Can't even and not meant to gamble in pubs for coppers even, let alone anything else here.
We do have a few Casinos already - I don't agree with Casinos, drawing in much, much more for the government than the people who are sucked into it.
The lottery isn't as bad and I don't buy tickets if I don't have the money on specific weeks. I control how much and when I do it, I'm not addicted to it.
Not everyone is able to accept they can't afford it though and will beg, steal etc to go and gamble b/c they are addicted. It is well publicised that gambling is an addiction. All those programmes here, about those who have got addicted to gambling, but cannot afford it, they are endless and there are so many very bad and sad tales to be told of what the families lose b/c of it too.
My objection is to the government, knowing full well it will and does as has been proven, create plenty, way too many addicts. This is b/c of their own greed, to agree to have casinos etc, b/c it suits them.
Then, when people are addicted, there isn't much help, or not enough 'funds' to help people, they are often told.
See, that's what being an adult is all about, you make mature decisions and if you don't and hurt others by it you get punished for it. Treating everyone like a fucking idiot is no way to run a government. It's completely unfair to punish a responsible gambler because there are some people who are out of control with their gambling.
It is adults and thousands of them though, who do get addicted. Proof that there are too many who are incapable of making informed decisions, in an 'adult' manor.
Re the emboldened^^^ the governemnt are treating people who gamble, like idiots though, that is just it - not by deciding if they should gamble or not, but b/c they reckon they are making it look an up and coming venture for the country - 'the country' is them, not us living in it.
People then moan about the money the government have all the time for their living expenses etc, yet are contradicting themselves by paying right into their hands through gambling and the more addicted people get, the more the government benefit from the lucrative profits - the more spent, the better the profits gained and that is what I am against.
Right on to this!
I'm sick of the so-called "do gooders" who think they can save us from ourselves. Or stop us from doing something that is illegal. What the people want in the form of pleasure, they will get laws or no laws.
Plus, we already know what happened in the states during Prohibition of alcohol. The ban didn't last long -- the government was missing out of those nice juicy taxes.
It's not about do-gooders at all, it is that some people have insight into the consequences is all and through the greed of those making from it. It's just opinions, not do-gooders.
Well then, thats the borrowing and stealing which is wrong, not the gambling.
Yes, but this wouldn't happen if it wasn't put there to tempt people (addicts) in the first place, if the casinos weren't accepted.
There are parents that borrow and steal to provide food for their children, does that mean that having children should be illegal?
That is more a case of having to feed children though - although I don't in any way condone stealing, but children should not go without food at all anyway, whereas people don't have to gamble (mostly becoming addicted in the process), they have a choice - very, very different scenario there.