English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the people

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Dude Immigration on it's own is a huge and separate issue...
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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Grace, I don't know where that website is from, but some of the information in that article is incorrect. The article refers to amendment 1384 of the immigration bill, but that is Salazar's proposed amendment.

Salazar amendment to recognize the importance of the English language

An amendment (Amdt. No. 1384), sponsored by Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Co.), would recognize the important role the English language plays in the United States without imposing any language-specific restrictions on public services or recognizing English as the national language. The amendment passed, 58-39.[4]

The article is actually referring to amendment 1151

Inhofe amendment to make English the official language of the U.S.

  • An amendment (Amdt. No. 1151), sponsored by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla), would declare English the official language of the United States, and state that public services and materials need not be provided in any language other than English. The amendment passed, 64-33.
Read the text of the Amendment here, then tell me whether you support it or not.

``(a) In General.--The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the national language of the United States of America.
``(b) Exception.--Unless specifically provided by statute, no person has a right, entitlement, or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services, or provide materials in any language other than English. If an exception is made with respect to the use of a language other than English, the exception does not create a legal entitlement to additional services in that language or any language other than English.
``(c) Forms.--If any form is issued by the Federal Government in a language other than English (or such form is completed in a language other than English), the English language version of the form is the sole authority for all legal purposes.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I'm curious as to how many people even knew what the hell this bill was about when they said they were in favor of it. 91% of Americans support it???? I bet less than 1% even knew what the hell it was they were agreeing with. How many members here knows what this amendment is about?

Like I said before, it's just like the death tax crap. Put a fun name to any bill and sway the public into thinking there has been some huge injustice being served up to the American people.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I just don't want AEF to think I'm a Bigot... :(

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I'm curious as to how many people even knew what the hell this bill was about when they said they were in favor of it. 91% of Americans support it???? I bet less than 1% even knew what the hell it was they were agreeing with. How many members here knows what this amendment is about?

Like I said before, it's just like the death tax crap. Put a fun name to any bill and sway the public into thinking there has been some huge injustice being served up to the American people.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, democracy dosen't work!:jk

Know what you mean though, there really should be some sort of test before elections to make sure that people actually know what the fuck the're voting for!


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I've said it once and I'll say it again, democracy dosen't work!:jk

Know what you mean though, there really should be some sort of test before elections to make sure that people actually know what the fuck the're voting for!

It's the Senators that had to vote on this amendment, not the American people. It's just articles like the one in the OP that are wrong. They play off peoples emotions and don't even give any facts about the amendment.

The amendment has NOTHING to do with forcing immigrants to learn the language in a certain period of time. All it does is removes the obligation for Government agencies requiring them to provide alternate means of communication (ie. forms in other languages) So when the IRS sends out millions of tax forms in English ONLY, there will be hundreds of thousands who will not send in their taxes, since they cannot read the forms. Or when they are in need of medical services, the hospitals will not be required to supply them with a translator.
Sounds like a great plan... :p

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Yeah, the media bias and the stuff it whips up over here is unbelivable too. They use all the buzz words like immigrants flooding in and living in luxoury pent house flats when the reality is far different. I remember one of the many articles describing these luxoury flats they were living in and the reality is was that it was a scummy tower block whose former residents had moved out as it wasn't fit for human habitation. I saw an independant survey done a little while ago and it turns out that Mr Average in Britain believes that there are 10 times more immigrants on 10 times the financial benifits than there actually are. Also interesting to note that the same papers who condemn immegrants for nicking all our jobs are the same ones who condemn them for sponging benifits! It gets to a point so bad than anyone with dark or tanned skin is getting condemned as an illegal immigrant!

The result is more and more people voting for ineffective and racist parties like the BNP who wants to spend something like 20% of our budget on border security and not nearly enough on national security, health and education.

All Else Failed

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just worried about what is going to happen to everybody and I'm scared. I just don't want things to get worse, IMO I have nothing wrong with Hispanics. I don't care if they gain power, but I know if they do white America is going to get freaked out and do something stupid like we always do. I don't want you to get a wrong impression about me AEF, I'm extremely open minded and all about multiculturalism and diversity man.

Example: We have began to build a gigantic wall, just like Israel, along our border with Mexico because we don't want to many illegals in.
Well you said that "everything will go to hell" if the Hispanics take over (which won't happen on the large scale). I was just wondering why you would say that. There are plenty of Hispanics in the government currently and they are level headed individuals. Ethnicity has nothing to do with it.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Ethnicity has a lot to do with it. Especially in America where ethnicity is huge.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

No they aren't but they do have the most power. And yeah I'm done with this...

All Else Failed

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Well then if there is a transition of power, it will be gradual and not a "doomsday" situation.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I think you need to learn the language of the country you are going to live in. Maybe not right before moving, because then you would leave the refugees in an unfair situation (since they don't decide when or where to go), but after some time everyone should be able to. That doesn't mean you should forget about your laguage or something, but you do need to learn Spanish if you are in Spain and English in the US and the UK.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Grace, I don't know where that website is from, but some of the information in that article is incorrect. The article refers to amendment 1384 of the immigration bill, but that is Salazar's proposed amendment.

Salazar amendment to recognize the importance of the English language

An amendment (Amdt. No. 1384), sponsored by Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Co.), would recognize the important role the English language plays in the United States without imposing any language-specific restrictions on public services or recognizing English as the national language. The amendment passed, 58-39.[4]

The article is actually referring to amendment 1151

Inhofe amendment to make English the official language of the U.S.
  • An amendment (Amdt. No. 1151), sponsored by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla), would declare English the official language of the United States, and state that public services and materials need not be provided in any language other than English. The amendment passed, 64-33.
Read the text of the Amendment here, then tell me whether you support it or not.

``(a) In General.--The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the national language of the United States of America.
``(b) Exception.--Unless specifically provided by statute, no person has a right, entitlement, or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services, or provide materials in any language other than English. If an exception is made with respect to the use of a language other than English, the exception does not create a legal entitlement to additional services in that language or any language other than English.
``(c) Forms.--If any form is issued by the Federal Government in a language other than English (or such form is completed in a language other than English), the English language version of the form is the sole authority for all legal purposes.

The bill they are talking about is 1384 which states: States that English is the national language of the United States. Requires the government to preserve and enhance the role of English as the national language of the United States. (per the OP)

But as I read further into 1384 I can see what a piggyback of a bill it is, Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress) as they all seem to be these days which is ever so aggravating.

And Harry Reid is the sponsor of that bill. Salazar is a co-sponsor along with 3 other Senators.

Your link isn't working in your post Tim. It said the search time went bad or something. Was it a link to a different bill 1151?


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl


Scroll down when after you've clicked on the above site.

I don't understand why they are voting against it. :confused

Does any one here think English should not be made our country's official language? And if not, why so? Curious.
i wouldn't even call them Americans.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Ok, I found the text of the Salazar Amdt. No. 1384. It is authored by Salazar and not Harry Ried.

110th Congress S.Amdt. 1384: To preserve and enhance the role of the English language.
An amendment to S. 1348: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007.

Offered:Jun 6, 2007Sponsor:Sen. Ken Salazar [D-CO]Actions:Jun 6, 2007: Amendment SA 1384 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Salazar to Amendment SA 1151.
Jun 6, 2007: Amendment SA 1384 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 58 - 39. Record Vote Number: 197. [Vote Details]
Jun 6, 2007: Amendment SA 1384, previously agreed to, was modified to be a first degree amendment by Unanimous Consent.
Jun 6, 2007: Amendment SA 1384 proposed by Senator Salazar to Amendment SA 1150.
Text of amendment

SA 1384. Mr. SALAZAR (for himself and Mr. DOMENICI) proposed an amendment to amendment SA 1151 proposed by Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. ENZI, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. BURR, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. BUNNING, and Mr. COLEMAN) to the amendment SA 1150 proposed by Mr. REID (for Mr. KENNEDY (for himself and Mr. SPECTER)) to the bill S. 1348, to provide for comprehensive immigration reform and for
other purposes; as follows:
At the end of the matter proposed to be inserted, add the following:
(a) In General.--English is the common language of the United States.
(b) Preserving and Enhancing the Role of the English Language.--The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the language of the United States. Nothing in this Act shall diminish or expand any existing rights under the laws of the United States relative to services or materials provided by the Government of the United States in any language other than English
(c) Definition of Law.--For purposes of this section, the term ``laws of the United States'' includes the Constitution of the United States, any provision of Federal statute, or any rule or regulation issued under such statute, any judicial decisions interpreting such statute, or any Executive Order of the President.
(As printed in the Congressional Record for the Senate on Jun 6, 2007.)


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Keep to the topic guys...


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Nothing in this Act shall diminish or expand any existing rights under the laws of the United States relative to services or materials provided by the Government of the United States in any language other than English

What he wrote is worthless. Can't believe we pay this guy.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Ok, now that you have read the amendment as written...

how do you feel about the article as it was presented?

Do you think it was misleading?


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Hell yes and that was off of a Congress.org site.
I should have known better than to read anything regarding a bill that didn't come straight off of the the Library of Congress site.