Ecstacy No More Dangerous Than Horse Riding

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It's not really being made "legal", it's being made "tolerable", like it is in Holland, Amsterdam. It isn't actually legal there, it is tolerable. The symptoms and reactions may be different, but none are ever life threatening or harmful towards you. Everybody reacts differently to everything.

I haven't heard of anyone committing criminal acts under the influence of marijuana. I have heard of PLENTY of criminal acts, murders, rapes etc. committed under the influence of man made alcohol, which is legal to buy and consume whenever you wish. Plus, as I said, you can die from many li9ver, and heart related illnesses caused by alcohol where you cannot from marijuana. Alcohol causes people to become loud, aggressive, violent, marijuana does not.

Yes, I know it does cause 'chronic anxiety', and people become dependent upon it, I have several mates that are exactly that way. That though, is from an obsession, and addiction to the drug. You will not become a schizophrenic, or have a chronic anxiety disorder from having an occassional smoke. I myself, smoke it occasionally and there is nothing wrong with me. I used to smoke it a lot more, but then I decided to stop the bad habit. It's just like being an alcoholic, yet I would say being an alcoholic is worse, and most definitely worse for your health in the short term and long term.

All is talk about "brainwashing" people, is ridiculous, in my opinion. I have smoked it, for almost 6 years now, and I have never felt brainwashed, or anything you have suggested. Neither have most of my friends that have smoked it for even longer than this. Are all these people in Holland that smoke it legally brainwashed, and going out committing more crimes? No, most definitely not. In fact, the crime rate (murders, rapes, burglary's, thefts etc.) in Holland compared to here in the UK, and the US, is much lower.

Plus, you say "In the States, we", remember.. I am not from the States, so a lot of what you might say and talk about may be a lot different to what I say, and so on.

I can understand where you are coming from in certain points you make, but in all honesty. The whole thing about weed and it causing chronic anxiety, and psychosis etc. is only when someone over does, and indulges too much in the drug. Which, with everything, is very harmful. Food, alcohol... the list goes on.

That's herbal highs, these don't contain thc, you're talking about something completely different.

What do you mean if a drug dealer could go public? They are selling it publically... Just not legally.

Don't think you know what you're talking about here. My mate grows his own, it's all natural, I can guarantee you that.

It is natural but does it mean its supposed to be smoked. Fire is an element that isn't natural. Its a chemical reaction. Also the 350 + chemicals added.

Psychosis might not happen to you and it happens to other people. The drug is just too intense and we don't have enough information on it to properly educate the masses on its proper use.

The effects are completely random. My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling. If anyone can't comprehend how important that is to living a normal life.. then they are probably smoking too much weed.

You don't hear about the homicides tied to marijuana so lets refer to one of the biggest homicides I can think of where it wasn't accounted for. Columbine. They were frequent smokers. But all anyone heard about was that they played violent video games. Because its almost always brushed under the carpet for legal reasons and reputation by lawyers.

And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc.

Weed is just too easy to use and too effective too fast. With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks. Then when I go to Mcdonalds they will fuck up my order every time and laugh while they do it. (True story)

People don't drink every day because its too expensive and too hard to get drunk. Weed is simple. With no hangovers. Imagine how many people would become dependent on it.

Alcohol and cigarettes are less dangerous and more dangerous in many ways. But why let another unhealthy public habit slip through the cracks. I mean we tried to outlaw alcohol.. but that didn't work so well.

You put up a fierce debate flip
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Peter Parka

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It is natural but does it mean its supposed to be smoked. Fire is an element that isn't natural. Its a chemical reaction. Also the 350 + chemicals added.

Psychosis might not happen to you and it happens to other people. The drug is just too intense and we don't have enough information on it to properly educate the masses on its proper use.

The effects are completely random. My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling. If anyone can't comprehend how important that is to living a normal life.. then they are probably smoking too much weed.

You don't hear about the homicides tied to marijuana so lets refer to one of the biggest homicides I can think of where it wasn't accounted for. Columbine. They were frequent smokers. But all anyone heard about was that they played violent video games. Because its almost always brushed under the carpet for legal reasons and reputation by lawyers.

And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc.

Weed is just too easy to use and too effective too fast. With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks. Then when I go to Mcdonalds they will fuck up my order every time and laugh while they do it. (True story)

People don't drink every day because its too expensive and too hard to get drunk. Weed is simple. With no hangovers. Imagine how many people would become dependent on it.

Alcohol and cigarettes are less dangerous and more dangerous in many ways. But why let another unhealthy public habit slip through the cracks.

You put up a fierce debate flip

You have got to be kidding? The Coumbine guys when mental because they smoked weed? Trust me, going on a rampage is the last thing you feel like doing when stoned! Much more likely to do it when you're drunk on legal alcohol.
If it's legal people will smoke it non stop and while at work? Dont see people always drunk and drinking at work so why on earth do you think they would with weed? Pretty sure most bosses would make it a sackable offensive.
Think you've been falling for all the scaremongering a little too much.
Oh, and getting drunk it cheap and easy to do. Sorry but your argument in reality dosent really hold up.


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You have got to be kidding? The Coumbine guys when mental because they smoked weed? Trust me, going on a rampage is the last thing you feel like doing when stoned! Much more likely to do it when you're drunk on legal alcohol.
If it's legal people will smoke it non stop and while at work? Dont see people always drunk and drinking at work so why on earth do you think they would with weed? Pretty sure most bosses would make it a sackable offensive.
Think you've been falling for all the scaremongering a little too much.
Oh, and getting drunk it cheap and easy to do. Sorry but your argument in reality dosent really hold up.

Not the effects while on it. But the dependency that it offers. It changes people. They aren't themselves while addicted.

Logic of some stoners: Why try and find happiness through success when I could just find it through a blunt.

Then when they wake up at 35 years old they regret it. And everyone around them does too.

Its just too intense and too easy.

And yes, consider it on a massive scale. Where they sell weed commercially. People will smoke at work and try to hide it. (because they need it to socialize/relax. Like cigs)Then when they get caught they will say "fuck that bitch" and go home to light up another spliff.

It doesn't disorient them temporarily. Its when they are sober too. It changes their whole perspective on life and human interaction.


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Slightly off topic here onto a debate about weed - yes I can fully understand why it is illegal because of the points Disco made (smoking it at work etc).

However I think that it should be legalized as it's not really that bad for you. Long term it does do some form of brain damage but so does alcohol. At work you wouldn't have a bottle of whisky on your lunch break would you - if you got caught, you'd probably face the sack - should be the same case for weed.
Weed is essentially the same as alcohol in many ways - I'd know cos I've been high before. Like alcohol, you don't feel any effects after the first few drinks (in weed's case - draws) but after the third or fourth draw/drink you start to feel dizzy, until eventually - you're totally out of it. Now different people react differently to things, like alcohol people can get violent and start fights - but when you're stoned, you don't care, you're relaxed, no matter who you are.

In essence then, the positive sides to cannabis outweigh the negatives, and in many ways, alcohol is worse than weed. And surely if Amsterdam can manage with it being legalized there, why can't everywhere else?


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Think about it this way. How many pot heads do you know that smoke weed every day. And how many alcoholics do you know that drink alcohol every day.

LOTS more pot heads.. am I right?

Easier and cheaper is NOT better. Dependency is bad


Leah's Scottish Prick
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It is natural but does it mean its supposed to be smoked. Fire is an element that isn't natural. Its a chemical reaction. Also the 350 + chemicals added.

Psychosis might not happen to you and it happens to other people. The drug is just too intense and we don't have enough information on it to properly educate the masses on its proper use.

The effects are completely random. My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling. If anyone can't comprehend how important that is to living a normal life.. then they are probably smoking too much weed.

You don't hear about the homicides tied to marijuana so lets refer to one of the biggest homicides I can think of where it wasn't accounted for. Columbine. They were frequent smokers. But all anyone heard about was that they played violent video games. Because its almost always brushed under the carpet for legal reasons and reputation by lawyers.

And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc.

Weed is just too easy to use and too effective too fast. With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks. Then when I go to Mcdonalds they will fuck up my order every time and laugh while they do it. (True story)

People don't drink every day because its too expensive and too hard to get drunk. Weed is simple. With no hangovers. Imagine how many people would become dependent on it.

Alcohol and cigarettes are less dangerous and more dangerous in many ways. But why let another unhealthy public habit slip through the cracks. I mean we tried to outlaw alcohol.. but that didn't work so well.

You put up a fierce debate flip

About Marijuana - NORML

Great site with a lot of facts on the drug, and its history etc. To say the drug is too "intense", I would have to disagree with. If it doesn't kill people, short term, or long term, and you cannot actually overdose on it, why is it so intense? There is plenty of information out there on the drug, so saying we are not educated enough on it, is also not entirely true.

Again, I wouldn't say the effects of marijuana are "completely random", different strains of the drug give you different highs. What "random" effects are you talking about? As for your example:

"My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling."

I have never, in my entire life heard of anything like this before. Marijuana should never cause the loss of feeling, he may have been smoking way too much of it and becoming overly paranoid? Maybe it was something else that was causing this? Or perhaps an allergic reaction to the THC in the marijuana? If that's the case, then yes, he shouldn't smoke it.

You would need to link me, because I'm unfamiliar with what this 'Columbine' incident' is. In general though, you never hear of murders, or violence and so on being carried out by a gang high on weed, do you? Well, I know I most definitely don't. It's just not the kind of drug that stimulates rage, anger, and violence, it's a mellow drug that relaxes and slows down the body and mind.

" And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc."

This is the problem, in my post I stated I would like for marijuana to be 'tolerable', and it to be for personal use only. I would not agree that whole sale of the drug, and advertisements would be appropriate. Small amounts being sold by a licensed coffee shop owner is what I am talking about. Not a capitalised nationalisation of the drug, where you could just walk into a supermarket and pick up a huge bag of weed lol.

Here is some stats, in the US, from the website I posted:

"Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually and results in the arrest of more than 872,000 individuals per year -- far more than the total number of arrestees for all violent crimes combined, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault."

"Of those charged with marijuana violations, approximately 89 percent, 738,915 Americans were charged with possession only. The remaining 90,710 individuals were charged with "sale/manufacture," a category that includes all cultivation offenses, even those where the marijuana was being grown for personal or medical use. In past years, roughly 30 percent of those arrested were age 19 or younger."

I don't agree with your statement, "With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks." As I said, I've been a long term smoker of it, and been to Holland, Amsterdam and smoked some of the strongest strains of marijuana in the world. I haven't been "disorientated" after a few puffs, and as I said... you would only be allowed to buy/smoke the drug in a licensed coffee shop, or your own home. Plus, you are only allowed a small amount for personal use. As for "Weed breaks", that's just silly lol.. 1. You wouldn't be legally allowed to smoke whilst at work or on a break at work, and 2. you would not be able to smoke it outside in public. I mean, people still do right now, but they're doing it illegally, like they would if it was legalised, or tolerated as I've said.

People do drink every day though, they are known as alcolhoics. "Too hard to get drunk", c'mon man... how is it hard to get drunk? I feel you do not know enough about the drug to be having this conversation, but I value what you have said and your opinion.

My country never tried to "outloaw alcohol", again, remember we are from two completely different countries. Your country allows firearms, mines does not, and I am glad about that. Our laws are completely different, and this argument is not based on just the U.S.

Thank you, as do you.


Leah's Scottish Prick
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You have got to be kidding? The Coumbine guys when mental because they smoked weed? Trust me, going on a rampage is the last thing you feel like doing when stoned! Much more likely to do it when you're drunk on legal alcohol.
If it's legal people will smoke it non stop and while at work? Dont see people always drunk and drinking at work so why on earth do you think they would with weed? Pretty sure most bosses would make it a sackable offensive.
Think you've been falling for all the scaremongering a little too much.
Oh, and getting drunk it cheap and easy to do. Sorry but your argument in reality dosent really hold up.

Thank you!

Slightly off topic here onto a debate about weed - yes I can fully understand why it is illegal because of the points Disco made (smoking it at work etc).

However I think that it should be legalized as it's not really that bad for you. Long term it does do some form of brain damage but so does alcohol. At work you wouldn't have a bottle of whisky on your lunch break would you - if you got caught, you'd probably face the sack - should be the same case for weed.
Weed is essentially the same as alcohol in many ways - I'd know cos I've been high before. Like alcohol, you don't feel any effects after the first few drinks (in weed's case - draws) but after the third or fourth draw/drink you start to feel dizzy, until eventually - you're totally out of it. Now different people react differently to things, like alcohol people can get violent and start fights - but when you're stoned, you don't care, you're relaxed, no matter who you are.

In essence then, the positive sides to cannabis outweigh the negatives, and in many ways, alcohol is worse than weed. And surely if Amsterdam can manage with it being legalized there, why can't everywhere else?

The topic is about the classification of a drug, marijuana is a drug, and this is the debate forum. It all ties together, and I don't feel we have really gone off topic.
If you read my posts, you will find that I did not say anything about being able to legally smoke weed at work. And as Peter said, you could drink at work at the moment, but do people? No.
Smoking marijuana long term will not cause any form of "brain damage", I can assure you. About the work situation, I have already gave my points on that, quite a few times now. *sigh*


Leah's Scottish Prick
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Think about it this way. How many pot heads do you know that smoke weed every day. And how many alcoholics do you know that drink alcohol every day.

LOTS more pot heads.. am I right?

Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense. If you are a "pot head" as you put it, that means you smoke it daily. If you are an alcoholic, you drink alcohol daily. What do you mean, "LOTS more pot heads"? =/

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Not the effects while on it. But the dependency that it offers. It changes people. They aren't themselves while addicted.

Logic of some stoners: Why try and find happiness through success when I could just find it through a blunt.

Then when they wake up at 35 years old they regret it. And everyone around them does too.

Its just too intense and too easy.

And yes, consider it on a massive scale. Where they sell weed commercially. People will smoke at work and try to hide it. (because they need it to socialize/relax. Like cigs)Then when they get caught they will say "fuck that bitch" and go home to light up another spliff.

It doesn't disorient them temporarily. Its when they are sober too. It changes their whole perspective on life and human interaction.

Erm, it might not be legal but it may as well be considering it's far far easier to get hold of pot than alcohol. Firstly, if you're a kid, dealers arn't going to ask you for ID, another good reason to make it legal, I add. Also, I can phone a number at any time of the day and night and get some delivered to my door within 10 minutes, even if I havent got any money on me, I still can and get it on tick. With this in mind, why would people suddenly start smoking weed at work if it was legal and harder to get hold of?

Think about it this way. How many pot heads do you know that smoke weed every day. And how many alcoholics do you know that drink alcohol every day.

LOTS more pot heads.. am I right?

Easier and cheaper is NOT better. Dependency is bad

Actually I know far more drinkers that have a drink problem than I do people who smoke cannabis and have a problem with it.


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Taking ecstasy is no more dangerous than riding a horse, a top Government drug adviser has said.
Professor David Nutt, chairman of the Home Office's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, said in a medical journal that taking the drug was no more harmful than an addiction to riding.
Professor David Nutt, chairman of the Home Office's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs said in a medical journal that taking the drug was no more harmful than an addiction to riding
The council is expected next week to recommend that ecstasy is downgraded from class A to the less dangerous class B classification. Ministers have outlined their opposition to such a move.
Prof Nutt's article in Journal of Psychopharmacology is entitled "Equasy - An overlooked addiction with implications for the current debate on drug harms".
He writes: "The point was to get people to understand that drug harm can be equal to harms in other parts of life. There is not much difference between horse riding and ecstasy."
The professor said equasy - short for equine addiction syndrome - caused more than 100 deaths a year.
He added: "This attitude raises the critical question of why society tolerates - indeed encourages - certain forms of potentially harmful behaviour but not others such as drug use."
Ecstasy use is linked to around 30 deaths a year, up from ten a year in the early 1990s. Fatalities are caused by massive organ failure from overheating or the effects of drinking too much water.
David Raynes, of the National Drug Prevention Alliance, said: "He is entitled to his personal opinion, but if his personal view conflicts so very strongly with his public duties, it would be honourable to consider his position. If he does not, the Home Secretary should do it for him."
© Independent Television News Limited 2009. All rights reserved.

Thank fuck for someone with some common sense who isn't pandering to all the governments unintelligent scaremongering! :clap:clap:clap

Well, go roll a horse on yourself 50 times then and if you can talk without drooling, then I will believe you that ecstasy is harmless.

cam elle toe

Banned BY User's Request
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Interesting thread

A girl here died last week when she pooped three eccies at a concert

SNiffer dogs were coming her way and she panicked.

I Love this poster from post WW2 era


Lots of cover ups and conspiracies where mary jane is concerned. Americans were encouraged to grow hemp for their country in the war years. Cheap, strong and quick to grow. So, legal at the time

The DuPont cotton people played a HUGE part in getting it illegalised. They focused on scaremongering like the posters above as it was cutting into their cotton profits.


Well-Known Member
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well weed I take no issue's au naturale
but X is different
as is crystal meth, coke, heroin, etc.
but I agree that the govt covers shit up based on what is convenient for them.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Haha! Brilliant!:24: I remember the just say no song and campaign by the cast of Grange Hill, back in the 80s. It was huge, they even got to tour the US and go to the White House to meet President Reagan. The best part was though, that years later, it turned out half of them were coked off their tits every night during the tour.Apparently they even smoked joints in the White House!:24:

YouTube - Just say no


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One time back in the day when I did a LOT of cocaine, we were out and we had we crushed them up and snorted them.
I think that experience is what turned me off X all together.


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About Marijuana - NORML

Great site with a lot of facts on the drug, and its history etc. To say the drug is too "intense", I would have to disagree with. If it doesn't kill people, short term, or long term, and you cannot actually overdose on it, why is it so intense? There is plenty of information out there on the drug, so saying we are not educated enough on it, is also not entirely true.

Again, I wouldn't say the effects of marijuana are "completely random", different strains of the drug give you different highs. What "random" effects are you talking about? As for your example:

"My 18 year old friend smoked marijuana for 3 months and now you can punch him in the face without him feeling it. No one should have to be accountable for taking away a boys sense of feeling."

I have never, in my entire life heard of anything like this before. Marijuana should never cause the loss of feeling, he may have been smoking way too much of it and becoming overly paranoid? Maybe it was something else that was causing this? Or perhaps an allergic reaction to the THC in the marijuana? If that's the case, then yes, he shouldn't smoke it.

You would need to link me, because I'm unfamiliar with what this 'Columbine' incident' is. In general though, you never hear of murders, or violence and so on being carried out by a gang high on weed, do you? Well, I know I most definitely don't. It's just not the kind of drug that stimulates rage, anger, and violence, it's a mellow drug that relaxes and slows down the body and mind.

" And by public I mean... selling stock, selling on store fronts, advertisements, etc."

This is the problem, in my post I stated I would like for marijuana to be 'tolerable', and it to be for personal use only. I would not agree that whole sale of the drug, and advertisements would be appropriate. Small amounts being sold by a licensed coffee shop owner is what I am talking about. Not a capitalised nationalisation of the drug, where you could just walk into a supermarket and pick up a huge bag of weed lol.

Here is some stats, in the US, from the website I posted:

"Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually and results in the arrest of more than 872,000 individuals per year -- far more than the total number of arrestees for all violent crimes combined, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault."

"Of those charged with marijuana violations, approximately 89 percent, 738,915 Americans were charged with possession only. The remaining 90,710 individuals were charged with "sale/manufacture," a category that includes all cultivation offenses, even those where the marijuana was being grown for personal or medical use. In past years, roughly 30 percent of those arrested were age 19 or younger."

I don't agree with your statement, "With just a few puffs you are disoriented. If it was legalized, everyone would be high every day and all the time. Cigarette breaks? No. Weed breaks." As I said, I've been a long term smoker of it, and been to Holland, Amsterdam and smoked some of the strongest strains of marijuana in the world. I haven't been "disorientated" after a few puffs, and as I said... you would only be allowed to buy/smoke the drug in a licensed coffee shop, or your own home. Plus, you are only allowed a small amount for personal use. As for "Weed breaks", that's just silly lol.. 1. You wouldn't be legally allowed to smoke whilst at work or on a break at work, and 2. you would not be able to smoke it outside in public. I mean, people still do right now, but they're doing it illegally, like they would if it was legalised, or tolerated as I've said.

People do drink every day though, they are known as alcolhoics. "Too hard to get drunk", c'mon man... how is it hard to get drunk? I feel you do not know enough about the drug to be having this conversation, but I value what you have said and your opinion.

My country never tried to "outloaw alcohol", again, remember we are from two completely different countries. Your country allows firearms, mines does not, and I am glad about that. Our laws are completely different, and this argument is not based on just the U.S.

Thank you, as do you.

You can overdose on weed. Its a recorded fact.

The high has nothing to do with the effects on the brain. The random effects I speak of are effects to nerves, cognitive ability, and motor skills. Which they do effect long term in many cases. Though not in all. Which is why I imply that it is completely random with every person. Its like every person who smokes weed uses a slot machine. The effects might be good... or bad. You can never know. We just don't know enough about it.

The American government barely holds onto control as it is. In a free capitalist country whom ever has the gold makes the rules. Give em an inch and they will take a mile. If you let them sell in a coffee shop the government fears that it will become popular and expand with time. With billion dollar corporations working together to market this new product they will, with time, buy out enough people to petition without appeal for mass marketing.

My point with it being worse than alcohol is made by asking what is easier to do.. Alcohol or weed? And how many more pot heads are there than alcoholics. A LOT more pot heads. We would be creating a whole new breed of addicts for the few recreational smokers that want a slight convenience.

Regardless of how it compares to alcohol, crimes and accidents would skyrocket.

What I mean by "intense" is that it makes you feel so good you can escape reality. And its easy to do. I am concerned as is everyone else with the potential addicts mental stability by avoiding reality.

I am aware you are from Scotland but when I said "we" I was referring the the states. Which is where I am.

I have been addicted. And I know many who have been addicted and still are.


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Actually I know far more drinkers that have a drink problem than I do people who smoke cannabis and have a problem with it.

Thats the thing.

Alcoholics realize its bad because of the negative physical effects that they feel. Though they want the mental effects.

Pot heads do not have physical side effects. They desensitize themselves and build a psychological dependency on it. They will say and do anything to convince themselves or others that its not bad. Because they need it. But they will never admit that to anyone or them self. And every fight they win with someone who cares that says weed is bad.. they just feed their denial. All the weed addicts unite creating their own image and style of living separate from ones that love them, and use peace and love to justify what they are doing. But what they are really doing is just living for their own pleasures in a chronic selfish daze.

You can rarely find a pot head who will say that pot is bad. Even though they have no real friends(but they think they really are), they are fighting with their parents, dont have a girlfriend, aren't advancing in their jobs, have a messy home, and crave weed every time they have a emotional problem when sober.


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And if this was a real debate. I could end it by asking you one question.

How would the United States of America or any country and its citizens benefit from the legalization of marijuana?