if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to be

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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

lemon said:
my secondary goal is to achieve the primary goal, without bothering too many people. people who can snap their fingers and ill be having a front row seat in some alley dumpster people. :eek:wned

That probably isnt too far off anyways
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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

Using your logic we can assume that if everything you say is stupid and gay, then you must be stupid and gay...hmmm...

No but really, when we get right down to it, God has a plan for us all, and whether you think he is good or evil or whatnot, it doesn't really matter because at the end of your life, you're either with him or against him, and if you're against them then who cares because I won't be the one begging for someone to piss in my mouth because I'm in a boiling lake crying out for some refresing liquid to cool me down...unlike yourself. :eek:wned


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

well, since i dont believe that, it wont happen. enjoy your day.



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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

lemon said:
Blackwater_GT said:
Humankind (Men and Women) will always question the Validity of God.
The balancing of Good and Evil would be perfection, Thats just my opinion.
What do we really know about God?

only what other men and women tell us... :tard

Read and listen to what is in the Bible, but follow your Heart. Read about other cultures and learn about there views on God.


Having way too much fun
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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

Lemon, I like your line of reasoning... still needs refinement, but it's in the right ball park.
I have for many years had logical questions about the bible. When I would question the preacher or elder in the church, I would always get the same answer... "faith, you have to have faith" Well that doesn't satisfy my need for knowledge.

Question I have had:
1. If creation happened in 6 days, then where do the dinosaurs fit into the picture?
2. If God is "Just" and "Fair" then why would he impose an eternity of suffering in a lake of fire for not believing in him? Can you even grasp the concept of eternity? How does that punishment even come close to being just?
3. If God is Onipotent (All knowing) then he knows every choice I will make, he knows my future, meaning, you cannot change the path of a life to which there is a known conclusion... mine. This means it is not my free will to believe in him or to deny his existance since he already knew the outcome. If I were to change my path which would in turn change my future, then he didn't truely know my future and he would have been wrong... which isn't possible for an onipotent god.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

RecklesTim said:
1. If creation happened in 6 days, then where do the dinosaurs fit into the picture?

from another thread:

Israeli Physicist Gerald Schroeder said:
Each of the six days in Schroeder's Genesis actually takes a different length of earth time. The duration D, in earth days, of each cosmic day t is calculated from the formula D = (Ao/L)exp(-Lt), where Ao = 4x1012 (the ratio of the frequencies of the cosmic microwave background at quark confinement compared to now) and L = 0.693 (natural log of 2). More simply, cosmic day one is 8 billion earth years long and you divide by two to get the duration of each succeeding cosmic day.

Cosmic day one starts 15.75 billion earth years ago and covers the creation of the universe, the "breaking free" of light as electrons bind to atomic nuclei, and the beginning of galaxy formation. This is described in Gen. 1:1-5 as the creation followed by light separating from the darkness.

Cosmic day two starts 7.75 billion earth years ago and lasts four billion earth years. During this period the stars and galaxies are born. This corresponds to Gen. 1:6-8, the formation of the heavenly firmament.

Cosmic day three starts 3.75 billion earth years ago. During two billion earth years, the earth cools, water appears, and the first life forms appear. In Gen. 1:9-13, vegetation first appears during the third day.

Cosmic day four starts 1.75 billion earth years ago and lasts a billion earth years. The earth's atmosphere becomes transparent and photosynthesis produces an oxygen-rich atmosphere. Schroeder says that this corresponds to Gen. 1:14-19 when "the Sun, Moon, and stars become visible in the heavens" (67).

Cosmic day five starts 750 million earth years ago and lasts 500 million earth years. During this period, the first multicellular animals appear and the oceans swarm with life. Gen. 1:20-23 says the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures and "birds fly above the earth" (94).

Cosmic day six starts 250 million years ago and ends at the time of Adam. During this period we have a massive extinction in which 90 percent of life is destroyed and then repopulated with humanoids and humans. This, Schroeder says, corresponds to what is described in Gen. 1:24-31.

Technically, Schroeder's formula gives the present as the end of the sixth day. However, it could just as well have ended a few thousand years ago and not affect the rest of the calculation where things are rounded off at hundreds of millions of years. Schroeder argues that after the six cosmic days of creation, Genesis switches its focus over to humanity and starts measuring time in human terms. The rest of the Bible concerns itself with the 6,000 earth years since Adam and Eve, estimated from the Bible in Bishop Ussher fashion.

i have done a lot of research on the timing of god in the first 5 books of the bible... and:

RecklessTim said:
2. If God is "Just" and "Fair" then why would he impose an eternity of suffering in a lake of fire for not believing in him? Can you even grasp the concept of eternity? How does that punishment even come close to being just?
3. If God is Onipotent (All knowing) then he knows every choice I will make, he knows my future, meaning, you cannot change the path of a life to which there is a known conclusion... mine. This means it is not my free will to believe in him or to deny his existance since he already knew the outcome. If I were to change my path which would in turn change my future, then he didn't truely know my future and he would have been wrong... which isn't possible for an onipotent god.

is why i claim to be agnostic.


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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

Tonedeaf said:
lemon said:
well, since i dont believe that, it wont happen. enjoy your day.


I'm sure you have begged for piss before.

wtf are you talking about

you are gay arent you :dunno


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

heres my theory and if you dont agree with it i could really care less

I do not think it is God's responsibility to look after my well being. He gave me life and it is up to me to make my own choices and create my own path. The only person I really should be depending on is myself. So for those that say "how could God let this happen to me?" I think that is a pointless cop out.

It is natural human behavior to point fingers when things do not go your way. And I have seen people who have turned their back on the Lord because something has happened to them that they do not like. I think some assume just because they believe in the Lord that is their protection from the harms in life. Thats not how it works, nothing in life is gauranteed. The key is to make the best out of the cards you have been dealt so if you "blame" God for your misfortunes you are not doing a very good job of dealing with your hand.

Personally, out of all I went through I almost gave up on God plenty of times. I have been surrounded by my share of drug, alcohol abuse, sickness, and death. But I realized its not God's fault for anything that is happening to me.

Some say that they cannot beleive in God because it cant be determined if he exists, thats why it is called having faith. People need some sort of faith in something in order to keep themselves in a positive state of mind. You don't go into a relationship knowing how it is going to turn out, you just have faith that things will turn out ok. You don't work a job for years and assume you will be there forever, you just have faith that you will keep your job. Alot of things in life can not be determined by a logic without doubt yet people still believe it. And that is how the belief in the Lord works.


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

here is why i am agnostic and not atheist:

if the universe was a random creation in the big bang, we have no purpose and life itself has no purpose. to explain a purpose in life and in matter, a force (either advertant or inadvertant) had to set forth some notion to spark the beginning, and that force is called god


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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

AtlanticBlue99 said:
here is why i am agnostic and not atheist:

if the universe was a random creation in the big bang, we have no purpose and life itself has no purpose. to explain a purpose in life and in matter, a force (either advertant or inadvertant) had to set forth some notion to spark the beginning, and that force is called god

Who says there's a purpose to life?

Mrs Behavin

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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

SloMoFo said:
heres my theory and if you dont agree with it i could really care less

I do not think it is God's responsibility to look after my well being. He gave me life and it is up to me to make my own choices and create my own path. The only person I really should be depending on is myself. So for those that say "how could God let this happen to me?" I think that is a pointless cop out.

It is natural human behavior to point fingers when things do not go your way. And I have seen people who have turned their back on the Lord because something has happened to them that they do not like. I think some assume just because they believe in the Lord that is their protection from the harms in life. Thats not how it works, nothing in life is gauranteed. The key is to make the best out of the cards you have been dealt so if you "blame" God for your misfortunes you are not doing a very good job of dealing with your hand.

Personally, out of all I went through I almost gave up on God plenty of times. I have been surrounded by my share of drug, alcohol abuse, sickness, and death. But I realized its not God's fault for anything that is happening to me.

Some say that they cannot beleive in God because it cant be determined if he exists, thats why it is called having faith. People need some sort of faith in something in order to keep themselves in a positive state of mind. You don't go into a relationship knowing how it is going to turn out, you just have faith that things will turn out ok. You don't work a job for years and assume you will be there forever, you just have faith that you will keep your job. Alot of things in life can not be determined by a logic without doubt yet people still believe it. And that is how the belief in the Lord works.



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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

dt3 said:
AtlanticBlue99 said:
here is why i am agnostic and not atheist:

if the universe was a random creation in the big bang, we have no purpose and life itself has no purpose. to explain a purpose in life and in matter, a force (either advertant or inadvertant) had to set forth some notion to spark the beginning, and that force is called god

Who says there's a purpose to life?

If there was no purpose, explain why we are here...


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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

AtlanticBlue99 said:
dt3 said:
AtlanticBlue99 said:
here is why i am agnostic and not atheist:

if the universe was a random creation in the big bang, we have no purpose and life itself has no purpose. to explain a purpose in life and in matter, a force (either advertant or inadvertant) had to set forth some notion to spark the beginning, and that force is called god

Who says there's a purpose to life?

If there was no purpose, explain why we are here...

Explaining why we're here would be giving life a purpose, wouldn't it?


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Re: RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up

dt3 said:
AtlanticBlue99 said:
dt3 said:
AtlanticBlue99 said:
here is why i am agnostic and not atheist:

if the universe was a random creation in the big bang, we have no purpose and life itself has no purpose. to explain a purpose in life and in matter, a force (either advertant or inadvertant) had to set forth some notion to spark the beginning, and that force is called god

Who says there's a purpose to life?

If there was no purpose, explain why we are here...

Explaining why we're here would be giving life a purpose, wouldn't it?

Exactly, so if you can explain why we are here without giving life a purpose, life still has a purpose...


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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

Of course life has a purpose. I shall even tell you what it is.

The purpose of live is to do everything possible to ensure the continuation of life.

Purely & simply life is about propagation, having children, laying eggs, dropping seeds... etc.

What you guys are actually trying to discuss is what is the purpose of MAN (& I obviously include WOMAN here). It is highly unlikely that there is a purpose for MAN that is different from that of any other living thing.

There you go, problem solved - now roll over & go to sleep.




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RE: if god is real, he is not all that he is chalked up to b

What is it about man that makes you think he is better than all the other animals?

We kill our own for fun, profit, food..etc.
We overfeed off our environment.
We damage our own, & only, environment.
We are breeding at a rate that will lead to enormous problems in the next couple of hundred years - unless of course there is some great disaster that wipes out enough of us.
We create tools (read weapons) & engineer other lifeforms (read virus' & bacteria), usually to our detriment.

If these are your definition of man excelling - then maybe we need to rethink the definition of the word.

Oh yeah, you could try the "we love our children & family" route but that is a trait we share with most mammals.

What about the "we are self aware" route - that won't work either as it has now been shown that some primate species are also self aware. Besides that based on the comments above it would appear that being self aware may actually be a disadvantage to the rest of the animal & plant kingdom as we belive that we own the whole world whereas most species are happy with their own small piece of turf.

Sorry but I think that man may well be one of evolutions greatest errors but I also believe that once we are gone the earth will recover fairly quickly.

I'm still not advocating genocide as I am a human & I want my species to continue but not at any cost. We need to tread very carefully.
