RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b
Actually the use of medicine is a not a great example for pro species, but a great example for pro individual - because you are correct, we have manufactured medicines which we have used to prolong individual human life, but on the other side prolonging individual lives is not very good for the species, probably quite harmful in many ways.
(Note: I am about to be quite callous here, please do not take offence.)
Keeping people alive longer uses more resources than they can produce. An 85 year old alzhiemers patient can have a peaceful & comfortable life, which as an individual is his right, but as a species it is draining. Saving the lives of children born with massive birth deformities is great for the individual but again as a species it is questionable that it aids it's chances for continuation.
There is also the question of the human gene pool. Modern medicines are allowing individuals with genetic diseases to survive & therefore weaken the gene pool.
Thirdly throughout history we have created stronger & stronger medicines & chemicals to fight off bacteria & insects, in the process these bacteria & insects have become stronger & stonger, but worse than that is the damage that many of these chemicals, & medicines, are causing our environment. We eat food which is covered in insect killing chemicals.
...but humans are only doing what we feel right to ensure a longer life for ourselves first and foremost.
You hit the nail on the head here. This is what makes us the most selfish species on earth but, again, not the most superior.
Please note that while I do believe what I have written above is true, it does not mean that I condone action against said individuals. I have stated before that I believe that the only thing we have in this life is our life & that, as individuals we should hold on to every moment & live life to the fullest. This does not make me a hypocrite, just a human.