Interesting and massively incorrect points you both raised there. Let's have a look.
Says the deluded man...
If you had any idea what a socialist society might look like, you'd know that yes, even Portugal is NOT a socialist country. Socialism, for a start, demands direct democracy, which Portugal does not have. Socialism can not exist with a private banking industry, which Portugal has. Socialism also cannot exist with any privately owned means of production, which Portugal has. From your right-wing perspective, sure, countries in Europe may have socialist leanings, but that does not make them socialist countries.
Socialism light is still socialism. Its no bragging point to say you started down the path to hell but haven't finished yet.
Well it's not actually. If you think about it, the freedom you so desperately grasp onto isn't freedom at all because you cannot have freedom without equality. When there isn't equality, there's subjugation, something which capitalism relies on entirely. Libertarian socialism is based on the belief that humans can only be free when they're completely equal. The governing structure in a Libertarian Socialist society is the people themselves. Is that not what you're after? Less government? You seem very confused - you hate the very governmental systems you think are absolutely necessary.
You can never have 100% equality. Some people will always be smarter, stronger, better looking, or more capable giving them an advantage preventing true equality like you're talking about.
All you can strive for is equality UNDER THE LAW and ensure everyone's rights to life, liberty and property are protected equally.
The only gov't I hate is the overreaching, over bearing oppressive type. Gov't has one, singular legitimate purpose, the protection of the base rights of the individual, namely life, liberty and property. Not redistributionism to ensure "equality of outcome."
The governing structure is the people? Gimme a break. That little utopian idea of everyone playing nice for the greater good works great on the scale of a small village where social pressures can keep people toeing the line. Nobody in the history of the world has been able to get it to scale beyond that though. It always devolves into an authoritarian state because the only way you can get large groups of people to toe the line is to threaten to kill them, and even thats not 100% effective.
Not at all. Social awareness brought in those changes, and that social awareness came from the leftists, not from the conservatives. Conservatism is primarily concerned with conserving things as they are. The individual had no power, it was when they united that the power came.
Still delusional I see. If anything "social awareness" has served to tear down the success and opportunity for advancment that rights and primacy of the individual have allowed. The mechanisms implemented by "social awareness" are part and parcel designed to keep people exactly where they start in life. Thats why fewer people ever change income quintiles in Europe and of the one's that do, an even smaller percentage go up, the majority go down. The station in life you're born to is where you'll die. In contrast, here in the US, people move in income brackets all the time and we typically have more moving up than moving down.
You guys were still a bunch of SUBJECTS (not citizens but SUBJECTS) to a king when we took the ideas that the likes of John Locke and others had brought out of antiquity and actually implemented them. With the primacy of the state and society, there is very little incentive for any individual to use their own brains, innovation and hard work to advance anything at all. The enlightenment and the focus on the individual changed that such that individuals had incentive for advancement as they could themselves benefit without the state confiscating the fruits of their labor wholesale.
Socialists had ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with that as socialism turns that relationship on its head and gives the state primacy again.
Far from it. Socialism is a philosophy based entirely on reason. If you knew anything, you'd know that it has it's roots in the Enlightenment. It's conservatism that has no grounds in reason, in fact, it flies in the face of reason. Conservatism is based on conserving traditional practices. In other words, it's anti progression. So by taking that to it's logical conclusion, if our ancestors were all conservatives we would still be in a feudal situation, subjugated to unelected rulers.
Maybe in your ass backwards world, but not the real one. Socialism/modern liberalism is based on flawed reasoning that everybody can be convinced to play nice together for the good of all, which goes against the very nature of human beings.
I seriously love you're whacked out ideas of what modern conservatism is. Modern conservatism started out its life as classical liberalism, the movement that fought tooth and nail against things like feudalism and fought for the rights of man. The founders of the US were all classical liberals as am I, as are many many people.
Modern liberals/socialists are the intellectual descendents of the monarchists, continually trying to find a way to return to the quid pro quo of the primacy of the state. Everybody works for the state and the state provides, just like everybody used to work for the manor lord and the manor lord provided for their well being, at least in theory. Its exceedingly sad that a group so far divorced from the ideas of the enlightenment continually trys to claim it as their own. I suppose thats the only way you can hope to achieve even a minimum amount of legitimacy.
Everyone else's money? What on Earth?!!! Beyond hilarious!
The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money.
Well progress would mean moving forward with change. That's the same for anyone. As for subjugated, socialism wouldn't be an authoritarian regime, it would be a system built by the citizens, controlled by the citizens, subjugated to no one.
Tyranny of the majority is no better than tyranny by an individual. If everyone is not on board 100%, then you are subjugating someone. Thats where socialism inevitably fails, you can't get everyone to cooperate so you end up threatening and killing people to keep them in line.
Out of interest, would you rather than be subjugated (which we all are in one way or another) by a government and a civil system you choose and run, or by private interests, who see you as nothing more than a slave?
Neither, I want small limited gov't that protects my rights as an individual to life, liberty and property and otherwise lets people do with their private interests as they will. If you can't break a gov't action down to protecting one of the three, then it is not for gov't to do. And the right to life, only prohibits the active taking of life, is does not require the gov't to infringe upon the property rights of others to provide you with life.
But when most people have social leanings, why would we need to go form communes? In Europe, and the US, portions of socialist thought have been included into our systems because the people want it that way.
Oh, maybe, because most is not all and you're amorally infringing upon the rights of those people who disagree in forcing them at gunpoint to pay into you're little socialist utopias.
Conservatives are a dying breed my friend. It's the conservatives that will have to leave and go form their own little capitialist societies where they can enjoy their inequality in their exploitative system.
Exploitive system? JFC gimme a break the more you talk the more like a ridiculous stereotype you sound.
Let me give you a hint as to why the socialists need to leave.
In the system I want, the gov't leaves us all alone, you can go do you're socialist thing, and I can go do my free market capitalist thing, nobody bothers either of us and we're both happy. My system is libertarian and allows all sorts of variety in how people live their lives.
In the system you want, I have nowhere to go. The gov't doesn't leave me alone, in fact it forces me into your system. If I try and resist and not participate, they will in fact send men with guns to kill me. You're system is inherently authoritarian and forces everyone to live the same type of life.
Do you see that? Do you get that simple explanation or do I have to break it down more?