English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the people

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Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill, 1348, to make English America's official language is astounding.

Worse, four of you voting against English as America 's official language are presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, and Senator Obama.

Four Senators vying to lead America but won't or don't have the courage to cast a vote in favor of English as America's official language when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language.

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America :

Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE) Wants to be President?
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY) Wants to be President?
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT) Wants to be President
Domenici (R-NM) Coward, protecting his Senate seat...
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI) Not unusual for him
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA) Wanted to be President
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT) Disappointment here.....
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL) Wants to be President
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)

I don't understand why they are voting against it. :confused

Does any one here think English should not be made our country's official language? And if not, why so? Curious.
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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

This is astounding. I can tell you why the liberals are not voting against it...They don't want to lose the hispanic vote. There are a lot of registered hispanics...

This should be the official language. Hell, most developed nations teach it in their schools because at some point in their lives they will deal with America in one way or another. If we see a democrat win the presidency, you will see any talk of immigration go the wayside...


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

How in the fuck would you go about changing it now anyways? Fucking stupid. I think America has more pressing concerns. Fuckin retards.

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Don't see why it matters anyway. Isn't French still the official language of Canada? People will just speak what ever language they want, regardless of what's official, it's not like you can get arrested for speaking Punjabi or anything.:confused


Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

No, the difference is that foreigners can take the citizenship test in languages other than English. Yes they are supposed to show some sort of competency, but it is a joke. So, by making English the official language, anyone who wishes to be a citizen will have to know English and we can stop posting these double signs and stop hearing how to buckle our damn seatbelts on an airplane in other languages when flying within America. I don't care that No smoking is No fugar.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Don't see why it matters anyway. Isn't French still the official language of Canada? People will just speak what ever language they want, regardless of what's official, it's not like you can get arrested for speaking Punjabi or anything.:confused
no way dude. were a french/english speaking country. cept only 1 of the 13 provinces speaks french

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

no way dude. were a french/english speaking country. cept only 1 of the 13 provinces speaks french

Yeah, I realise you all speak English foremost first but I'm sure the official language is French.

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

No, the difference is that foreigners can take the citizenship test in languages other than English. Yes they are supposed to show some sort of competency, but it is a joke. So, by making English the official language, anyone who wishes to be a citizen will have to know English and we can stop posting these double signs and stop hearing how to buckle our damn seatbelts on an airplane in other languages when flying within America. I don't care that No smoking is No fugar.

Well most foreigners I come across are more competent in English than I am in their language, go anywhere in Europe and just about everyone can speak fluent English. There's probably a higher percentage of Americans living in foreign countries who can't speak the language than there is foreigners living in the USA who can't talk English.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

It is not about stopping people from speaking other languages. It is more about not having to have tax dollars be spent on having literature, signs etc. in every language conceivable by the government for everyone. It is about wanting legal immigrants to learn English and integrate into the American way of life and culture.

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Well I agree with it being the official language then if we also agree that non English speaking countries should stop providing help and information for us English speaking people in their own country to help us out when we either live their or am over there on holidays. Fair's fair.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I don't really care if English is the official language or not, but I'm not going to accept people acting like they don't have to speak it. If someone comes up to me and starts talking in a foreign language about something, I'll just tell them to go learn English and get back to me. Simple as that.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Well I agree with it being the official language then if we also agree that non English speaking countries should stop providing help and information for us English speaking people in their own country to help us out when we either live their or am over there on holidays. Fair's fair.
One has nothing to do with the other. We don't base the laws for our country based on what the laws of another country. Non English speaking countries can do whatever the heck they want to do with the official language of their country.

I think it is ignorant for any country to allow someone to become a citizen of their country without knowing the official language of said country or by not having some type of time frame in place that they need to know the language by for permanent citizenship to be granted.


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

It is not about stopping people from speaking other languages. It is more about not having to have tax dollars be spent on having literature, signs etc. in every language conceivable by the government for everyone. It is about wanting legal immigrants to learn English and integrate into the American way of life and culture.

Yes it is. But that cannot be accomplished overnight. There are way too many people in this country that rely on certain Federal and state programs right now to just say "Fuck you, if you don't read English by now, you're shit out of luck!" Because that's exactly what you will be doing if you pass this law.

This law is just as deceiving as the Death tax. This does not effect us in any way (except that government publications will be available in other languages)

I agree 100% that people that migrate to this country should make English their first language. That takes time and classes. But giving newcomers the finger and only providing publications in English won't get them speaking the language any faster.

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I don't really care if English is the official language or not, but I'm not going to accept people acting like they don't have to speak it. If someone comes up to me and starts talking in a foreign language about something, I'll just tell them to go learn English and get back to me. Simple as that.

So when you are in foreign countries, do you speak their language? Maybe you do but it astonishes me the hypocrisy of people in my own country who go on about foreigners over here should learn our language but when they are abroad they make no attempt at the language and just get annoyed when they occasionally meet someone who can't speak English!


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I've also heard in France that if you don't speak French they won't talk to you..

Also our countries main language was almost made German by our founding fathers.

Personally I think anybody living in America need to speak English no matter what. But I think that we have no jurisdiction to force people to speak "our" language. Plus we have much more serious issues to deal with....


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Yes it is. But that cannot be accomplished overnight. There are way too many people in this country that rely on certain Federal and state programs right now to just say "Fuck you, if you don't read English by now, you're shit out of luck!" Because that's exactly what you will be doing if you pass this law.

This law is just as deceiving as the Death tax. This does not effect us in any way (except that government publications will be available in other languages)

I agree 100% that people that migrate to this country should make English their first language. That takes time and classes. But giving newcomers the finger and only providing publications in English won't get them speaking the language any faster.

That is not what I am suggesting. So is the proposed law making english the official language poorly written like so many others? Is that the real issue here then?


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

Yes it is. But that cannot be accomplished overnight. There are way too many people in this country that rely on certain Federal and state programs right now to just say "Fuck you, if you don't read English by now, you're shit out of luck!" Because that's exactly what you will be doing if you pass this law.

This law is just as deceiving as the Death tax. This does not effect us in any way (except that government publications will be available in other languages)

I agree 100% that people that migrate to this country should make English their first language. That takes time and classes. But giving newcomers the finger and only providing publications in English won't get them speaking the language any faster.

But then also wouldn't the people migrating here know about the precautions and what is expected?


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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

So when you are in foreign countries, do you speak their language? Maybe you do but it astonishes me the hypocrisy of people in my own country who go on about foreigners over here should learn our language but when they are abroad they make no attempt at the language and just get annoyed when they occasionally meet someone who can't speak English!
If I am just visiting, then no. But if I am living there then yes I attempt to learn the language. If I were to want to live there and become a citizen, you are darn skippy I'd learn the language.

Peter Parka

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Re: English being shot down as our language by Senators, but favored 91% by the peopl

I've also heard in France that if you don't speak French they won't talk to you..

As someone who lives a day trip away from France I can assure you this is not true! Most people I've come across in France can speak English as well and are patient with you if they have trouble understanding you. Shame we're not so patient and courtious with their citizens when they come over here who actually at least make an attempt to speak our language!