He often changes his argument when ever it gets in trouble. He debates out of convenience of the moment rather than addressing the moment. ( Bullshitting )
He often unknowingly changes his argument as he tries to further explain it .
In this thread, TM went from arguing for a flat tax based on consumption to tax credits on investments that generate new jobs( even though legislation already exists and hasn't added many new jobs) to the government creating jobs in a socialist manner with out the demand for increased consumption nor need for the job.
I am copying this thread to my hard drive.....it's even stranger than TM's chicken hawk defense.
There was no argument moron..I created the thread as a question.
You argued it wouldnt work...which is just your opinion.
To further I never stated it would work.
The entire point was...how much of our money should the govt get to operate on as a whole.
Of which your chickenshit self would not give a response.
IMO 25 to 28 percent for all branches should be enough...govt spending has increased 40 times since 1960..time to slow govt growth and let the private industry grow accordingly.
My proposition to let rich invest money that was going to be taxed anyway ..to create jobs was after the question/had nothing to do with my original question of what is a fair tax.