ok, first of all my response to you was based on your assumed tax liability to pay for more expensive hand cuffs....that was it, I wasnt saying to YOU that I supported what they were looking into.
I will respond to your argument however about why you need further restraint when you are handcuffed, because in my experience I have seen officers get hurt by subjects that were already cuffed. I have seen where criminals have manuevered their cuffs from behind them to in front of them and then attacked officers resulting in the officers duty weapon being used to fire on said officer. This was from a prisoner that had showed no inclination to fight when the handcuffs were originally placed, and the suspect was then placed into the veh with no resistance, he didnt decide to fight until the officer transported and got to where they were going.
I have also had officers injured by suspects who continue to resist after being cuffed!
I am not saying i necessarily supported electro or syringe hand cuffs, but you should also understand the need for control of a restrained prisoner!
You win