Illegal Imigration:

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MikeHawke said:
All you gotta do is get off a plane or a boat and all of a sudden you're a fuckin Canadian.

It's funny how sometimes we can get an idea that is so far from true. I was under the impression that Canada was VERY choosy about who they allowed to become citizens. I know my dad does some work up there from time to time, and if he tells the imigrations guy it's business, he'd better come equiped with a letter from the company he's working for explaining to the Canadian government why a Canadian can't do the same job. I guess he should just apply for citizenship and he could avoid the whole hassle. :dunno LOL

Vfast said:
when they slow down our school system what will they say?

They don't say anything. The few who do say something are stomped into the ground by activists chanting "biggot, and / or racist" :barf
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yeah it's always racial...........we just need a simple motto.."IF YOU CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH GET THE FUCK OUT"


The OG
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Vfast said:
*L*..remember than when you can't open doors and windows and you find a bucket in a closet with shit in it

lol.. They only did the framing and they picked up after themselves :)


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IntruderLS1 said:
MikeHawke said:
All you gotta do is get off a plane or a boat and all of a sudden you're a fuckin Canadian.

It's funny how sometimes we can get an idea that is so far from true. I was under the impression that Canada was VERY choosy about who they allowed to become citizens. I know my dad does some work up there from time to time, and if he tells the imigrations guy it's business, he'd better come equiped with a letter from the company he's working for explaining to the Canadian government why a Canadian can't do the same job. I guess he should just apply for citizenship and he could avoid the whole hassle. :dunno LOL

Vfast said:
when they slow down our school system what will they say?

They don't say anything. The few who do say something are stomped into the ground by activists chanting "biggot, and / or racist" :barf

We only seem to be choosy if you can contribute something. Americans and British people seem to have the most trouble.

BUT - if you have nothing and no skills or anything to're in. No questions asked.

My friend has been a superintendant for the city of Toronto housing authority for many years and his buildings are full of nothing but welfare sucking immigrants. They live better here on welfare than they did in their own country so they have no motivation to get off their asses and work or learn english.....all they do is sit around and complain that we should be giving them more.

Don't even get me started.


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here.........check out this article I just read.

It made me think of this thread.

Visible minorities to surpass 50% in big cities News Staff

Over half the populations of Toronto and Vancouver would be made up of visible minorities in 12 years, according to a Statistics Canada report released Tuesday.

The study is designed to portray the cultural diversity of the Canada's population in 2017 -- the 150th anniversary of Confederation.

Projections show that the vast majority of visible minorities would settle in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal -- Canada's three largest urban areas -- with almost three-quarters residing in those metropolises in 2017.

Nationwide, the study shows that one out of every five people in Canada could be a member of a visible minority by 2017.

Data from past censuses show that between 1996 and 2001, the visible minority population grew at a rate of 25 per cent -- six times faster than the total population which increased at a rate of just four percent over that period.

This represents an increase of between 24 per cent and 65 per cent compared to 2001 levels.

Meanwhile, the non-immigrant population is projected to experience a much more modest growth rate of between four to 12 per cent over the same period.

The most important factor behind the growth rate in the visible minority population is sustained immigration, says the study, titled Population projections in visible minority groups, Canada, provinces and regions.

About 70 per cent of Canada's visible minorities were born outside the country in 2001.

Twelve years from now, Canada's immigrant numbers are expected to reach between 7.0 million and 9.3 million in 2017 and would account for 22 per cent of the population.

Big city breakdown

Toronto's visible minority population would range between 2.8 million and 3.9 million in 2017, and would account for more than half the population of the metropolis.

More than one million of the city's minorities would be South Asian, and more than 735,000 Chinese.

This means more than half of Canada's South Asians and about 40 per cent of Canada's Chinese would be calling Toronto their homes in 2017.

In Vancouver, meanwhile, projections show that the Chinese will make up nearly half of the city's population.

Montreal's visible minority population would continue to feature quite a different ethnic makeup in comparison because of the high number of Blacks and Arabs.

The report shows that Blacks could represent 27 per cent of the city's visible minority population, and Arabs 19 per cent.

The report is the result of a project started in 2004 by the Department of Canadian Heritage's Multiculturalism and Human Rights Program.


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IntruderLS1 said:
That's crazy. LA a few years ago just turned over. It's officially over 50% hispanic now.

20 years ago there were a total of six non whites in all of at least it seemed that way :lol


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Yea well i wonder the last time they Counted Houston for how many mexicans they have ????????? :dunno :dunno


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I live next to NYC, everyone in the whole damn city looks like they came on a boat! O wait they did! :lol :lol


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wow and how long you think that would take >>>>> to me its a shame they come over here and yet we are suppose to learn to speak Spanish ...... cause they dont wont to learn to speak english .... does that make since seeing they moved to our country ???????


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GTron said:
mdvaldosta said:
I read an article last year I think about their being a vote or bill or something to possibly change the "official" language of Miami to Spanish

You've got to be shitting me right?

I found this website not too long ago that gave percentages on all major cities from the high income, to lowest property, highest crime, percentage of what races, and even language.

If I remember right Miami was 98% Spanish speaking. I wish I would have bookmarked that site because now I cant find it.

IMO - its all bull! We have to learn Spanish, pay for their medical bills because they are on welfare, etc etc. What other country anywhere would we be able to force to learn our language. Yes, most countries do speak some english...but do are they required to??? If we spoke as Native Americans, would other countries learn that language....use it in their billboards, and in their welfare line?? NO of course not! It a shame...even here in Cincinnati...when I find a group of people...even a large group that has no idea how to speak English. Although...does anyone else find it weird that they have no problem counting our money!!!


Having way too much fun
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How can anyone here blame the immigrants for all of this? Would you blame the mice for over running the barn when the fat lazy cat just sat there and let it happen? Put youself in the shoes of one of these immigrants, would you try to leave your desolate existance to make a better life for yourself if you could? We make it way too easy for this to happen in this country. It is the fault of our government and their policies. We have no border security.

As far as the language's being Spanish, French, Korean, etc. That's pretty simple. English will never be unavailable for the rest of us, but if we ever want to make sure that all residents can participate in government and contribute to the community, then we have to make sure that all can understand. I do believe that all Americans should know the language. But get real, that isn't reality nor will it be anytime soon. You can't just exclude large groups of people because they don't conform to what you want them to be right away.


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I agree with you for the most part Tim. The fault is in our own system, and I also understand why they come. Hell, I would come here if I were them. My gripe is with the activists and government on this one. They are selling us out IMO. And the immigrants who come here legally, make at least a half hearted effort to learn the language and integrate... I have NO problem with those people. But they are a huge minority of immigrents (at least from our southern boarder).

It's the give-me / give-me attitude I hate the most. Those who think hospital care is free, they think school is free, they think wages aren't taxed, they think they can break a federal law and then snub their noses at the system for racial profiling, and they think it's wrong when natives don't understand wtf they're saying, and they think it's okay to be baby factories and take in welfare for years at a time, and they think it's okay to send currency by the millions out of a prosperous country and cycle it into a system that is designed to take it from the lower class. They think we (native Americans) need to just STFU and let them run things.

My neighbor at my last house immigrated from Mexico as a young man legally. He owns his own business now, and is raising 4 great kids. He forced himself to learn english ASAP, by refusing to allow spanish radio / TV / extended converstion in his home. English or nothing, and he said he and wife learned right away. He didn't start to teach his kids Spanish until after they were already speaking english. Now That's a guy I can respect. I actually really enjoy the company of immigrants. It's always interesting to hear their story. Like I said, it's the crazy activist / greedy types that steam me.


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basicly Tim is saying its the goverments fault for letting it happen.......So we shouldnt blame the mexicans ( are who ever ) cause there aloud to come here .....We are the land of the free ....... SO if any one should be blamed its our GOVERMENT for this .................... is that right Tim :D