Harry Potter

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Minor Axis

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I haven't read the book in ages, and don't have a copy here, so I don't expect that aspect will be disappointing.

It felt like a filler between the last movie and the climax, just providing some info to keep the story going. And the romantic aspects were definitely not enough to keep it afloat. However I'm finding I really enjoy Rupert Grint! :)


Accidental Bastard
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I haven't read any of the books but I have seen all of the movies, and I enjoyed them all. Except this one. So damn boring. I'm willing to accept a lack of action if the story is cool but I didnt see where this movie did much of anything as far as progressing a storyline. One thing at the end, that was it. And seriously if I pay to see a movie about witchcraft and sorcery it would be nice if they included some kickass witchcraft and sorcery instead of ass-holing around with love potions for 2 damn hours.


Slightly Acidic
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I thought it was solid. Haven't read the books simply because I don't want to see the movies with expectations of what's to come. I'll go back and read them all when the movie series is done.

And watch out for the spoilers, please. Not all of us have read the books and know every twist and death.

The Prospect

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I just saw it Friday night. It wasn't great, I'll give it a 6/10.

There were no awesome scenes, but you could tell it was a movie to set up another movie. Obviously the 7th one.


OTz's Typo Scouser
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I went to the midnight show with a contingent of family. It was great! I was surprised by the number of teary faces I saw afterward. :)

I recommend it! :thumbup
:ninja...tearing faces?...no no don't tell me...i'm going tomorrow with my son, mum and husband.

Took my girl to see it tonight, Just got back, It wasnt bad, Better then the 5th, and Way better then the 3rd which was a complete dissapointment.
so far i am liking what i am reading from each of you.:thumbup

It seemed it was geared to the teenage hormone riddled stuff for one thing. .
....ew...see i didn't like the last two when it came down to the teenage homones stuff...that just completely bored me, so...:yuk

I haven't read any of the books but I have seen all of the movies, and I enjoyed them all. Except this one. So damn boring. I'm willing to accept a lack of action if the story is cool but I didnt see where this movie did much of anything as far as progressing a storyline. One thing at the end, that was it. And seriously if I pay to see a movie about witchcraft and sorcery it would be nice if they included some kickass witchcraft and sorcery instead of ass-holing around with love potions for 2 damn hours.
thats how i feel... i haven't read all the books...i read them after i have watched the movie, only because the last movie was ruined for me because i had read part of the novel....i'm still dying to see it. we have waited until tomorrow to see it in hopes it won't be crowded, so we can enjoy it.

I just saw it Friday night. It wasn't great, I'll give it a 6/10.

There were no awesome scenes, but you could tell it was a movie to set up another movie. Obviously the 7th one.
awww now see i hate when they set it up for the next movie... mind you they did it for each of them and this last one that took forever to mkae it out has killed me in the process.

anyway, i am really looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night. :nod::thumbup


OTz's Typo Scouser
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lol pete...ya in the book but not in the last movie.

You guys were right... it wasn't that good... so far its the only one of the bunch i would ahve rather waited for it to be on DVD to see than waste the amount of money(60 plus) for four of us to go see it.

too much was spent on the whole hormones and not enough magic

big let down that was...and not to mention it was over 2 half hours long...my arse was the chair by the time we left. lol


In Memoriam - RIP
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lol pete...ya in the book but not in the last movie.

Oh really????? Good cuz there'd be stuff hurled at the screen! I was heartbroken when she killed him off. That's my family J.K.! ;)

I lucked out. We went to a theater that has cushy seats. I was quite comfy. Tho, I thought it was quicker than "Push". That seemed to drag on for me. Thank goodness Dakota didn't scream through the whole thing like she did in War of the Worlds :willy_nilly:


OTz's Typo Scouser
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ooh you were lucky then to have comfy seats. My mum wanted to sit in the second last row at the very back where the seats are well worn in. I prefer the middle...but she got her way, as always even though we paid...lmao

what did you think of the ending? i thought it ended very quickly once it got there and it just ...well it felt like the entire movie was a beginning and a bit of a middle and then nothing... even dumbledors death left me perplexed... so much i didn't understand that i am sure had i read the entire book past the first few chapters, i would have understood... its like, even the first part of the movie were the show the death eaters in the muggles world knocking the bridge down and then they didn't elaborate on it... my mum had to explain that to me.

I've decided to read the book now, just incase the last two movies end up as stupid as this last one was, so at least then i can understand the details that are left out.