Bottom line when it comes to faith, there is nothing factual to argue and when it comes to feelings, how can anyone's feelings be promoted as more justified? Like minded people form faith based groups. IMO numbers of believers don't count either, otherwise Christianity would loose. So where does this lead? There is no single correct answer. If it was important to know the one right answer, it would not have to be in the realm of faith, and it would be much easier than adopting the group you were raised within or taking guesses. So, in conclusion, go with the flow. You know what you need to know despite the guy up on the pulpit telling you what you should be believing and how you should be acting. Most church goers don't listen to that guy anyway.
Bottom line when it comes to faith, there is nothing factual to argue and when it comes to feelings, how can anyone's feelings be promoted as more justified?
Time, all it comes down to is the amount of time a belief is held and by how many people. Just compare Christianity and Scientology. Why do more people believe in Christianity and not Scientology? Time, that's all. They are both wacky when you sit down and really think about it. And you can say the same thing about any religion.
Like minded people form faith based groups. IMO numbers of believers don't count either, otherwise Christianity would loose. So where does this lead? There is no single correct answer.
Of course there is a single correct answer, believe none of them. If you are going to dismiss 99.9% of all the religions out there, then why believe in the one you do? It really doesn't make sense if you think about it...