From an atheistic, ammoral perspective, there is nothing more wrong about homosexuality than heterosexual fornication. One in the same. I wasn't a virgin when I married my wife, so who am I to judge?
Based on that, I have no problem with homosexuals, male or female. To each their own, I say. For those who ascribe to a higher power, there are some very specific moral guidelines governing this. But guess what? Those guidelines are just as strict when it comes to premarital sex, so don't jump on the Bible high horse. Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone. Homosexual sex is just a very specific form of fornication, as far as I'm Biblically concerned, since marraige is a bond between a woman and a man. But no worse than a man and a woman having sex before they're married. Too big of a deal is made of homosexuality in Biblical circles.
What I don't particularly like are the overly militant gays.
"I'M GAY AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!!" Oh, really? So fucking what? Now, the rainbow sticker? Butch hairdos for women? Guys in pink tutus with eyeliner? BFD, I say. I have a Texas flag on my car. Same diff.
But acting like an ass? Or whining about being persecuted? Hey, if you live that lifestyle, fucking live it and get out of everyone else's face. I hold my wife's hand in public. AEF, you wanna hold your boyfriend's hand in public? I think that's great - it's a show of affection. Just don't get militant about it when people look at you funny, because I don't care what you say, the biology, science and evolution that you are so fond of says that it's not natural, so people are going to stare. Get over it.
You want domestic partner benefits? Fine, march for legislation that will allow me to put my elderly mother on my coverage so I can help my two brothers take care of her. Otherwise, STFU.
Well, maybe not homophobic but I think its a bit silly if a person gets the "oogies" from seeing two men sharing a kiss.
In addition, the reason people get "oogies" from two men sharing a kiss is that there is absolutely nothing masculine about it. You strip away the essence of maleness when a passionate kiss occurs between two men. I see my dad, brothers, best friend? We'll share a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek as a show of affection. It's sensitive and loving, yet manly.
Two men in passionate embrace? There is nothing masculine about that, and there's no way to make it masculine. Therefore, "oogies" ensue. If you think that's silly, then you don't really understand masculinity as the essence of maleness.