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V.I.P User
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and even then I don't need video...it looks to me like the specs are VERY similar....

I don't want to get a beast of a camera that I won't even use to its fullest potential

but I also don't want to get a ugly camera and later feel like I am just putting lipstick on the pig - know what I mean?


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and even then I don't need video...it looks to me like the specs are VERY similar....

I don't want to get a beast of a camera that I won't even use to its fullest potential

but I also don't want to get a ugly camera and later feel like I am just putting lipstick on the pig - know what I mean?

Ok I have a plan.....

Get the camera you pointed out to me. From what you're telling me it will be more camera than you'll be ready to handle right off the bat. But alas, now is not the time to worry cuz the more you use it the easier it will become. You will love your new camera. :D

Here's my part of the plan...

With the dough ( no pun intended ) you saved you will need to buy a Compact Flash memory card. I recommend nothing smaller than a 8 gig card. I own a few of these and they are fast enough for my needs.

SanDisk | 8GB Ultra II CompactFlash Card | SDCFH-008G-A11 | B&H

Now part 2 of my plan....

Take some of your cash and buy this lens. It's the best 100 bucks you'll ever spend on a prime lens especially since you wanna shoot night stuff. I've owned two of those and I'll tell you despite it's cost it's an amazing lens. 50mm is a short range but for shooting buildings you can get close enough to crop what you want. It's great for indoor stuff as well. Note the 1.8f stop. :D

Canon | Normal EF 50mm f/1.8 II Autofocus Lens | 2514A002 | B&H

Part 3... get a bloody tri-pod. I can't emphasize that enough. It will do you a world of good. No recommendations from me though cuz that's a personal choice. I spent $600 on mine because of the heavy lens I use. :eek


V.I.P User
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Ok I have a plan.....

Get the camera you pointed out to me. From what you're telling me it will be more camera than you'll be ready to handle right off the bat. But alas, now is not the time to worry cuz the more you use it the easier it will become. You will love your new camera. :D

Here's my part of the plan...

With the dough ( no pun intended ) you saved you will need to buy a Compact Flash memory card. I recommend nothing smaller than a 8 gig card. I own a few of these and they are fast enough for my needs.

SanDisk | 8GB Ultra II CompactFlash Card | SDCFH-008G-A11 | B&H

Now part 2 of my plan....

Take some of your cash and buy this lens. It's the best 100 bucks you'll ever spend on a prime lens especially since you wanna shoot night stuff. I've owned two of those and I'll tell you despite it's cost it's an amazing lens. 50mm is a short range but for shooting buildings you can get close enough to crop what you want. It's great for indoor stuff as well. Note the 1.8f stop. :D

Canon | Normal EF 50mm f/1.8 II Autofocus Lens | 2514A002 | B&H

Part 3... get a bloody tri-pod. I can't emphasize that enough. It will do you a world of good. No recommendations from me though cuz that's a personal choice. I spent $600 on mine because of the heavy lens I use. :eek

sounds like a really great plan - but i have questions!

you really think the Rebel T1i will be good ? do you know anyone who has had it or ever held it in your hand...? I have but only at Best Buy and the thing blows me away but I have zero experience...so everything would blow me away.

you don't like the lens i already have? you think this other one will be superb beyond what i have? if so i trust you on that. :) just saying because the lens I have will fit this new camera, and it already has a pretty wide range - it of course doesn't have 1.8, But i like to shoot deep depth of field with a longer shutter time even at night though I realize I can't do this for people or events....

you think I should spend that on that lens and not get like a lens what will shoot shorter than what i have or longer than what I have?

and of course I am going to get a tri-pod! I have one, and it has been good enough until now. I want to start renting out the large format film cameras we have at school and those things weigh more than my tripod can handle, so I am going to have to get a beast of a tripod...

also - have you ever had to deal with B&H customer service for the warranty on your camera?


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sounds like a really great plan - but i have questions!

you really think the Rebel T1i will be good ? do you know anyone who has had it or ever held it in your hand...? I have but only at Best Buy and the thing blows me away but I have zero experience...so everything would blow me away.

Yes I think the Rebel will be just fine for you. It's a great unit for starting out in the DSLR area. Providing you have at least 1/2 a brain, and you have demonstrated you seem to have a whole one, the learning curve will be that much shorter.

To start out just put the damn thing on automatic and shoot in JPeg mode. It doesn't get much simpler. Then when you mastered that :D work on the manual stuff.

Do I know anyone personally. Yes I do. Two fellows from my work have the version previous to it. and both are very happy. SkyBlue on this site has one of the first Rebels and has posted some great shots.

you don't like the lens i already have? you think this other one will be superb beyond what i have? if so i trust you on that. :) just saying because the lens I have will fit this new camera, and it already has a pretty wide range - it of course doesn't have 1.8, But i like to shoot deep depth of field with a longer shutter time even at night though I realize I can't do this for people or events....

you think I should spend that on that lens and not get like a lens what will shoot shorter than what i have or longer than what I have?

I forgot what lens that was. Too save me time how about spitting out the exact model info one last time.

and of course I am going to get a tri-pod! I have one, and it has been good enough until now. I want to start renting out the large format film cameras we have at school and those things weigh more than my tripod can handle, so I am going to have to get a beast of a tripod...

Well carry on then Missy. :24:

also - have you ever had to deal with B&H customer service for the warranty on your camera?

Personally if I was in the US and needed warrenty work I would deal direct with Canon USA.

As far as B & H is concerned, no I don't know anyone that's had to deal with them but I do know they are the US's largest camera retailer and there's a reason for that.

Google for some photo's of B & H. I would so fucking die to be able to walk in that place.
If I had a choice between that and the mostest beautiful gal in the world I think I would......... um.................... take advantage of the gal and then walk into B & H. :D


V.I.P User
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Yes I think the Rebel will be just fine for you. It's a great unit for starting out in the DSLR area. Providing you have at least 1/2 a brain, and you have demonstrated you seem to have a whole one, the learning curve will be that much shorter.

To start out just put the damn thing on automatic and shoot in JPeg mode. It doesn't get much simpler. Then when you mastered that :D work on the manual stuff.

Do I know anyone personally. Yes I do. Two fellows from my work have the version previous to it. and both are very happy. SkyBlue on this site has one of the first Rebels and has posted some great shots.

ok - i think sky recommended it but then he went all quiet when i asked more questions...sky???

and i do use an SLR already - just not digital

Canon Elan 7E and I almost always use manual mode. So I know what ISO and shutter speed and all that shit does, I just don't know the digital side all means - like dpi and raw mode....and the automatic dust cleaner thing...etc.

I forgot what lens that was. Too save me time how about spitting out the exact model info one last time.

It's a good thing you are asking again because I was wrong when I said what it was earlier.

I have a Canon Zoom Lens EF 28-90mm 1:4-5.6 II USM 58mm

mean anything to you?

Personally if I was in the US and needed warrenty work I would deal direct with Canon USA.

As far as B & H is concerned, no I don't know anyone that's had to deal with them but I do know they are the US's largest camera retailer and there's a reason for that.

Google for some photo's of B & H. I would so fucking die to be able to walk in that place.
If I had a choice between that and the mostest beautiful gal in the world I think I would......... um.................... take advantage of the gal and then walk into B & H. :D

B&H is also run by Jewish people that like to take weird holidays. I have trouble with them sometimes when I order paper and I want it next day shipping and it still takes a week. Nothing against Jewish people, I am just too ignorant to know anything about their holidays.

and how about fucking in B&H...that would be nice.


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ok - i think sky recommended it but then he went all quiet when i asked more questions...sky???

Well I can't speak for Sky as to why he went quiet but I know he has posted some damn nice shots that I have envied. Don't fucking tell him that cuz I don't want it going to his head.

and i do use an SLR already - just not digital

Canon Elan 7E and I almost always use manual mode. So I know what ISO and shutter speed and all that shit does,

So you're 85% there then. ( see following post )

I just don't know the digital side all means - like dpi and raw mode....and the automatic dust cleaner thing...etc.
You really don't need to know what that stuff means right now. That knowledge will come later but to relieve your fears I'll break it down for you in a very condensed way.

dpi = dots per inch. When you work with your files and decide you want to print something the more dpi you have the clearer your pic will be because it's got more detail in it.

RAW mode = it's a type of file. Same as Jpeg except it stores a hell of a lot more info so your shots will have that much more detail. To start off all you will have to do is set your file mode to JPeg. I'm not familiar with the setting in that camera but I'm sure the detail can be set to either large, fine or super fine. In any event you would want it set at the highest possible setting.

It's a good thing you are asking again because I was wrong when I said what it was earlier.

I have a Canon Zoom Lens EF 28-90mm 1:4-5.6 II USM 58mm

mean anything to you?

It meaans a lot to me. You said you like to do a lot of night shooting. Has that lens worked well for you in that area. I ask that because this part " 1:4-5.6 " tells me it likes lots of light.

B&H is also run by Jewish people that like to take weird holidays. I have trouble with them sometimes when I order paper and I want it next day shipping and it still takes a week. Nothing against Jewish people, I am just too ignorant to know anything about their holidays.

I would suggest you don't order paper on one of their hoildays. ;) To be serious if I may. I wouldn't let that stop me. If the store is closed it's closed. No different than night, Christmas or News Years day etc. One or two Jewish holidays a year ain't no big deal.

and how about fucking in B&H...that would be nice.

Yes........ yes it would.


V.I.P User
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It meaans a lot to me. You said you like to do a lot of night shooting. Has that lens worked well for you in that area. I ask that because this part " 1:4-5.6 " tells me it likes lots of light.

I would suggest you don't order paper on one of their hoildays. ;) To be serious if I may. I wouldn't let that stop me. If the store is closed it's closed. No different than night, Christmas or News Years day etc. One or two Jewish holidays a year ain't no big deal.

it has worked, but only with a tripod - how much more light does my lens like than the one you recommended...? and I don't know how i feel about being with only 50mm...although with that many megapixels you can take a broad photo and then crop and zoom can't you?

lol - it's not just christmas and that! i LOVE B&H and i really would buy from them - buy anything!

but i think i will buy from canon usa incase something happens...

this has been SO helpful

I am going to let you know what I buy and show you some of my pics when I get them.

I would like to share some of my stuff I have done with my non digital, but my negatives have not all been scanned. The only ones scanned are the ones I used for school that were figure studies, etc. Nothing too interesting :(

I have done some really cool artsy fartsy stuff with masking in the darkroom - very jerry uelsmann.

Jerry N. Uelsmann

but i don't think anyone here is into that stuff...???


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it has worked, but only with a tripod - how much more light does my lens like than the one you recommended...? and I don't know how i feel about being with only 50mm...although with that many megapixels you can take a broad photo and then crop and zoom can't you?

Yes you can but the end result will depend on how good / clear the shot is to begin with. If you don't feel like spending the $ on that 50mm then don't. You can at a later date if you desire.

lol - it's not just christmas and that! i LOVE B&H and i really would buy from them - buy anything!

but i think i will buy from canon usa incase something happens...

Nothing will happen providing you buy the US approved one and not the gray market one. if you buy from Canon USA you'll end up paying more. Either way you still have the same warranty with the " approved " USA one.

I know you'll axe me " what's a gray market " one? It's when the retailer directly imports a product from the mfg. in the country of origin. They usually end up paying less and pass the savings on to the buyer. In the case of a gray market one Canon USA will not honor the warranty and you have to send it overseas.

this has been SO helpful


I am going to let you know what I buy and show you some of my pics when I get them.

Kewl. I look forward to seeing them.