I dont so much fear dying. I fear other people dying. I got thinking about my grandparents all of them are still living and I was thinking that some of them may not be living that much longer and if they did die how will the other will react. Then I morbidly found my self thinking of what order they were likely to die and put them in an order that would be best ( this sounds awful I Obv don't want any of them to die) in terms of which spouse would be able to cope with the loss best. Eg on my mums side my grandfather is very independent. He can drive. He fixes things all the time. He's very smart. My gran is very dependent on him she can't read or write very well. She is very ditzy. She can't drive. I was thinking that if my gran died before my grandad he would be able to cope much better than my gran would if it were the other way round. Then I made my self depressed Nd I had to stop thinking so morbidly!
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