Illegal Imigration:

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Dont listen to NOS when hes on the ZANNAX hes werid and might just pull the AKA on his Mamma ( are who ever gets in the way )


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well hell look who has them our politians.. places like them because they pay cash..not like the blacks who charge and don't pay...our country is not about the majority rule anymore.....we need a 50 ft tall electrical fence with armed robotics towers every 100ft... not just for mexicans but for all illegals. start prosicution people who hired illegals and hugh fines to go to border patol relief $$$ and or english classes for non-english speaking people..also make speaking english a requirement before any visas are giving out no exceptons


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Vfast said:
...our country is not about the majority rule anymore...... start prosicution people who hired illegals and hugh fines to go to border patol relief $$$ and or english classes for non-english speaking people..also make speaking english a requirement before any visas are giving out no exceptons

:werd :agree


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Look, i'm Mexican-American but, i also feel there must be a more
efficient and solid immigration program, I know why they come
here to work, to better there lives, you get a few "bad apples" with
the bunch but most are honest and hardworking, its when the system
fails them that they turn to crime, just like eveyone else! My Father
was born in a shed outside Mexico City, came here, married, and now
wears a suite and tie to work, after ofcourse working hard long shifts welding in an unsafe environment to raise his family., and going to school
part time to earn a high school diploma. He then went on to College at University of Michigan! for a degree. Not everyone is born into this
world with everything given to him/her, like most of us Americans.
If you had the choice to hire a lazy American or an illegal who can work circles around us for cheap, what would you do? I feel sorry for them
and wish i could help, hell, i have family there. They risk there lives to come so that they and their children may have a future, they are not the
enemy. We should be helping them somehow.


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I don't think there is anything wrong with immigration itself. However, I do think that if they come here they should make an effort to learn english and not expect everyone else in that state to learn spanish and set up all kinds of special stuff just for them. "Hey theres some illegal mexicans here and they cant understand us. Lets pay tons of money to have everything in english and spanish, and encourage them to keep speaking spanish when they are in an english place". I think thats rediculous. Like intruder said, take the crutch from them and they will have to learn english. Then after the current wave of them learn it, they're children will grow up speaking english, and others coming from across the border will know what to expect, blah blah blah.

Not making a judement of character, they are hard working ppl. However I just don't feel that its right for them to come here and expect everyone to bend over backwards for them.


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yeah I agree that basically it is our governments fault. Take all the money from the Iraq war, and funnel it to sweet programs like education, border police, healthcare etc...and our country would be damn cool. (well maybe not all the money, some would have to pay off the damn debt) :rock


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Re: RE: Illegal Imigration:

Favilicious said:
Look, i'm Mexican-American but, i also feel there must be a more
efficient and solid immigration program, I know why they come
here to work, to better there lives, you get a few "bad apples" with
the bunch but most are honest and hardworking, its when the system
fails them that they turn to crime, just like eveyone else! My Father
was born in a shed outside Mexico City, came here, married, and now
wears a suite and tie to work, after ofcourse working hard long shifts welding in an unsafe environment to raise his family., and going to school
part time to earn a high school diploma. He then went on to College at University of Michigan! for a degree. Not everyone is born into this
world with everything given to him/her, like most of us Americans.
If you had the choice to hire a lazy American or an illegal who can work circles around us for cheap, what would you do? I feel sorry for them
and wish i could help, hell, i have family there. They risk there lives to come so that they and their children may have a future, they are not the
enemy. We should be helping them somehow.

Everything you said is absolutely correct, and I agree with you 100%. However, that is not to say there is not a problem. 3 million people a year estimated at comming over the boarder illegally. That's not a small number. And while they're getting their feet under them, they rely on the people who already live here to support some basic needs. Schools and Hospitals are great examples. The hospitals here in Southern California lose 1 million dollars a month due to illegal imigrants with no health insurance. They are closing their doors left and right. My wife is a school teacher, and the huge influx of illegal students who don't speak english is draging down the learning curve of students who are born here, and who's parents pay for the system.

We do need to help them, but it's not by being a door mat or spring board. We need to help them fix Mexico. The Mexican government is the real problem. With the excellant work ethic, and broad base of natural resources readily availiable, there is ZERO reason why Mexico is not a successful nation. Oil, copper, automotive, electrical, agricultural, tourism, fishing industry, a huge influx of American $$ coming in from family on our side of the fence, etc...... It's discusting that the people of Mexico live in poverty. But the people who run from it for an easier life in America are not helping anything. They're sending money back to Mexico that hurts America and help the Mexian rich get richer, they displace the lower class in America wich hurts us (list shunkated for various reasons).

Ask anybody who knows me, and they'll tell you I'm not big on the dramatics, but I see revolution as being one of the very few viable options for the people to take the country back. Drug manufacturers/runners, and the corrupt government (including government agencies) need to go, and go fast.

That's my opinion anyway.


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One thing I forgot to say, and it's the one that really bothers me the most.

American culture is under attack. And when people try to defend it, we're stomped on by people who say we're not 'sensitive' to other cultures. Well, dang it, this is my country, and it's our culture I love. We're a nation of immigrants, and that's great. But they're supposed to come here because they want to be Americans, and learn our ways. NOT because it's an easier place to live, they can make more money, and we'll have to accept their culture.

I think we're too generous sometimes.


Mrs Behavin

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I agree to the fullest extent that if the "mexicans" come this way, that they should know at least a little English. I work in the ER and it is absouletly ridiculous how many of them come in in a day and not a single one can speak a lick of English. In fact the hospital has had to hire translators to be on call so we could have someone translate what is wrong with them when they come in to be seen. It really gets on my nerves when they come in sick or hurt or whatever and you "try" to talk to them and they just look at you like your stupid because they have no idea what your saying and I dont think thats fair. The hospital is making us take Spanish classes too. Which is a crock of crap! What is funny though is when you get their name, it is like a mile long name!
I do have to admit though that they are very hard workers.


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i dont like it, but they work hard

thats their secret weapon... they work hard, getting our economy up, yet working for cheaper prices.. which in turn boosts corporations somehow along the chain of business (if the business isnt outsourcing)

thats why we gotta learn their language, cuz they work hard


i say send em back then make them take what we make our highschool students take to get into college... the SAT or the ACT... that would prove that they have an understanding about the english language and that they are proficient in speaking english, as well as writing english

i hate illegal immigrants, even ones that speak english....they screw it over for the rest of us who been here all our lives... yet we cant do much about it, cuz they work hard....

fucking damnit

ok, i be done now :D


OTz Original
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they said in like 10 years caucasians will be a minority in america. i totally believe it. that was like over a year ago. with the amount of refuges from africa that came over here and the hispanics. ameicans will be a minority in this country someday. and thats a real shame. and i hate the fact that you can not understand a damn word these mexicans can say. im tired of writing down what i want to say on a piece of paper. but i must say most of them that i ran across are very nice.


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Re: RE: Illegal Imigration:

Haus said:
they said in like 10 years caucasians will be a minority in america. i totally believe it.

Have you been to Miami lately?? What about San Francisco?? How about San Antonio?? We are very quickly becoming the minority.

Heres a very interesting website. It gives you statistics on cities across America. You’d be very surprised how many Hispanics are in our country. Whats scary is that’s just the ones they can estimate….I’d guess the numbers would be MUCH larger.

They are good workers, but that DOES NOT help our economy. Not only does it take jobs away…but has anyone looked at their own paycheck stub lately? Do you see the line that says “federal tax”??? They don’t pay into it which in turn makes us pay more….how about that social security line….they don’t pay that either. But yet, they go to our hospitals, go to our clinics, and use our resources. When they get in trouble with the law all we can do is send them back to Mexico. It doesn’t matter if it were rape or murder, if they do not have a social security number, they have free reign on our county.

I got a DUI a few years ago. Each time I went to court I would sit inside and listen to all of the other cases. I saw dozens of Hispanics that had DUI’s, driving with no license, etc. When the judge would ask them if they have their license now they of course would say no….because they have no green card to get one!!!! They would actually tell the judge that. All the judge would do is dismiss the case. Nothing he could do….had a cop tell me there was nothing they could do. But here I was, other than my misjudgment of driving, I’m a good citizen, I pay taxes, and contribute to the community…..I got 10 days in jail for my DUI. Now I may have deserved what I got….I’m not taking away from that….but they certainly did too.

Its not right and we need to put a stop to it. Enough is enough….we have grown too large to continue to be a melting pot. No more new people….no more citizen classes. We need to quit catering to the world and start worrying about ourselves.


OTz Original
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Re: RE: Illegal Imigration:

CareBear3030 said:
Haus said:
they said in like 10 years caucasians will be a minority in america. i totally believe it.

Have you been to Miami lately?? What about San Francisco?? How about San Antonio?? We are very quickly becoming the minority.

Heres a very interesting website. It gives you statistics on cities across America. You’d be very surprised how many Hispanics are in our country. Whats scary is that’s just the ones they can estimate….I’d guess the numbers would be MUCH larger.

They are good workers, but that DOES NOT help our economy. Not only does it take jobs away…but has anyone looked at their own paycheck stub lately? Do you see the line that says “federal tax”??? They don’t pay into it which in turn makes us pay more….how about that social security line….they don’t pay that either. But yet, they go to our hospitals, go to our clinics, and use our resources. When they get in trouble with the law all we can do is send them back to Mexico. It doesn’t matter if it were rape or murder, if they do not have a social security number, they have free reign on our county.

I got a DUI a few years ago. Each time I went to court I would sit inside and listen to all of the other cases. I saw dozens of Hispanics that had DUI’s, driving with no license, etc. When the judge would ask them if they have their license now they of course would say no….because they have no green card to get one!!!! They would actually tell the judge that. All the judge would do is dismiss the case. Nothing he could do….had a cop tell me there was nothing they could do. But here I was, other than my misjudgment of driving, I’m a good citizen, I pay taxes, and contribute to the community…..I got 10 days in jail for my DUI. Now I may have deserved what I got….I’m not taking away from that….but they certainly did too.

Its not right and we need to put a stop to it. Enough is enough….we have grown too large to continue to be a melting pot. No more new people….no more citizen classes. We need to quit catering to the world and start worrying about ourselves.
i agree 100% but i have never been to those cities. the closest major city im from is philly and its mostly blacks. anoth people taking over america are people from india. they run 7-11's and 6 out of every 10 gas stations in america most likely. its getting pathetic.


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they also competitionally monopolize the taxi industry. they also become plastic surgeons and other surgeons or highpaying medical professions. they send 200k bucks back to india for their family to retire on the spot. then they make profits from there. america is the best nation in the world (as far as quality of life) but foreigners, in their large numbers, will one day take over the world.

the chinese- just got automobiles, they have 1/2 the worlds' population- what if they spark up a new communist revolution? they are in search of "nuclear power" with the wrong hands- the chinese knowledge and commy brainwashing could lead us into a global war we may not be able to win...