I could answer this in two different ways: what I would actually DO if I was dictator, or a simple list of laws I'd like to see.
The former would take ages to think about, so I'll just answer the latter:
Marriage would be the legal domain of any two people who wish to enter into such an arrangement, provided both are of a certain age. Therefore, same sex marriage would be accepted and legally equivalent to heterosexual marriage, and, in some cases, incestuous relationships would also be deemed legal (provided there was no exploitation considered to be involved, and there might also be restrictions on the ability to procreate).
Abortion, in all cases, would be a criminal offence. The morning after pill would no longer be supplied or generally attainable, and penalties for performing an abortion would vary according to the circumstances. Those who performed abortions would be penalised more severely than the women undertaking the procedure, similar to the way drugs are usually dealt with (i.e. dealers being dealt with more severely than users). This would not happen overnight, and there would be a lengthy and comprehensive education campaign to ensure that everyone was aware of these laws before they were enacted.
School education would be funded far more heavily, with an emphasis on Indigenous communities and other disadvantaged areas. There would be stricter rules on how subjects were taught, to ensure that kids actually learnt something (as opposed to today's trends). Home schooling, however, would be completely legalised with a system in place to ensure that the children are actually being taught (e.g., a yearly compulsory test in basic english/maths etc).
Smoking would be banned. Status quo would remain on all other drugs, with stronger restrictions on weed. Dealers would face far heavier penalties than users.
Pornography industries would face tighter restrictions, and would be heavily monitored for concerns of exploitation.
A more progressive tax system would be introduced, whereby those who earn comparatively massive amounts would have to pay significantly more in taxes. This would not, however, occur to the degree that it stifled competition or the desire to rise in the ranks, so to speak. I don't want equality, I want fairness.
Unemployment would be treated pretty much the way it is now, albeit with stronger incentives given to find work.
Laws would be enacted to ensure cars (i.e., those available to the general public) were unable to travel faster than a particular speed (i.e., 120 km/h). I believe such technology has existed for a while, and personally I see no reason for our cars to have the potential to travel at speeds of 180 km/h.
Status quo would be maintained on gun control (that is, Australian status quo - a complete ban, for most practical intents. Hopefully America will follow suit one day).
I would scrap specific laws on racial and religious discrimination, but keep workplace regulations that prevent bullying in general.
I would maintain status quo on immigration when it comes to languages - the ability to speak basic English would be compulsory, or at the very least, programs would be put in place for immigrants to learn English as soon as they entered this country.
On a general level, immigrants from every corner of the globe would be welcomed, but less emphasis would be placed on Australia being a multicultural society, instead immigrants would be encouraged to see themselves as now Australians, and distance themselves from their country of origin.
Religion would be permitted to be practised freely, but it would be illegal for schools to promote it (e.g., through religious education). I would not, however, follow the draconian example of France and elsewhere, where students are not permitted to wear headscarfs or religious paraphernalia to school. Students wearing Jesus t-shirts would be given a good spanking, however (yes, I'm joking).
There would be no 'illegal' political ideologies, and yes, Irving would be allowed to release his stupid book here without fear of being thrown in jail.
Single-sex schools would be strongly encouraged (through financial incentives), or even forced, to integrate.
Hollywood films would not dominate cinemas the way they currently do - instead, screens would be put aside for quality (including foreign-language) cinema, to allow the tastes of the masses to be more cultivated

hopefully my school education system would also somehow generate a real love for art among its students, as opposed to exploding cars.
Newspapers and news programs would be highly monitored for possible bias, or outright lying.
And, in summation, I would want a country that fulfilled the basic idea that everyone should have the ability to be as happy and personally fulfilled as they possibly can be, without wrecking the happiness of others. All these rules, hopefully, would lead to this conclusion.
So, what does everyone think? Who wants to come and live in Davidland?