the wedding photos i posted were at a pagan wedding,and im a christian ,so you wouldnt be run out of my town.
my baptism had more wiccans there than shropshire had ever seen.
all belief systems are relevant
Yes, they ALL are relevant. But I would prefer to have my government support all religious freedoms while not endorsing any. There is no good reason why they should have any religious displays... Leave that to the individual and the community to celebrate their faiths.
My only point is that there is always an outcry in this country when ever someone challenges a government/Christ affiliation... but they would be the first to scream at the top of their lungs if it wasn't their religion being displayed. So I was using Pagans and Wiccans as an example of "accepted" intolerance by other religions.
My point still stands, if you open the door to one, you must open it for all....