I hate to double post, but re reading the thread I realized I missed your post.
Easy there Killer, Lol. Make me swallow my teeth. HAHA your funny. You and I both know you will never see me, I will never see you. You dont have the means to make me swallow my teeth, being as you dont live near me or know who I am. Your just trash talking over the internet, with no means of coming through on your threat. An Internet Tough guy. Theres plenty of people over the internet I would love to beat the living crap out of, but I know I will never get a chance to. Making empty threats you cant back up just make you look like a whining bitch son. No I didnt call you a whining bitch, I am not stopping down to the average user of this forums defense of things they dont like by name calling, I am just saying YOU LOOK like a whining bitch when you do that.
My journey cant begin until you make me swallow my teeth.:24: For how immature I am, you should re-evaluate yourself making your empty threats about me swallowing my teeth. Seriously though, its not a maturity thing at all. Its the insensitivity that makes this shit funny.
Heres a prime example. Everyone knows I am Pro-Life. Well if you dont now you do. Theres a thread a while back on abortion, and like usual it was the whole board Vs Me. But yeah Im pretty pro life. The other day one of my friends got some girl pregnant and made a joke to the chaplain about how he isnt worried because theres 9 whole months for her to fall down the stairs. Yes im Pro-Life, but its the fact his joke was insensative which made it funny.