DT3's Twinkie
Like I said in another thread, that's true. But only if we use the ANWR oil to account for 100% of our energy use, which is unrealistic and asinine. I've seen projections that if we use the ANWR oil to supplement our other sources (5% of the total oil we use), it could last for over 30 years.
There's one reason I can't really blame "Big Oil" for anything. They're just the middle man. They've been forced to buy oil overseas, and they can't control what they pay for a barrel. That's my simpleton view of it anyway :dunno
You're pretty much right.
I could prove to you that 10-15 years ago, you could actually correlate profit margins and the cost of oil on the supply and demand curves.
But not anymore, it's taken on a life of its own, and the oil companies believe it or not live and die by a sword they no longer control....
It's slowly becoming a.....One World Economy:ninja