Fear Of Death

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I wouldn't want to live much over 80 either unless I was happy and healthy. Dementia, loss of function...no thanks.
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If I'm lucky, I've got my maternal grandmothers genes :) she's well into her eighties but they still go on cruises and other expensive holidays, she gardens, has most of her own teeth, only needs glasses for reading. Her worst problem is that her hearing is getting worse but damn, for someone who's closer to 90 than anything, she's doing really well!

I just don't get it, sometimes supernatural programs make a big deal about how awful it would be to live forever and have to see everyone you love eventually die etc etc. That would be bad, but I think I prefer feeling heartbroken and being alive to feeling nothing, ever again.


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That is lucky, and definitely possible! Most of the family I know about died early (60s) from substance abuse so it's hard to say what is possible lol.


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I had feared death for a long time as a kid (I'm still a kid, but as a kid-kid. You know, fouryears old, maybe five?), but then I found God. I know it sounds like a cliché, but I feel that way. I know there is something after death and that, in my belief, is life.

So, I think that fear of death is simultaneously rational and unnecessary.


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On a side note... I just got a message from my mother: Her mother has been in hospital due to having problems with her gull bladder and a risk of having pneumonia. Her (my grandmother's) doctor told my mother to send a message to all relatives to come to the hospital within a handful of days, because that might be all my grandmother has possibly left. She's been frail for a year, due to her medicine dosages being way too large. The nurses actually failed at their job, I mean.

But she has no fear, and neither do I. It is sad, but I've predicted to myself that this would happen the last half-a-year.
Death is an inevitable experience, and much like anything else in life, you have no way of going back and doing whatever happens over.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I couldn't sleep one night last week because I was lying in bed, freaking out about the idea of dying one day.

Am I the only person who ever gets serious dread? I find it very difficult to reconcile with the idea that I could not exist, so the concept of death is terrifying.

Do people really get to a point where they're at peace with it? It seems like once you get very very old you're supposedly glad of the idea of some peace but I can't imagine being so bad off that not existing was a better option. But then, I've had a very uneventful life (and was the world's least suicidal teenager obviously haha).
no... well not with me at least. I tend not to think about it a lot. I haven't thought about it since a high school friend passed in May.


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Worrying about Death is just a waste of your Life.
Death is inevitable.
I agree. Our consciousness of death is a call to live each day to the fullest because no one is guaranteed tomorrow. For myself, I don't fear it. For the ones I love, I dread it coming because I will miss them but there is no fear. Funny, I have less fear of dying now than I did when I was professing a religious faith. Somewhere out there is a sign that says "Welcome to earth. No one leaves alive". I guess I don't see the sense in worrying about and fearing a known variable to life. So many I love have gone before me, I find comfort in that...I won't go where noone has gone before:p.

I like this prayer. I first heard it in the movie The 13th Warrior.

The Viking Death Prayer

Lo, There do I see my Father
Lo, There do I see my Mother and
My Brothers and my Sisters
Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the begining
Lo, They do call to me
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla.

So, if ever I have thoughts of death, I begin to think of those who have gone before me and I don't feel so unsettled about it, anymore.

Joe the meek

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Why fear the unknown?

Personally, it gives me comfort in knowing that my entire life will pass in a blink of an eye, and I will be in the same place as my loved ones for all eternity.

I also happen to think that Socrates had a pretty good handle on death.

That said, speaking from experience, I highly suggest anyone that doesn't have life insurance, look for a decent policy. Being that I was single for 38 years, I figured I never needed life insurance. My parents and friends would get everything in a will if I kicked the bucket, so why should I care if I had money laying around? BIG MISTAKE. Should of gotten a whole life policy when I was in my early 20's, but after chewing tobacco for years and then finally getting married, it's impossible for a guy pushing his 40's with prior tobacco use top find any decent rates. Had to settle for a decent term life policy, know it's a waste of money if I don't die, but at least I know that policy along with some other savings will help my family greatly if I'm gone early. Just easier to get insurance when you're younger than older. No, I'm not an insurance salesman.

Joe the meek

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The fact that it's unknown is a pretty good motivator for fear actually. If I knew what was going to happen either way, at least it'd lose some of it's uncertainty.

Life is an adventure, why shouldn't death be as well?:D

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any fear over death. In my mind, it's kind of like kayaking over a waterfall. Don't get me wrong, fear can be a good thing as it can teach respect, but you never want it to become paralyzing, because if it does, you're only going to put yourself in trouble. In this case spending time worrying about something that you can't change (death) when you could spend that time living. Fact is, our bodies are made for dying, so it's not like were not supposed to die.