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Peter Parka

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James, what question(s) have I not given you a straight answer to? If I have then I'm sorry so please tell me so I can. Please also give a straight answer to some of my questions you haven't, fairs fair.:)
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Peter Parka

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Well I figure since you ran around my questions, I should do the same to you. Now you know how frustrating it is to not get a straight answer.

Hell, it's ironic because I made the same point to you as Tim did to me... but you find it interesting that he'd point it out without ever acknowledging mine.

I didn't acknowledge your point because you were in the process of posting it at the same time I was mine. If you look back on your posts here you WERE pretty much saying that guns were as dangerous as knives


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Does anyone have any stats on licensed, legal weapons carried by sane, legal citizens which were involved in a non-justifiable murder in the US? I went looking and all I found were stats on murders by weapons for 2000-04.


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Well I'd like to know how many legal weapons were used in murders vs illegal weapons (aka non registered or ones who's serial numbers were filed after being stolen/bought on the black market)

I personally think that tightening the gun laws would make it harder for citizens to buy legal guns 100% legally.

But criminals don't care about legislation.


Having way too much fun
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Well I'd like to know how many legal weapons were used in murders vs illegal weapons (aka non registered or ones who's serial numbers were filed after being stolen/bought on the black market)

I personally think that tightening the gun laws would make it harder for citizens to buy legal guns 100% legally.

But criminals don't care about legislation.

When i talk about tightening gun laws, i talk about making it tougher for criminals to get their hands on guns. It is the lax gun laws in states like Virginia that feed the black market (illegal) guns. If we kept a much closer watch on gun sales, making sure they are only getting into the hands of good standing citizens, then it will reduce the number of illegal guns on the street. It is our inability to regulate guns properly that feed the black market.

James, I am FOR gun ownership. I am not for banning of weapons, but this country is turning into a free for all and we need to get the guns out of the hands of the people that shouldn't have them, and we do this with proper legislation.

Here are a few changes off the top of my head that I feel would make a difference.
1. To own or posses a firearm you must have a valid firearm license. To aquire this license, you must pass safety courses and pass an extensive background check.
2. Once you have this license, you can buy or carry your firearms
3. If anyone is caught with a firearm without a valid license there is mandatory jail time
4. All firearms should be registered to their owners
5. If one of your guns are used in a crime, you need to show that they were properly locked up because you will also be held responsible to a certain extent for that crime.

Now I put #5 in there because we need to address the number of stolen weapons that make it to the black market. As a gun owner you need to be held accountable for your guns. If you have a loaded gun in the house and your 5 year old son gets his hands on it and kills the next door neighbors kid. As the gun owner, you need to go to jail for reckless endagerment. The same if you leave your guns out in the open, unlocked and they are stolen and used to kill someone in a crime. There needs to be some accountability


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If you can come up with a realistic way of stopping mass shootings without making it hard to own guns, then I'm all ears.

If all the students on campus were allowed to carry guns, that guy probably wouldn't have made it very far :)


Having way too much fun
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I agree with some of that tim....

Well like i said, it was off the top of my head... I'm sure there are holes in that logic, but my basic arguement was putting the responsibility of safety into the hands of the owners.

Hell bacon, you would already have your firearm license. You have had your training in the military and they know you aren't a dangerous felon. And with a license like that, you would be able to buy your pistols without waiting.


Having way too much fun
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If all the students on campus were allowed to carry guns, that guy probably wouldn't have made it very far :)

Do you really believe that students should be able to carry on campus?

You are 100% correct in saying that if all the students were armed that he wouldn't have been able to kill all 30 students. But let's look at it this way, he walks into a classroom, he opens fire, several students return fire, another student walks in and sees the return fire and fires at them, they return fire.... etc... how whould anyone know who the bad guy is when they are all shooting at each other?
How many shootings would happen throughout the year from fights or arguements? How many college students do STUPID things because they are young, drunk or horney? By putting guns in the hands of students you are asking for trouble. Students should be able to feel safe on campus and not have to worry if his fellow students are packing. Because if they were all packing, it would be one hell of a stressful place to be when it was time for finals and half the student body is on the edge of losing it.


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Do you really believe that students should be able to carry on campus?

You are 100% correct in saying that if all the students were armed that he wouldn't have been able to kill all 30 students. But let's look at it this way, he walks into a classroom, he opens fire, several students return fire, another student walks in and sees the return fire and fires at them, they return fire.... etc... how whould anyone know who the bad guy is when they are all shooting at each other?
How many shootings would happen throughout the year from fights or arguements? How many college students do STUPID things because they are young, drunk or horney? By putting guns in the hands of students you are asking for trouble. Students should be able to feel safe on campus and not have to worry if his fellow students are packing. Because if they were all packing, it would be one hell of a stressful place to be when it was time for finals and half the student body is on the edge of losing it.

I can agree with that logic. But, with all these school shootings, why don't we send teachers/professors to the police academy gun classes and have them carrying?


Having way too much fun
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I can agree with that logic. But, with all these school shootings, why don't we send teachers/professors to the police academy gun classes and have them carrying?

I think they might be the best solution.... increased security. Maybe not the nutty professors :) but at least some armed guards that would responde very quickly


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I think they might be the best solution.... increased security. Maybe not the nutty professors :) but at least some armed guards that would responde very quickly

But it wouldn't do much to stop someone walking into WalMart and doing the same thing as VT. It's kind of a Catch-22. We don't do anything to stop something bad from happening until after it happens! 6 years ago some assholes stole some planes, and now in 2007 I can't take my bottle of Listerine through security at the airport. If all the teachers had guns, I bet some psycho would go shoot up a mall or something.

There's no possible way to stop every bad thing from happening. That's not to say we shouldn't try where we can, but the government can't fully guarantee it's citizens' safety 100% of the time. Which is why I will be buying a gun soon (legally).


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Well being born in the UK and now in Spain, I can't really say much about guns. I have never been around them and I don't want to be round them.

All they do is destroy lives, start wars and make people uncomfortable - guns should be banned in all countries and should only be used by the military and by hunters in my opinion.

The problem is getting worse in the UK, the States seem to always of had a problem with them. And it's getting one hell of a lot worse with younger kids getting hold of them.

Protect our future, ban guns.