Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

MrAWatts said:
slo6banger said:
2000Si said:
My position on this is simple; I simply have no position on this.

I just have one opinion:

It's the womans choice to have an abortion, but it isn't always the womans choice to have gotten pregnant. She has to do what she feels is right for her.

I completely agree.

I fully support the right for a woman to have an abortion, although it is sad to hear that they wait til the last minute, they should still be allowed to choose the fate of their own body.

But when they choose to be fuck without protection, they are completely aware that they could get pregnant. They should be able to decide what happens to their body. If they don't want to be pregnant, then don't do shit they know will get them pregnant. If they choose to do it ayways, then I odn't feel sorry for them because they knew what could happen when they did it.

condoms do break, you know?

and birth control is EXPENSIVE. Not every teenage girl can afford it even though damn near all teenage girls are afraid to ask their parents to put them on the pill.
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True, condoms break. So if a condom breaks and a girl gets pregnant she shouldn't be suprised. Having sex is always a risk. Everyone knows that. They know they are taking a chance, so be prepared to accept the consequences or don't do it. :tard


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

RecklessTim said:
Ok, what if a law was passed tomorrow making abotion illegal? What would we do with all the unwanted children? Who will be willing to spend the billions on the healthcare of the crack babies, the severley mentally retarted children? Where will these babies go? Who will support them and take care of them?

Before you say "adoption" you must first know the facts of adoption...
There are on average 120,000 adoptions per year in the US. Over half of these are by relatives.
There are 1,370,000 abortions a year in the US
There are over 150,000 children in the US alone that are waiting to be adopted.

Do the math, if every person waiting to adopt a child saved a child slated for abortion, there would still be over 1,250,000 unwanted children brought into the US each year.

This isn't an arguement to keep abortion legal, but something to consider. Because I'm sure that 99% of these Pro-life bastards won't lift a finger to help these children once they were able to get abortions banned in the US.

I can 100% vouch for that last statement, one of my neighbors, is pro abortion, and got in to an argument with a pro life neighbors of mine...

When end came ot end we came to realise how bullshit the pro lifer was since the proabortion has 4, yes i said 4 mentally challenged foster kids, and anotehr 5 kids of her own.... her and her husband are supporting a total of 9 kids, and help all those babies and kids left with no parents when the hardcore cathloics who fight so damn much for life but dont mind to help with the extra lives in the world

And you might say, "well she is being paid to take care of these foster kids"

Hardly, she loses moeny each month paying for food, water, clothes, diapers, bottles, and baby formula... she does it all outta her heart


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

MrAWatts said:
True, condoms break. So if a condom breaks and a girl gets pregnant she shouldn't be suprised. Having sex is always a risk. Everyone knows that. They know they are taking a chance, so be prepared to accept the consequences or don't do it. :tard



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My biggest problem with the woman that have abortions is not the one that has a “condom break” or makes a mistake…but it’s those woman that continue to use it as birth control that just makes me totally ill!!

Forget the excuses too…I’m not sure if you’ve ever been involved with an abortion or not, but those are not cheap either. One abortion costs way more than a years worth of birth control. A young girl can go to Planned Parenthood and get on birth control for $20 a month. She doesn’t need a parent to sign either. And please don’t say anything about her not being able to get there without her parents knowing. If she’s able to sneak away to screw the boy down the road, then she’s able to sneak away to be responsible. Period.

As far as the “rate of unwanted babies” going up. My whole point is that this decision should not even need to be made. Use a condom, 3 condoms, birth control, or just plain and simple keep your legs together. The abortions should not turn into unwanted pregnancies, but should never happen.

I do not believe it in at all, but certainly would never condemn anyone for having one. Just please don’t tell me you’ve had 4 or 5!!!


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

MrAWatts said:
slo6banger said:
2000Si said:
My position on this is simple; I simply have no position on this.

I just have one opinion:

It's the womans choice to have an abortion, but it isn't always the womans choice to have gotten pregnant. She has to do what she feels is right for her.

I completely agree.

I fully support the right for a woman to have an abortion, although it is sad to hear that they wait til the last minute, they should still be allowed to choose the fate of their own body.

But when they choose to be fuck without protection, they are completely aware that they could get pregnant. They should be able to decide what happens to their body. If they don't want to be pregnant, then don't do shit they know will get them pregnant. If they choose to do it ayways, then I odn't feel sorry for them because they knew what could happen when they did it.

Abortion Statistics - Decisions to Have an Abortion (U.S.)

* 25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
* 21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
* 14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
* 12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
* 10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
* 7.9% of women want no (more) children.
* 3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
* 2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.

Abortion Statistics - Using Contraception (U.S.)

* 54% of women having an abortion said they used some form of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
* 90% of women who are at risk for unplanned pregnancies are using contraception
* 8% of women having an abortion say they have never used contraception.
* It is possible that up to 43% of the decline in abortion from 1994-2000 can be attributed to using emergency contraception.

It doesn't look like the majority of abortions are because they had sex without contraception. And I don't see any statistic showing that they used abortion as a form of birth controll. That's just idiotic to think that even a small percentage of these women say to themselves "WTF, I don't need a rubber, I'll just get an abortion"


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

RecklessTim said:
Abortion Statistics - Decisions to Have an Abortion (U.S.)

* 25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.

Should've worn a rubber, got on the pill, shot, kept their legs closed!

RecklessTim said:
* 21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.

Should've worn a rubber, got on the pill, shot, kept their legs closed!

RecklessTim said:
* 14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.

Should've worn a rubber, got on the pill, shot, kept their legs closed!

RecklessTim said:
* 12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)

Should've worn a rubber, got on the pill, shot, kept their legs closed!

RecklessTim said:
* 10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.

Selfish...Should've worn a rubber, got on the pill, shot, kept their legs closed!

RecklessTim said:
* 7.9% of women want no (more) children.

Should've gotten their tubes tied!

RecklessTim said:
* 3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.

Ok so lets kill the baby since its not going to be perfect. This is the one that makes me the most pissed off!!! These are the woman that God should have allotted in the "cant ever get pregnant" column!!!!

RecklessTim said:
* 2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.

One place I can understand abortion. Thats only 2.8 percent. Thats 84 child deaths a day instead of 3000!!

RecklessTim said:
Abortion Statistics - Using Contraception (U.S.)

* 54% of women having an abortion said they used some form of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
* 90% of women who are at risk for unplanned pregnancies are using contraception
* 8% of women having an abortion say they have never used contraception.
* It is possible that up to 43% of the decline in abortion from 1994-2000 can be attributed to using emergency contraception.

Of the 54% of the woman that claim they were using it, I guarantee that in reality only 5% were using it properly. Either waiting to use the condom, or not properly “fitting” it. Or they were sporadic in taking their pills, missed their appt for their shot, or just plain lied!!! If 90% of unplanned pregnancies were protected, then we’d not have them!!! Birth control DOES NOT fail that often. Yes, of course there is some of a failure rate, but not 90%!!!! I’ve never gotten pregnant when I didn’t want to be. That is not of chance. Each time I’ve wanted to become pregnant I did so within the next several weeks. So I was obviously doing something right. There is no way you are going to make me believe that birth control is failing on its own 54%.

RecklessTim said:
It doesn't look like the majority of abortions are because they had sex without contraception. And I don't see any statistic showing that they used abortion as a form of birth controll. That's just idiotic to think that even a small percentage of these women say to themselves "WTF, I don't need a rubber, I'll just get an abortion"

How many abortions does a woman need to have before she realizes that maybe she should take her pill everyday…or maybe she should use some cream with that condom…or maybe she should just keep her damned legs shut until she is married and ready to have a child!!!

How many woman do you know that have had more than one?...Two?...Three? How many “mistakes” does it take to realize that maybe she’s doing something wrong?

Oh, and although controversial, and to some a form of very early abortion, IMO emergency contraception is another alternative and works much easier than abortion!


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

RecklessTim said:
MrAWatts said:
slo6banger said:
2000Si said:
My position on this is simple; I simply have no position on this.

I just have one opinion:

It's the womans choice to have an abortion, but it isn't always the womans choice to have gotten pregnant. She has to do what she feels is right for her.

I completely agree.

I fully support the right for a woman to have an abortion, although it is sad to hear that they wait til the last minute, they should still be allowed to choose the fate of their own body.

But when they choose to be fuck without protection, they are completely aware that they could get pregnant. They should be able to decide what happens to their body. If they don't want to be pregnant, then don't do shit they know will get them pregnant. If they choose to do it ayways, then I odn't feel sorry for them because they knew what could happen when they did it.

Abortion Statistics - Decisions to Have an Abortion (U.S.)

* 25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
* 21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
* 14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
* 12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
* 10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
* 7.9% of women want no (more) children.
* 3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
* 2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.

Abortion Statistics - Using Contraception (U.S.)

* 54% of women having an abortion said they used some form of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
* 90% of women who are at risk for unplanned pregnancies are using contraception
* 8% of women having an abortion say they have never used contraception.
* It is possible that up to 43% of the decline in abortion from 1994-2000 can be attributed to using emergency contraception.

It doesn't look like the majority of abortions are because they had sex without contraception. And I don't see any statistic showing that they used abortion as a form of birth controll. That's just idiotic to think that even a small percentage of these women say to themselves "WTF, I don't need a rubber, I'll just get an abortion"

They don't say that, they simply think that they won't get pregnant if they don't use one. It can't happen to them, they will pull out before ejaculation. It's not like they plan on abortion, they jsut have the mentality that it won't happen to them, but then it does. And when it does, it hits them hard because they weren't prepared for it. So what do they do? Well they don't want the kid, they are too young..only one option.

If they outlawed abortion, the statistics would be different. Then people would be forced to think about what could happen in the future, and many many many less would risk it. If everyone who had sex that didn't want a child wore a condom when having sex, then the only accidental pregnancies would be condom breaking, and rape. Which is understandable if they wanted an abortion, which would be the courts job to decide if the situation calls for one. If people knew abortion wasn't an option, I know for a fact they would be a little more careful. I know plenty of people my age who have unprotected sex, they say they are careful about it and "pull out". Lot's of girls on high schools around here, and anywhere for that matter, get pregnant because of that mistake.


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

MrAWatts said:
They don't say that, they simply think that they won't get pregnant if they don't use one. It can't happen to them, they will pull out before ejaculation. It's not like they plan on abortion, they jsut have the mentality that it won't happen to them, but then it does. And when it does, it hits them hard because they weren't prepared for it. So what do they do? Well they don't want the kid, they are too young..only one option.

If they outlawed abortion, the statistics would be different. Then people would be forced to think about what could happen in the future, and many many many less would risk it. If everyone who had sex that didn't want a child wore a condom when having sex, then the only accidental pregnancies would be condom breaking, and rape. Which is understandable if they wanted an abortion, which would be the courts job to decide if the situation calls for one. If people knew abortion wasn't an option, I know for a fact they would be a little more careful. I know plenty of people my age who have unprotected sex, they say they are careful about it and "pull out". Lot's of girls on high schools around here, and anywhere for that matter, get pregnant because of that mistake.

VERY Well put!!! :rock


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Outlawing abortions would do nothing to the statistics except create a higher mortality rate for the mothers getting hacked up by back alley butchers. You can't stop abortion as history shows, but you can make it a safer.

MYTH: During the period when abortion was illegal, abortion was effectively outlawed and the safety of pregnant women was ensured.

FACT: Criminalization of abortions did not reduce the numbers of women who sought abortions. In the years before Roe v. Wade, the estimates of illegal abortions ranged as high as 1.2 million per year, although, of course, no accurate records could be kept of illegal procedures. What is known is that between the 1880s and 1973, many thousands of women died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self-induce their abortions or going to untrained practitioners who performed abortions with primitive methods or in unsanitary conditions. During this time, hospital emergency room staff treated thousands of women who either died or were suffering terrible effects of abortions provided without adequate skill and care.

It should be noted that during this time some women obtained relatively safer, although still illegal, abortions from private doctors. This practice remained prevalent for the first half of the twentieth century. Later, the rate of reported abortions began to decline, partly because doctors faced increased scrutiny from their peers and hospital administrators concerned about the legality of their operations.

Today, pro-choice advocates who fight for continued access to safe, legal abortion for all women often are motivated by their understanding of the consequences of criminalized abortion. We know from history that whenever abortion has been illegal, women have still attempted and succeeded in ending unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately, they have often suffered serious health problems or died in the process. While the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was an important turning point in protecting women from unsafe abortion, an understanding of the pre-Roe v. Wade years is critical for making intelligent public policy decisions regarding reproductive health care in the future.

Mrs Behavin

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My opinion......its a womans perogrative and she shouldnt be judged just because she has had one. I use to work with this one girl who was 31 or 32 and she had 2 kids already ages 8 and 6, both by the same dad but the dad hasnt seen them since they were babies. He doesnt pay child support. Basically a dead beat dad. Well, she was dating this one guy and she ended up getting pregnant. He told her that he would be more than willing to support this baby but he refused to have anything to do with her already 2 kids. She didnt think that was fair at all. So she kicked him to the curb and yes she did have an abortion. There was no way she could afford a new baby. She could barely afford the ones she had. Everybody at work was always chipping in and helping her. In fact one Christmas, we all go together and bought her 2 kids all their Christmas presents. Thats how poor she was. And it was sad, But no one judged her that she had an abortion. She felt it was the best thing to do.


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Well, it sounds as though she is one of the woman that was taught an expensive lesson. I bet she also will have learned to prevent that in the future as well. Theres a huge difference.


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

RecklessTim said:
Ok, what if a law was passed tomorrow making abotion illegal? What would we do with all the unwanted children? Who will be willing to spend the billions on the healthcare of the crack babies, the severley mentally retarted children? Where will these babies go? Who will support them and take care of them?

Before you say "adoption" you must first know the facts of adoption...
There are on average 120,000 adoptions per year in the US. Over half of these are by relatives.
There are 1,370,000 abortions a year in the US
There are over 150,000 children in the US alone that are waiting to be adopted.

Do the math, if every person waiting to adopt a child saved a child slated for abortion, there would still be over 1,250,000 unwanted children brought into the US each year.

This isn't an arguement to keep abortion legal, but something to consider. Because I'm sure that 99% of these Pro-life bastards won't lift a finger to help these children once they were able to get abortions banned in the US.[/quote
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I dosen't matter to me if there were 5 million children waiting for adoption.
I'm not just talking snot here. I am pro life. I feed, give shelter to, and send to school several children that are not my own. I have foster'd children overseas. It's one of my commitments I've made to help the less fortunate and deprived.

I bet you that if abortion were made totally illegal then the pregnancy rate would drop drasticlly. The reason why is because now the easy out option of having an abortion is gone. Guarrantee there will less fucking and more sucking. :D


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

MrAWatts said:
True, condoms break. So if a condom breaks and a girl gets pregnant she shouldn't be suprised. Having sex is always a risk. Everyone knows that. They know they are taking a chance, so be prepared to accept the consequences or don't do it. :tard

How old are you? Were you this mature and could you think things through like this at 13...? 14...? 15...?

I know I wouldn't have been able to. I want to know how many of these abortions are the girl not wanting one, but her parents wanting one, and other weird situations like that.


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

2000Si said:
MrAWatts said:
True, condoms break. So if a condom breaks and a girl gets pregnant she shouldn't be suprised. Having sex is always a risk. Everyone knows that. They know they are taking a chance, so be prepared to accept the consequences or don't do it. :tard

How old are you? Were you this mature and could you think things through like this at 13...? 14...? 15...?

I know I wouldn't have been able to. I want to know how many of these abortions are the girl not wanting one, but her parents wanting one, and other weird situations like that.

If you arent able to think things through about wearing a shouldnt be able to have sex!!! :tard


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

2000Si said:
MrAWatts said:
True, condoms break. So if a condom breaks and a girl gets pregnant she shouldn't be suprised. Having sex is always a risk. Everyone knows that. They know they are taking a chance, so be prepared to accept the consequences or don't do it. :tard

How old are you? Were you this mature and could you think things through like this at 13...? 14...? 15...?

I know I wouldn't have been able to. I want to know how many of these abortions are the girl not wanting one, but her parents wanting one, and other weird situations like that.

I've only been 17 since Feb, and I have had the same opinions on issues for a couple years now.


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Re: RE: Do babies feel pain during late term abortion??

CareBear3030 said:
MrAWatts said:
They don't say that, they simply think that they won't get pregnant if they don't use one. It can't happen to them, they will pull out before ejaculation. It's not like they plan on abortion, they jsut have the mentality that it won't happen to them, but then it does. And when it does, it hits them hard because they weren't prepared for it. So what do they do? Well they don't want the kid, they are too young..only one option.

If they outlawed abortion, the statistics would be different. Then people would be forced to think about what could happen in the future, and many many many less would risk it. If everyone who had sex that didn't want a child wore a condom when having sex, then the only accidental pregnancies would be condom breaking, and rape. Which is understandable if they wanted an abortion, which would be the courts job to decide if the situation calls for one. If people knew abortion wasn't an option, I know for a fact they would be a little more careful. I know plenty of people my age who have unprotected sex, they say they are careful about it and "pull out". Lot's of girls on high schools around here, and anywhere for that matter, get pregnant because of that mistake.

VERY Well put!!! :rock

Abortion will always be an option, it just may not be a legal option.
By saying that people will have less unprotected sex because abortion is illegal is just ridiculous. It's like saying kids won't take drugs because it's illegal. Hell, there is a "WAR" on drugs and there are more drugs then ever on the streets.

When talking about subjects like this, sometimes you have to step back away from your own beliefs and practices to see how others view them. Just because you might tell the guy in front of you that he dropped his wallet, doesn't mean that the other 150 people in line would. With this in mind, think of millions of impoverished, uneaducated and less fortunate people out there having sex. They won't be thinking about wether abortion is legal or not while they are rolling around with half of their clothes off. Hell, they can't even take the time to put a condom on. This is why it won't effect the statistics, this is why abolishing abortion won't help. This is why we need better education, and VERY agressive programs targeted at preventing disease and unplanned pregnancy.


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Abortions conducted after 20 weeks of gestation are sometimes referred to as late-term abortions. These operations are exceedingly uncommon in the United States, accounting for fewer than 1% of all abortions. Women seek late-term abortions for a variety of reasons, including health issues, fetal abnormalities, or difficulty accessing abortion services earlier in pregnancy.

The topic of fetal discomfort is frequently brought up in conversations concerning late-term abortion.