text of the bills?

Fox Mulder

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Could you kindly show me where to find the full text of the bills?

I'm fairly sure Tim is right--he doesn't strike me a someone who spouts information without knowing its validity. The problem though--and this is a problem with both parties (and many people don't understand this) is that a bill is often "packaged" as a particular bill when in reality they really want other things in the bill passed. So for example, they may have passed a bill to increase or add benefits for veterans, but than tied it to some tax increase to pay for it. Well as a Republican (or a Libertarian), we all know the tax rates are already too high--we need to be cutting taxes, not adding to them. I'm just giving an example.

Fox Mulder

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Reading comprehension is your friend Mulder...

I never said it was wrong to vote against his financial interests. I do think it's foolish, but not wrong.

My readng comprehension is excellent thank you--you might want to take a refesher though because you've illustrated my point precisely. Why are his financial interests more important than his ideals and what he believes it best for the country? Why is that "foolish?"

For the record, I don't think its at all foolish to vote against one's financial interests (and I know other people share that view). I certainly understand why people do vote for what they believe to be in their own best interests and that's a problem in this country. If more people were like this young man, we'd have a lot less of the problems and issues we have.

You are sounding like a Republican Tim! :D

Fox Mulder

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:homo: Nuff said really!

Now that's some irony right there. What you people get over there in Europe that you think is "news" is the real propoganda. The media leads you around by the nosehairs. But its not surprising that you prefer to listen to talking heads than to the people that have actually been to Iraq. Why don't you talk to the people who have actually spend a year or two there--we have people on this board who have. I know I have and their version of the facts is a 180 degrees different than what the media is saying.

You cunt!!!! :24:

Fox Mulder

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I listen to BBC, you listento Fox news, say what?:24:

I generally don't listen to any news because I learned quite awhile ago that its completely slanted to the particular viewpoint of the journalist--which is typically left. As I said before, I don't know why in the fuck you'd listen to a journalist on any topic other than how to edit a term paper. These jackasses don't have degrees or expertise in 95% of the fields they propose to talk about. Do yourself a favor and stop watching the news.

BBC is fairly reputable for a European source (most of the sources are absolute garbage)--does not mean its not bias though.