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try to keep it somewhat civil, spinoff of my picture thread about guns tht got turned into a political debate

im all about guns. they are a hobby and a sport. i also use them to protect myself and my family. i dont understand why people think they are bad. people do bad things with guns, but if they didnt have a gun, they are going to find another way of getting the job done. so therefor, banning guns is not going to stop violence. it will only make the unarmed citizens less able to defend themselves against an evil doer. most criminals who commit crimes with guns do not use guns that they obtained legally, which means they will have guns and the normal citizens wont. sure, there are instances where people have used guns that they did obtain legally, such as the VT shooter. now if he didnt have a gun, he would still have found away to wreak havok on his fellow students, whether it be a bomb or just running around slashing people with a knife.

it has been proven in many countries and states here in the USA that places that have banned guns, the violence goes up a huge amount. the criminals are no longer fearful that they may come accross an armed citizen.

i will reply more with the more that gets said and suggested in this thread. but i feel like im sorta rambling. kinda a hard subject to get up and running so here it is. have fun and keep it somewhat peaceful. :D
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Peter Parka

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Sorry for contaminating your previous thread with my anti gun bullshit. I would post in here but I've already had this discusion not long ago in a thread here about this and I'm too wound up about this to continue here. I should have kept my mouth shut on your pictures thread and I appologise 100% for getting it off topic. No offense and I have nothing against you whatsoever.:)

All Else Failed

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I'm a staunch supporter if the 2nd amendment. As a libertarian I believe its a person's right to aptly defend themselves. I can see why those who don't live inside of the US are confused over our gun culture, hell even I am, but I think its important for a population to be armed.
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We have absolutely every right to keep guns legal. I mean, if we make them illegal, might as well ban alcohol, cigarrettes, and pornography. I mean, all of those things undermine society, might as well ban them too, right?

But we are a democracy, and as a democracy our government has to give us as many freedoms as possible while protecting our well being. As Drgracin put it, the desire for violence would still exist with or without guns.

Therefore, the US gets too much press as the greatest democracy in the world. The Netherlands: a true democracy. :)


Active Member
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I say that it is high time that every American is given a gun for their 13th birthday & then go out & kill as many people as they can before they turn 30 or are shot themselves.

A great way to cull the world of Americans.

By your logic, people should be allowed to carry bombs, because it's not the bomb that kills anyone it's the person. So if they mean no harm then they should be allowed to carry it - why not hand out breifcase nuclear bombs to all the good people in the world because they aren't likely to kill anyone.

Geez wouldn't those recent school shootings have been terrible if the only weapon the killers could have used was a knife - imagine all those random stabbings of countless numbers of people.

You really need to look at yourself & rethink your views. Guns are not a necessary accessory.



OTz original V.I.P
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household bombs are a lot easier than you think to make and very obtainable....and what happened in VT it would of been just as horrible if he use a knife or blade of some sort...that kid wanted to kill a bunch of people...he would of figured out a way to do if he didn't have the guns...perhaps a home made bomb killing even more people...I also posted in the pic section a little bit too on this subject

Peter Parka

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Come on Bacon, do you seriously believed that nutter in VT could have lined up over 30 people with a knife and killed them all as easily as he could with a gun? I seriously doubt it. I find this arguement that things like this would keep carrying on at the same levels even if guns were illigal strage. It dosen't over here so in effect what you are saying is that Americans are a hell of a lot more likely to be a homicidal maniac than British people are.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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I say that it is high time that every American is given a gun for their 13th birthday & then go out & kill as many people as they can before they turn 30 or are shot themselves.

A great way to cull the world of Americans.

By your logic, people should be allowed to carry bombs, because it's not the bomb that kills anyone it's the person. So if they mean no harm then they should be allowed to carry it - why not hand out breifcase nuclear bombs to all the good people in the world because they aren't likely to kill anyone.

Geez wouldn't those recent school shootings have been terrible if the only weapon the killers could have used was a knife - imagine all those random stabbings of countless numbers of people.

You really need to look at yourself & rethink your views. Guns are not a necessary accessory.


My first gun was at 8 years old haha.

I think you're overreacting here. No one in their right mind thinks people should be able to carry bombs. We are talking about apt means of
protection/hunting/defense/marksmanship etc etc. You're example of allowing people to carry nukes is sort of silly and no one is suggesting that by this logic.

Also, the killer in the VA shootings was bent on killing people. If he didn't get a gun legally, he would have gotten one illegally. Its pretty easy. So banning guns wont solve anything at all. In fact, it would just create more problems.

The majority of gun owners are law abiding people, not maniacs. Plus, its documented fact that guns save more lives than take them, you can look it up if you like.

I think you need to look at yourself and reconsider your need jerk, alarmist views.

Peter Parka

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Well by that logic you should make murder legal to because if they can't do it legally they will illegally. If you think the right to play with bang bangs is more important than peoples right not to get shot by lunatics then don't shake your head and say how terrible it is when ANOTHER homicidal gun rampage happens.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Well by that logic you should make murder legal to because if they can't do it legally they will illegally. If you think the right to play with bang bangs is more important than peoples right not to get shot by lunatics then don't shake your head and say how terrible it is when ANOTHER homicidal gun rampage happens.

That doesn't make sense.

On average in America, annual police reports on dangerous situations defused by legal firearms number well over 500,000 cases (In some years over a million). Thats compared to only around what, 6,000-10,000 gun related deaths? I'm not dismissing the fact that its terrible that people get shot, but to take away something that saves far more lives than takes away, it doesn't really make society better or less violent.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Only 10,000 related gun deaths? That sounds a hell of a lot to me. People over here are subject to tighter gun laws and it's about 1% if that, of that figure, you do the maths


Well-Known Member
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Come on Bacon, do you seriously believed that nutter in VT could have lined up over 30 people with a knife and killed them all as easily as he could with a gun? I seriously doubt it. I find this arguement that things like this would keep carrying on at the same levels even if guns were illigal strage. It dosen't over here so in effect what you are saying is that Americans are a hell of a lot more likely to be a homicidal maniac than British people are.

I think he could have gotten farther with a knife.

It's silent, it's close range, it can be done anywhere without alerting people out in the dorms or next rooms. He could have massacred half an entire building before anyone really realized it with a knife.