Active Member
Um...the big bang.
I like how you keep using the word "impossible" when you we don't even understand the universe to answer this question yet. There could be a natural way out there yet unexplained to answer this question.
Yes, I've heard of it. I've studied it. Attended lectures on it. Questioned it. Debated it with scientists about it. It's cool. A lot of it fits the model. No offense Ron, but I feel pretty confident that I know a lot more about it than you do. I've been into astronomy for over 10 years now.
Like I've said a million times before though, it does not explain the creation of matter / energy.
The theory itself has problems of its own, but why go into detail about the little things when the big things aren't answered yet?
When I use the word impossible, I use it in the sense of the physical laws that we own. It cannot be argued that as we understand it, the creation is not possible without outside intervention.
You refuse to accept the idea of that intervention not out of any scientific ideals, you refuse it on ideological grounds. Outside intervention is at this point more probable than natural origin. We have a pretty strong understanding of the natural, and it cannot explain it... as you've said.