I also feel that making profits at the expense of peoples health is morally wrong.
Those scumbag insurers making money off assuming our health risks. Next thing you know those evil farmers will be charging for life giving food and the utility company will make you pay for water. Is there no end to the madness? :sarcasm
Firstly, you repeat the fallacy that denial of payment does not = a death sentence. If you're an average working person, where will you raise the money for a serious operation, or years of expensive medication?
Seriously? Do you honestly equate refusal of payment with unavailability of service? That is easily the biggest false equivalency I've ever seen.
The only entity that can deny you care is the provider and insurance companies are NOT providers.
If they refuse payment they are simply following the bounds of the contractual assignment of risk which YOU agreed to.
And as I've repeated MANY MANY MANY times, for expensive procedures, payment plans are provided. If you're too poor to afford medication, then we already have a program for that called Medicaid and on top of that, nearly every major Pharma company, has programs of their own to provide free medications for those who can't afford it.
My wife is a Dr. and sends the indigent down both pathways for medications.
The govt does indeed have the upperhand. We look at this very differently I think. I'm happy to pay my govt to run the things I need. I do not trust private, profit driven enterprise to do the same, not when it comes to issues like my life.
And I REALLY don't trust the gov't who lacks even the profit incentive to operate effectively.
Ok so you're system doesn't have any rationing in it? What about all those poor sods who die? Are they not being rationed out of existance?
I'd dare you to try and prove that they die for lack of health CARE, much less a lack of health INSURANCE. Not having someone else to pay your bills will not kill you.
For the truly poor among us, we do provide a certain minimum amount of care, its called Medicaid, so nobody in true need is going without.
On top of that, we provide lifesaving care for those who need it. If you are dying, you can not be denied care, period.
Interesting point though and really highlights the crux of this debate. All this is down to perception of society, government and where you sit inside that. You seem to be viewing your existence as an island. Unfortunately that just simply isn't the case. As a member of society, which there is no escaping the fact that you are a member, you have obligations, just as society has obligations to you.
What simply doesn't exist is my "obligation to society" as it relates to health care. Thats a bullshit statist idea cooked up by a bunch of socialists to justify pounding the individual into submission to build their utopia.
The ONLY obligation the individual has to society, is to refrain from infringing upon the liberties of other individuals in that society. My refusal to buy into your socialist statist ideas is not infringing upon anyones liberties. Far from it, its preserving them.
What has universal healthcare got to do with socialism?!! Is the UK socialist? Germany? Austria? France? No, not one of them!
Uh, duh, if you practice socialist principles then yeah you are.
I've never understood why so many socialists don't like being called that. At least be proud of the fact that you want to
No, not 100% agreement, but pretty close. Even hardened conservatives understand the necessity for universal healthcare, it's a no brainer for the far majority of the country. It isn't a partisan issue in most countries you see. There are private options available for those with the means and desire to purchase them.
All that shows is just how far off the left wing deep end so much of the rest of the world is.
So you readily admit to forcing some people into a system they don't want at gunpoint? Thats certainly not something I would be proud of.
Private options? I guess thats why the UK NHS cuts people the fuck off if they dare to go buy care on their own.
Another great reason why you should stick with your privately run schemes! Love those rising premiums and lowering care levels!
Again, you confuse health CARE with health INSURANCE. The fact that my INSURANCE goes up or pays less does NOT chance the level and quality of health CARE that I get. I may have to pay more out of pocket, but I still get the same CARE.
Nothing ignorant about it. I understand that in the US bigger is better, buy buy buy etc but really? You wouldn't want to cut your nation's health expenditure in half by cutting out the middle men?
JFC, I don't know how many times I have to prove that its NOT the fucking insurance companies driving up the amount we spend.
The one and ONLY way we're going to cut our spending on health care, is if we start cramming down the actual PROVIDERS, at which point we stifle innovation, and guess what, its our $$$ here in the US that fuels the medical innovations used all over the world.
And furthermore, get everyone health coverage at the same time? It seems more than absurd and arrogant to just say "this is america, we buy more" as a good reason for complete and utter fiscal lunacy. And incredibly unsympathetic to all those unable to exert your financial confidence.
Its absolutely NONE of anyone's fucking business how much we as indviduals spend on ANYTHING.
I'm so sorry that your socialist "utopias" have stifled economic growth to the point that you simply can't spend what we spend in any one area, much less all areas, and have to resort to equally providing inadequate piss poor care to everyone, but thats no reason to try and tear down our system that provides the absolute best care in the world.
There's a reason that the people with the means, fly from all over the world, including your socialist utopias in Europe, to the US to get the BEST care.
What this all boils down to is whether or not you want to help your fellow man. I for one would hate to think that anybody would die in my country for lack of health cover. What would that say about me if I were to tolerate that?
What it boils down to is a bunch of bleeding hearts who want to force me to help at gunpoint to the detriment of our free society and everyone in it.
It would say you're a rational human being that realizes that making people dependent on others is not the way to help them in any way shape or form.
Does it not bother you at all that a) so many people die unnecessarily and b) it could easily be solved, and most people want it to be solved? [/quote]
The same stupid "all those poor people are dying" argument. Just as untrue as it was earlier in your post.
People do want it solved but not by gov't takeover. Most of us want the gov't to get OUT of our lives, not more into it.
I have followed this debate with huge interest, read all the lies and propaganda spurted from both sides. I dont' know if a universal system will work in the US. It works in most other developed nations, with bugs to iron out of course, but it's there and I think it's something for you all to look forward to, not run away from.
It works in a piss poor and half ass manner and only works as well as it does because you can piggy back off the medical innovations our dollars buy.