giving pakistan aid

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Peter Parka

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I really dont understand why people selfishly get so worked up about sending aid to a disaster zone. The argument that your government should look after its own people with that money instead is pathetic. Even with the "hardship" you have to go through because some money isn't being spent on you is nothing compared to the suffering these people in Pakistan are going through. You have a roof over your head and food on the table not to mention countless luxuries, be grateful for that and try to show some compassion!
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i have to be honest here,throwing hundreds of millions in they're direction towards the flood relief effort sits more than a little uncomfortable with me.....send the aid yes,but not money.......given pakistans track record of corruption and links to the taliban its a foolish act to send money.

I totally agree with you...
Even the aid sent ought to be monitored by the that the aid goes to the deserving people only!
We need people like you and Retro to come here and help the poor flood victims...::)


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shame on such leaders!!

Angelina Jolie Not Happy With Her Visit to Pakistan

By Zeenat Rehman

The philanthropist, soft-hearted world’s number one female actress, Angelina Julie is not at all happy with her visit to Pakistan to see the flood victims. She came here, held the hands of the victims, made donations, stood up with the miseries of the people, denied any photo sessions, met with the aid agencies, but then she talks about the darker side of the things.

She is not happy with the attitude of the authorities and the government, who were more interested in toeing her line, watching her make movements, trying to please her while pushing the flood victims. She was also perturbed at the Prime Minister’s wish that his family wanted to meet him.
Prime Minster’s family was especially flown down all the way from Multan to Islamabad and they presented expensive gifts to Jolie and had a sumptuous meal with her.

She said that she was feeling awful at that time to see so much food at the table, suffice for hundreds of flood victims who were fighting like crazy to get a small bag of flour and a small bottle of water. She was ill at ease when she saw the interior of lavish Premier house and some of the government buildings and the chartered planes and other such luxuries, when there was so much misery outside.

In her report to the United Nations, she has recommended UN to ask Pakistani government to first cut down on their expenses and to first cut down their luxuries before asking the aid from the world.

The Man

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i have to be honest here,throwing hundreds of millions in they're direction towards the flood relief effort sits more than a little uncomfortable with me.....send the aid yes,but not money.......given pakistans track record of corruption and links to the taliban its a foolish act to send money.

I agree///fuck em
Why help them when all they want to do is kill you....why save a country today that will be shooting at you in 5 years..fuck em


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I agree///fuck em
Why help them when all they want to do is kill you....why save a country today that will be shooting at you in 5 years..fuck em

Why are the super powers supporting the corrupt leadership in Pakistan and Afghanistan??.

Aid is NOT meant for the corrupt rulers but for the flood victims..and that is pretty humanitarian!
Go ahead, help them, help humanity and...............stop patronizing corrupt rulers hither and thither!

The Man

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Why are the super powers supporting the corrupt leadership in Pakistan and Afghanistan??.

Aid is NOT meant for the corrupt rulers but for the flood victims..and that is pretty humanitarian!
Go ahead, help them, help humanity and...............stop patronizing corrupt rulers hither and thither!

Well if I was to drop my American ass in via parachute in the middle of Pakistan or Afghanistan
Life would be become very unpleasant and short for me

"KILL the christian..kill the infidel"
Not very humanitarian hey

Truth be known we would rather blast their backwards hating asses anyway...I say let mothernature do her business and save everyone some grief


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Well if I was to drop my American ass in via parachute in the middle of Pakistan or Afghanistan
Life would be become very unpleasant and short for me

"KILL the christian..kill the infidel"
Not very humanitarian hey

Truth be known we would rather blast their backwards hating asses anyway...I say let mothernature do her business and save everyone some grief

let small thinking be set aside...

Pakistan is almost a failed state...mainly due to its bad rulers and if the flood victims are not helped some of them will definitely evolve into terrorists! The price of helping them now would be much lesser than that the US might have to pay to curtail new suicide bombers and terrorists!!

As Hillary put it in one of her speeches the Talibans of today were the Mujahideens of yesterday,fully patronized by the US to fight its proxy war against Russia and expel it from Afghanistan. They did it and the US left them in lurch. Then they rearranged themselves and got hooked up by Osama to work on a different agenda.
Not their fault altogether...they got aggrieved at US's betrayal after the Russians were forced quit Afghanistan...with the prime help of Pakistan!!

The Man

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let small thinking be set aside...

Pakistan is almost a failed state...mainly due to its bad rulers and if the flood victims are not helped some of them will definitely evolve into terrorists! The price of helping them now would be much lesser than that the US might have to pay to curtail new suicide bombers and terrorists!!
I have heard that arguement before.
Fallacy... bullshit... rubbish.
"They Become terrorists because they are poor"

Bullshit ...they become terrorists because they are some infidel hating son of a bitches
Its that simple.
Give them money so they have more resources to kill Americans......Not a fallacy

As said.......Fuck em

The Man

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Personally I couldn't give a shit about them. It's their Country, I live in mine. Call me a racist. If I'm racist for not giving a fuck about another country miles away that I don't give a fuck about, then so be it.

I accept your take on this although I am not as straight thinking about it I am willing to help out many countries,but not ones that will use the money to kill with..

That is only a small handfull of countries,the rest I am good with...and will gladly help...but at one time I had your same viewpoint so its all good
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I accept your take on this although I am not as straight thinking about it I am willing to help out many countries,but not ones that will use the money to kill with

I have stated my opinion and it's for you to accept it or not.

The War on Terror has become counter-productive and with the growing hatred for Muslim in the US and EU
the situation is heading towards a very dismal state. Terrorists may be Muslims but All Muslims are NOT terrorists. The problem with them is more related to Palestine and Israel and American policies, not the Americans themselves.

If Muslims were terrorists why aren't they active in other places, such as the Far East, China and other socialist states????Sure, there is some reason for their grudge against the Americans and the Europeans .....because these parts of the world are 'fiddling' more with them.
I do not defend the terrorists..they ought to be lynched publicly but killing 10 innocent people (men, women and children) for the sake of one terrorist in Afghanistan doesn't seem fair. Targets ought to be specifically aimed and routed.


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United States Of America: Need To Strive For Amity
By Ram Puniyani

The image of Muslims is being tarred badly in US. In short and long term it will have very adverse impact on intercommunity relations and the democratic norms. Will US Government and society wake up to this threat to democracy. This anti- Muslim, Anti-Islam propaganda is not only tormenting the Muslims in US, but is attacking the democratic norms of America. The right wing propaganda, though catchy and appealing in the short term, as a matter of fact is a serious erosion of the humane and democratic values of our civilization


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How wrong was I when I stated 10 innocents were killed for the sake of one extremist!!
the ratio is 50:1 respectively!

here is a link to an eye-opener...

''The U.S. has increasingly used unmanned drones in the war in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. These attacks have killed an estimated 50 civilians for every targeted al-Qaeda or Taliban leader.
The United States has increasingly used unmanned drones in the war in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. These drone attacks have killed an estimated 50 civilians for every targeted al-Qaeda or Taliban leader. These attacks have increased anti-American sentiment, particularly in Pakistan, where 64 percent of the country views the United States -- not al-Qaeda or the Taliban -- as the enemy.
On October 6, 2010, Code Pink, Foreign Policy In Focus, and Pax Christi held a mock drone attack in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC.''

The Man

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I have stated my opinion and it's for you to accept it or not.

The War on Terror has become counter-productive and with the growing hatred for Muslim in the US and EU
the situation is heading towards a very dismal state. Terrorists may be Muslims but All Muslims are NOT terrorists. The problem with them is more related to Palestine and Israel and American policies, not the Americans themselves.

If Muslims were terrorists why aren't they active in other places, such as the Far East, China and other socialist states????Sure, there is some reason for their grudge against the Americans and the Europeans .....because these parts of the world are 'fiddling' more with them.
I do not defend the terrorists..they ought to be lynched publicly but killing 10 innocent people (men, women and children) for the sake of one terrorist in Afghanistan doesn't seem fair. Targets ought to be specifically aimed and routed.

No the war on terror has slowed provide another fallacy again....Why do you post this garbage>
Are you in support of terrorism? never miss an opportunity do you?

No one has claimed that all muslims are terrorists.......if so provide to the quote please.
No one has made specific references to nations you mention..if so reference the quote please.


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No the war on terror has slowed provide another fallacy again....Why do you post this garbage>
Are you in support of terrorism? never miss an opportunity do you?

No one has claimed that all muslims are terrorists.......if so provide to the quote please.
No one has made specific references to nations you mention..if so reference the quote please.

Why are you so fussy?? Aren't the ref quoted related to Pakistan and the situation back in there??

I have stated my observations and you can go hunt for quotes.....If I quoted that you would again call it 'garbage'
because you only have CNN and Skynews to hear....

It is true there is growing hatred for Muslims all over the world and they are suspected of being 'terrorists'!
Muslims, especially in the USA and EU are undoubtedly living in fear. Only a couple of days ago a student was beaten up by a gang of fellow students in the US just because he was a Muslim...and it later transpired that that boy was being bullied for the last one year!!

There could be more incidences of such type and lest it was the word of the 'founding fathers' the things would have been more revolting....
''Just don't read the word, do it as it says'', says the Bible....and also the American Constitution yet some are wont to challenge it..most of the time!

Help yourself with quotes....I can only opine to some extent...whether you agreed or not.

The war on terror has not slowed is actually spreading out and turned counter-productive...Muslim extremists are not only killing ''infidels' but more Muslims every day!! Go check...


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I don't think the war on terrorism has really accomplished much to be honest, "Terrorist" is not a race of people that can simply be exterminated, it is a state of mind, a point of view, a set of beliefs that will never really go away no matter how many people we kill, there will always be more people with the same hatred of anyone with opposing view points to them, it's an unwinnable war IMO.


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I don't think the war on terrorism has really accomplished much to be honest, "Terrorist" is not a race of people that can simply be exterminated, it is a state of mind, a point of view, a set of beliefs that will never really go away no matter how many people we kill, there will always be more people with the same hatred of anyone with opposing view points to them, it's an unwinnable war IMO.

Wow! I like your down-to-earth statement! Presto! You are soooo right!

It's the people's mind, the ideology which needs to be changed to bring Peace to the world!:)