Please explain this point to me then.
He is NO way talking about the capital that is taxed going to investors who in turn will invest less.
He thinks the tax is an expense on the business which will increase the cost of goods.
Taxes are NEVER figured into the cost of goods. And let me be clear here, we are talking about federal taxes, the ones President Obama is asking to be raised.
A business does not pay taxes on the money used by that business to pay for material or labor. Taxes are NEVER figured into the cost of goods.
He is NO way talking about the capital that is taxed going to investors who in turn will invest less.
I suggest you re-read his posts, because he most certainly did.
Why is that?
Hard work and investing everything back into the company
He is self may want to do your research rather than chant like an angered OWS groupee
That means...TM was claiming anything this businessman invested back into his company was taxed. Taxed either when earned or by distribution as a dividend or capital gains sale.
TM presented Siegel as an owner/investor.
He thinks the tax is an expense on the business which will increase the cost of goods.
Of course it is......didn't you read my post on explaining the relationships of taxation/business models and expected distribution of profits?
Any time distributions are taxed beyond acceptable returns to the investor, the business needs to satisfy the investor or lose financial support in the market arena......and as posted, that directly influences the financial strengths and abilities of a business to function and expand in order to meet investors demands.
These are simple concepts.
Taxes are NEVER figured into the cost of goods.

Obviously some reading comprehension issues.
It's rather simple.....don't satisfy the investor and you're in a world of hurt as a business.
When increased taxes reduce profit distributions, the loss needs to be made up elsewhere to satisfy the owners/'s often called reorganization. That can include downsizing and/or price increases......even going out of business is a possibility when the business model is crap.
And let me be clear here, we are talking about federal taxes, the ones President Obama is asking to be raised.
Never thought otherwise.
A business does not pay taxes on the money used by that business to pay for material or labor.
You are repeating the obvious that I already agree with.......why?
So please explain why he thinks this is so.
Why the hell do I need to explain other than my own comments when you don't explain you're own comments?
But let's go there any way.
TM posted:
From your first post
The threat
"If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company," he wrote. "Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone."
How is this a threat?
It would be no different than saying...if costs go up I am going to have to cut back.
Would you rather have him not let em know...then lay em off later?
He is doing the right thing....he is merely telling them..If Obama gets back in I will have to down size...and some may lose their jobs.
And you followed up with this non sequitur:
Can someone please explain to me how an increase in this guys personal taxes will effect his business?
I love how people will equate a tax increase to not being able to employ more people. The two are NOT connected.
In case no one has pointed out to you.....our economic system is a capitalist model.
You above post is contrary to it.
Confiscation for any reason ...of capital impacts both investor involvement and business models.
How many times do I have to repeat the associations?
You essentially call TM a fool, but you can't grasp the simplest of these issues.
He stated he and his business for a tax increase.
You seriously do not understand how increasing taxes reduces the workforce?
Taxes are an expense ,its an overhead just like other expenses.
The more expenses you have going out the less you have to reinvest back in the business to grow.
Also..due to the added expense one has to charge more for their goods or service which in effect reduces the sales for these goods or services...which means layoff or firing of staff.
You get hit both ways with an increase of taxes.
Taken to extremes as many feel is happening.....TM hit one out of the park with this post.
Sure, he left a lot to be understood, but perhaps he thought he was conferring with people intelligent enough to understand those relationships with out spelling them out in detail?
Go Ask Him.
Taxes are an expense ,its an overhead just like other expenses.
Indeed.......the result is called net profit and that's what dividends distributions to the owners reflect.
It's ludicrous to believe owners can arbitrarily absorb any and all tax increases on those profits (distributions)with out there being pressure on the company to perform better. And again, for those of weak memories......that relates to possibilities including restructuring that leads to workforce reduction .....and or price increases for goods and services.