Of course she's right, but Vietnam is another excellent example of how easily people are manipulated by the media. If you polled people, more than half of them (probably 4/5ths) would say the US lost the Viet Nam war, which of course if you're truly educated on the subject you know that's not true (it also depends on how you define "lost" of course). The US had the military might, as gling pointed out, to crush the North Vietnames if they chose to actually win the war, but because of politics, they chose to give up. This same strategy of turning the public against a particular action has been employed by Al Queda and its sympathizers and aided and abetted by the American left--just like the Vietnam war.
BTW--I am not voicing an opinion on the merits of the war, just stating a fact which cannot be debated yet you will find people that will debate it (ignorantly I might add) simply because that's how they want it to be or that's what they've been told or read. Actually pretty amazing. And its why Hitler's main objective was to control the media because he knew when you control the media, you control public opinion. Most of Europe and Canada are completely controlled by the media yet they think they are independent thinkers LOL!!!

It truly is amazing how ignorant people are about history.