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It's not really being made "legal", it's being made "tolerable", like it is in Holland, Amsterdam. It isn't actually legal there, it is tolerable. The symptoms and reactions may be different, but none are ever life threatening or harmful towards you. Everybody reacts differently to everything.
I haven't heard of anyone committing criminal acts under the influence of marijuana. I have heard of PLENTY of criminal acts, murders, rapes etc. committed under the influence of man made alcohol, which is legal to buy and consume whenever you wish. Plus, as I said, you can die from many li9ver, and heart related illnesses caused by alcohol where you cannot from marijuana. Alcohol causes people to become loud, aggressive, violent, marijuana does not.
Yes, I know it does cause 'chronic anxiety', and people become dependent upon it, I have several mates that are exactly that way. That though, is from an obsession, and addiction to the drug. You will not become a schizophrenic, or have a chronic anxiety disorder from having an occassional smoke. I myself, smoke it occasionally and there is nothing wrong with me. I used to smoke it a lot more, but then I decided to stop the bad habit. It's just like being an alcoholic, yet I would say being an alcoholic is worse, and most definitely worse for your health in the short term and long term.
All is talk about "brainwashing" people, is ridiculous, in my opinion. I have smoked it, for almost 6 years now, and I have never felt brainwashed, or anything you have suggested. Neither have most of my friends that have smoked it for even longer than this. Are all these people in Holland that smoke it legally brainwashed, and going out committing more crimes? No, most definitely not. In fact, the crime rate (murders, rapes, burglary's, thefts etc.) in Holland compared to here in the UK, and the US, is much lower.
Plus, you say "In the States, we", remember.. I am not from the States, so a lot of what you might say and talk about may be a lot different to what I say, and so on.
I can understand where you are coming from in certain points you make, but in all honesty. The whole thing about weed and it causing chronic anxiety, and psychosis etc. is only when someone over does, and indulges too much in the drug. Which, with everything, is very harmful. Food, alcohol... the list goes on.
That's herbal highs, these don't contain thc, you're talking about something completely different.
What do you mean if a drug dealer could go public? They are selling it publically... Just not legally.
Don't think you know what you're talking about here. My mate grows his own, it's all natural, I can guarantee you that.
It is natural but does it mean its supposed to be smoked. Fire is an element that isn't natural. Its a chemical reaction. Also the 350 + chemicals added.
Psychosis might not happen to you and it happens to other people. The drug is just too intense and we don't have enough information on it to properly educate the masses on its proper use.
The effects are completely random. My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling. If anyone can't comprehend how important that is to living a normal life.. then they are probably smoking too much weed.
You don't hear about the homicides tied to marijuana so lets refer to one of the biggest homicides I can think of where it wasn't accounted for. Columbine. They were frequent smokers. But all anyone heard about was that they played violent video games. Because its almost always brushed under the carpet for legal reasons and reputation by lawyers.
And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc.
Weed is just too easy to use and too effective too fast. With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks. Then when I go to Mcdonalds they will fuck up my order every time and laugh while they do it. (True story)
People don't drink every day because its too expensive and too hard to get drunk. Weed is simple. With no hangovers. Imagine how many people would become dependent on it.
Alcohol and cigarettes are less dangerous and more dangerous in many ways. But why let another unhealthy public habit slip through the cracks. I mean we tried to outlaw alcohol.. but that didn't work so well.
You put up a fierce debate flip