if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to be

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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

You think man is an error? You are insanely mistaken on your facts. How are the innovations of mankind a detriment to the world? We abuse resources and other lifeforms- that means were are superior to them and we have excelled above their level to manipulate them. Man has excelled much farther than any other lifeform on earth
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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

This is the whole reason that we have religion. Man thinks he is better than the other animals & therefore must have a purpose, must have been brought into being for a reason, otherwise why else are we here & if we are here for a reason then someone must have put us here, hence Gods & religions.

The truth is that the dinosaurs were one of the most successful large species (200 million years or so) & were it not for that rock that hit the earth 65 million years ago may still be around today. Man only evolved through accidents & timely extinctions, the same as every other animal alive today.

You think we are better builders than other animals - look at termites, their mounds are truly awesome. Ants are much stronger than we are, Octopus' may have the most advanced brain on the planet - their ability to alter their colour & blend in with the surroundings is unsurpassed. Rodents & some birds have memories that are far superior than ours - they remember where they buried their nuts each winter, some up to several thousand.

We abuse resources and other lifeforms- that means were are superior to them and we have excelled above their level to manipulate them

Some of the most successful farmers on this planet are insects. Ants raise & care for Aphids in exchange for a sweet nectar produced by the Aphids & have been doing this for hundreds of millions of years.

We definitely have the largest ego of all animals on this planet, if that's anything to boast about.



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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

How many other lifeforms on earth have endeavored into and understand the inconsistency of the limits of space? How many other lifeforms on earth have mathematical formulas explaining the origins of the universe that just so happen to break down just moments before creation began? How many other lifeforms on earth know as much as we do and find security in faith of allowing a guiding force (be it mechanical, physical, or god-like) set of the creation of the universe? How many other lifeforms on earth even contemplate the origins?

The fact is mankind is superior to all other lifeforms on earth.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.
- Mark Twain


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

We are elements of the Earth. She is our Mother, Respect Her.
God is our Father. He breathed life into us and gave us a Soul. Fear Him and respect his children.
When we die our bodies return to Mother Earth. We are dust. Our Souls return to the Father. He rewards us or destroys us.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

The fact is mankind is superior to all other lifeforms on earth.

I guess that we need to accept that our idea of superiority is different. For me the more superior lifeform is the one that ensures it's own species survival & therfore, as a species, is the one that survives the longest.

All this advanced mathematics & physics is a great hobby but is not necessary for a species to survive, nor does it show superiority.

Superior (One Look Dictionary)

noun: one of greater rank or station or quality
adjective: of or characteristic of high rank or importance

As a noun or adjective we need to look at purpose because quality is defined as "fit for purpose".

The purpose of a runner in a race is to finish first, whereas the purpose of a rocket scientist is to design rockets. If both of these people do their jobs well, then neither is superior to the other although one may well be smarter than the other.

If the role of a species is to ensure it's own survival then man is definitely not superior as we are destroying our environment, but if the role of a species is to come up with complex mathematical equations & to question it's origins then, yes, we are number 1.



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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

sharpies said:
The fact is mankind is superior to all other lifeforms on earth.

If the role of a species is to ensure it's own survival then man is definitely not superior as we are destroying our environment, but if the role of a species is to come up with complex mathematical equations & to question it's origins then, yes, we are number 1.

Using your logic...

Through medicine we have ensured mankind will survive and will live longer more prosperous lives. It's a proven trend. Look at the average ages on man over history. I have yet to see or hear of another lifeform do this.

Why have certain species become endangered or expired from this earth? Because they have failed to ensure their existance on this planet. You may put the blame on humans, but humans are only doing what we feel right to ensure a longer life for ourselves first and foremost. Now according to your logic and definition of superiority, one must conclude that humans ARE superior based on the fact that we are outliving other species. If the others were superior then they would dictate the way this world functioned and their survival would be #1 on the priority list. However, we all know that is not the case as we humans are at the top of the food chain.

We may be destroying other species environments; however, we are creating better environments for our species - which ensures our species survival.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

Actually the use of medicine is a not a great example for pro species, but a great example for pro individual - because you are correct, we have manufactured medicines which we have used to prolong individual human life, but on the other side prolonging individual lives is not very good for the species, probably quite harmful in many ways.

(Note: I am about to be quite callous here, please do not take offence.)

Keeping people alive longer uses more resources than they can produce. An 85 year old alzhiemers patient can have a peaceful & comfortable life, which as an individual is his right, but as a species it is draining. Saving the lives of children born with massive birth deformities is great for the individual but again as a species it is questionable that it aids it's chances for continuation.

There is also the question of the human gene pool. Modern medicines are allowing individuals with genetic diseases to survive & therefore weaken the gene pool.

Thirdly throughout history we have created stronger & stronger medicines & chemicals to fight off bacteria & insects, in the process these bacteria & insects have become stronger & stonger, but worse than that is the damage that many of these chemicals, & medicines, are causing our environment. We eat food which is covered in insect killing chemicals.

...but humans are only doing what we feel right to ensure a longer life for ourselves first and foremost.

You hit the nail on the head here. This is what makes us the most selfish species on earth but, again, not the most superior.

Please note that while I do believe what I have written above is true, it does not mean that I condone action against said individuals. I have stated before that I believe that the only thing we have in this life is our life & that, as individuals we should hold on to every moment & live life to the fullest. This does not make me a hypocrite, just a human.



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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

So in your opinion, what is the dominating species?


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

I don't think that there is a "dominating" species. If you look at what I believe is the reason for life - to survive & reproduce - then all the animals that have ever lived have passed the test of life, to a point.

Most animals are extinct through no fault of their own (we may be the first) but some left behind a legacy. Dinosaurs died out but birds are alive & well, & they are directly descended from them.

In all honestly the most successful species is bacteria. They were amongst the first species to evolve & have a hand in all living things - without them no animal, or plant, on Earth could survive. This does not make them superior though.

I think that one of the by products of intelligence & self awareness is an ego & religion may well be a natural progression for intelligent beings that allows us to stroke our own egos.

It is difficult to accept that there is no great design or plan - it took me many years.



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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

I think the core difference between us and all other living creatures is that we yearn for the meaning in life. This is why we devote so much of our time to philosophy, theology and ethics.

With this in mind, think about religion and when it was started. It was in our infancy as a race when we were looking for answers, answers that were not easily obtained because of a lack of knowedge of the physical world.
Take for example rain. Rain was once beleived to fall from the sky as a gift from God. Today we know that this is not the case, but to our ancestors there wasn't a better explanation because they lacked the science to know better. It is this lack of answers to physical science and to deep and philosophical questions that has lead man to embrace the thought of a greater power and a plan.
Remember, religion wasn't born in a day. It took many generations of passed down stories that over the years somehow became fact.

But this is just my view on this... I may be wrong, and I always enjoy debate on the subject.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

Totally with you Tim.

There is little doubt that as a species we crave answers. We are extremely creative, in the ways that we have explained away the everyday, normal events. If things went well, we rejoiced but if things went bad we found something, or someone to blame (Witch trials are a classic example). Nowadays we have reasonable explanations for a lot of things & yet many still can't accept that these things happen without a god.
