Homosexuality to you.

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Well, maybe not homophobic but I think its a bit silly if a person gets the "oogies" from seeing two men sharing a kiss.

I can't help it if it makes a little vurp happen to some people. Its ok for you to feel the way you do, so you should respect the way others feel about it as well.
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Peter Parka

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Seeing I have no problem with spiders, I can't understand people who are fearful of them and go into hysterics at the sight of one but I wouldn't call them silly because its something they cant help.

Peter Parka

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Sorry AEF but I expected better from you unless this is some joke I dont get. Sorry, but no, I really can't help not liking the sight of two men kissing. Sorry if your brain cant handle this simple fact because it goes against what you believe.

All Else Failed

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Sorry AEF but I expected better from you unless this is some joke I dont get. Sorry, but no, I really can't help not liking the sight of two men kissing. Sorry if your brain cant handle this simple fact because it goes against what you believe.
Woah whats with the insults here?

You CAN help it by saying to yourself "ok, two people who love each other are kissing, their gender doesn't matter". Over time it will sink in and it wont be a big deal anymore.

Peter Parka

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Please dont tell me what I can and cant do because you dont know. I cant be bothered anymore with this thread because you are being completely unreasonable by trying to say without even ever having met me that you know me better than I know myself which is a complete load of rubbish and I doubt you will find one person on here either who would believe that either!

All Else Failed

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Well I certainly wasn't expecting this from you. I was just trying to help you understand something?

I'm not saying I know who you are, not at all. I'm just saying that you can get over how you feel about some things if you have the will to do so.


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From an atheistic, ammoral perspective, there is nothing more wrong about homosexuality than heterosexual fornication. One in the same. I wasn't a virgin when I married my wife, so who am I to judge?

Based on that, I have no problem with homosexuals, male or female. To each their own, I say. For those who ascribe to a higher power, there are some very specific moral guidelines governing this. But guess what? Those guidelines are just as strict when it comes to premarital sex, so don't jump on the Bible high horse. Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone. Homosexual sex is just a very specific form of fornication, as far as I'm Biblically concerned, since marraige is a bond between a woman and a man. But no worse than a man and a woman having sex before they're married. Too big of a deal is made of homosexuality in Biblical circles.

What I don't particularly like are the overly militant gays.

"I'M GAY AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!!" Oh, really? So fucking what? Now, the rainbow sticker? Butch hairdos for women? Guys in pink tutus with eyeliner? BFD, I say. I have a Texas flag on my car. Same diff.

But acting like an ass? Or whining about being persecuted? Hey, if you live that lifestyle, fucking live it and get out of everyone else's face. I hold my wife's hand in public. AEF, you wanna hold your boyfriend's hand in public? I think that's great - it's a show of affection. Just don't get militant about it when people look at you funny, because I don't care what you say, the biology, science and evolution that you are so fond of says that it's not natural, so people are going to stare. Get over it.

You want domestic partner benefits? Fine, march for legislation that will allow me to put my elderly mother on my coverage so I can help my two brothers take care of her. Otherwise, STFU.

Well, maybe not homophobic but I think its a bit silly if a person gets the "oogies" from seeing two men sharing a kiss.
In addition, the reason people get "oogies" from two men sharing a kiss is that there is absolutely nothing masculine about it. You strip away the essence of maleness when a passionate kiss occurs between two men. I see my dad, brothers, best friend? We'll share a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek as a show of affection. It's sensitive and loving, yet manly.

Two men in passionate embrace? There is nothing masculine about that, and there's no way to make it masculine. Therefore, "oogies" ensue. If you think that's silly, then you don't really understand masculinity as the essence of maleness.

All Else Failed

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From an atheistic, ammoral perspective, there is nothing more wrong about homosexuality than heterosexual fornication. One in the same. I wasn't a virgin when I married my wife, so who am I to judge?

Based on that, I have no problem with homosexuals, male or female. To each their own, I say. For those who ascribe to a higher power, there are some very specific moral guidelines governing this. But guess what? Those guidelines are just as strict when it comes to premarital sex, so don't jump on the Bible high horse. Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone. Homosexual sex is just a very specific form of fornication, as far as I'm Biblically concerned, since marraige is a bond between a woman and a man. But no worse than a man and a woman having sex before they're married. Too big of a deal is made of homosexuality in Biblical circles.

What I don't particularly like are the overly militant gays.

"I'M GAY AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!!" Oh, really? So fucking what? Now, the rainbow sticker? Butch hairdos for women? Guys in pink tutus with eyeliner? BFD, I say. I have a Texas flag on my car. Same diff.

But acting like an ass? Or whining about being persecuted? Hey, if you live that lifestyle, fucking live it and get out of everyone else's face. I hold my wife's hand in public. Just don't get militant about it when people look at you funny, because I don't care what you say, the biology, science and evolution that you are so fond of says that it's not natural, so people are going to stare. Get over it.

You want domestic partner benefits? Fine, march for legislation that will allow me to put my elderly mother on my coverage so I can help my two brothers take care of her. Otherwise, STFU.

In addition, the reason people get "oogies" from two men sharing a kiss is that there is absolutely nothing masculine about it. You strip away the essence of maleness when a passionate kiss occurs between two men. I see my dad, brothers, best friend? We'll share a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek as a show of affection. It's sensitive and loving, yet manly.

Two men in passionate embrace? There is nothing masculine about that, and there's no way to make it masculine. Therefore, "oogies" ensue. If you think that's silly, then you don't really understand masculinity as the essence of maleness.

Yeah, I'm straight....

I told you not to bring up nature VS nurture, so please try to stay away from those arguments.

I think your masculine argument is a bit odd. Ever hear of the Spartans? The fucked each other. I can promise you they were more masculine than the average guy on the street. But then again, what does to be "masculine" really mean???? A thuggish brute that chops wood?

Peter Parka

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I really dont see homosexuality as a sign of unmanlyness or unnatural, different people have different make ups and different chemicals in their brain which attracts them to different sexes. Thats the scientific fact. Being unnatural and a sign of not being manly is just a load of bullcrap preached in the Bible and by religion.

All Else Failed

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I really dont see homosexuality as a sign of unmanlyness or unnatural, different people have different make ups and different chemicals in their brain which attracts them to different sexes. Thats the scientific fact. Being unnatural and a sign of not being manly is just a load of bullcrap preached in the Bible and by religion.
Fully agreed.

People have to understand what "natural" means. Something that takes place in reality (nature) is considered natural, since it EXISTS naturally in nature, like homosexuality. If something wasn't "natural" it wouldn't exist.


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Yeah, I'm straight....

I told you not to bring up nature VS nurture, so please try to stay away from those arguments.
So when in the heck do I have to start listening to you? :D You're not the boss of me!!! pppbbbttthh! Kiss my booty. Oh, wait. errr, wrong choice of words. :unsure:
It's not natural for a man to stick his cock in another man's cornhole. That's pretty plain. To break it down to it's most basic level, it can be argued that sex as a breeding mechanism is to procreate and further the species. If men only fucked other men, the species would die out in one generation. That's all I'm saying.

I think your masculine argument is a bit odd.
I'm not the least bit surprised by this, as I am sure that you squat when you pee.

Ever hear of the Spartans? The fucked each other. I can promise you they were more masculine than the average guy on the street.
Well, they weren't masculine if they fucked each other. Just a bunch of queers who could chuck a spear.

But then again, what does to be "masculine" really mean???? A thuggish brute that chops wood?
you're so sexy when you overgeneralize, did you know that, you little sexy thang? ;)

masculine - Definitions from Dictionary.com

Urban Dictionary: masculine

It's interpretive, so I'll hand you that. I don't think it's manly to have another man's cock in my mouth. If you choose to differ, it's all part of my live and let live mantra, sausagesmoker. :D :ninja [/humor]

Peter Parka

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I'm also puzzled why a lot of religion is against gays for this reason - If God really did create the world and everything in it, then why did he make some animals instinctively practice homosexuality? Or are they sinners doing it through free will too and are damned to hell as well?

Peter Parka

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To break it down to it's most basic level, it can be argued that sex as a breeding mechanism is to procreate and further the species. If men only fucked other men, the species would die out in one generation. That's all I'm saying.


Oh well, I guess you only ever have sex to get a girl pregnant, never recieve or give oral sex and never masturbate too seeing as you could never procreate that way. As for your other stuff, I find it quite offensive and insulting to certain people and I really would have expected better of someone like you.:eek

All Else Failed

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I'm also puzzled why a lot of religion is against gays for this reason - If God really did create the world and everything in it, then why did he make some animals instinctively practice homosexuality? Or are they sinners doing it through free will too and are damned to hell as well?
Early man, that devised religion, wasn't as tolerant as we are today.

Oh well, I guess you only ever have sex to get a girl pregnant, never recieve or give oral sex and never masturbate too seeing as you could never procreate that way. As for your other stuff, I find it quite offensive and insulting to certain people and I really would have expected better of someone like you.:eek

I have a feeling he is joking. If he's not, then what a terrible waste of braincells.


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jokes, girls. jokes.

sheesh, you big bunch of namby pambys. It's a waste of braincells if someone disagrees with you now? What's that all about?

And for the record, I thought it was at a minimum marginally funny. You two are too uptight about this.

And AEF, you need to get laid brah!