Discussion About OTz Team Debates

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debbie t

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initially this started out in a civilised manner ,now its all gone pear shaped.
i cannot see what ria has said that is wrong,,she has intelligently listed things to bring the discussion back to what it should be about.

i cannot see why a group of people cannot deabte as teams on a given subject.
i cannot see why pudding time cannot be on a team with intruder...he (intruder)and i disagree on many things ,but he will always kindly send me links and info so that i may appreciate his view point even if i cannot agree with it,so for me he would be a fabulous team mate

this idea seemed at first to be a way of having those members who do not enter into debates because they sometimes get heated involved .either on a team or on judging the performance of the teams,,,this seems a good thing to me.
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OKay....So let me get this straight. There is a debate over how to organize a .......Debate?

Oh yes and this is exactly what I queried and mentioned yesterday, as to why there is a debate re getting teams together for debating, hence my suggestions previously, but.........


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We could go round and round on this to infinitum. Granted it needs to be resolved into one cohesive proposal. It may seem like a long time but really, we only began discussing the idea yesterday evening. What I am most impressed with is the amount of feedback and the passionate responses. No matter how diverse everyone's input does have merit and is appreciated. You bunch are really exceptional and I hope your spirit doesn't change.

Last night I indicated that I would put forward a working draft of how it could work including all mechanics, taking into consideration the various input. All I ask for is to give some time to think through properly and asked to be given to the end of this week to present bearing in mind time limitations. As I said it doesn't have to start "tomorrow". If this is agreeable I would proceed to so do and present so we would be better able to move forward. I do believe it could work "OTz Team Debates" once the process is not tedious for participation.


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We could go round and round on this to infinitum. Granted it needs to be resolved into one cohesive proposal. It may seem like a long time but really, we only began discussing the idea yesterday evening. What I am most impressed with is the amount of feedback and the passionate responses. No matter how diverse everyone's input does have merit and is appreciated. You bunch are really exceptional and I hope your spirit doesn't change.

Last night I indicated that I would put forward a working draft of how it could work including all mechanics, taking into consideration the various input. All I ask for is to give some time to think through properly and asked to be given to the end of this week to present bearing in mind time limitations. As I said it doesn't have to start "tomorrow". If this is agreeable I would proceed to so do and present so we would be better able to move forward. I do believe it could work "OTz Team Debates" once the process is not tedious for participation.

Excellent idea my dear - and no, it hadn't got to be 'tomorrow' as you have said, to have it done by, so just take your time and when you are ready, we can begin.

This is much better I think.

Well, I agree with you putting forward a working draft, for one. I am sure everyone else will do too. :) ;)


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Excellent idea my dear - and no, it hadn't got to be 'tomorrow' as you have said, to have it done by, so just take your time and when you are ready, we can begin.

This is much better I think.

Well, I agree with you putting forward a working draft, for one. I am sure everyone else will do too. :) ;)

Thanks Ria.

Pudding Time

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We could go round and round on this to infinitum. Granted it needs to be resolved into one cohesive proposal. It may seem like a long time but really, we only began discussing the idea yesterday evening. What I am most impressed with is the amount of feedback and the passionate responses. No matter how diverse everyone's input does have merit and is appreciated. You bunch are really exceptional and I hope your spirit doesn't change.

Last night I indicated that I would put forward a working draft of how it could work including all mechanics, taking into consideration the various input. All I ask for is to give some time to think through properly and asked to be given to the end of this week to present bearing in mind time limitations. As I said it doesn't have to start "tomorrow". If this is agreeable I would proceed to so do and present so we would be better able to move forward. I do believe it could work "OTz Team Debates" once the process is not tedious for participation.

I put forth a well thoughtout proposal last night to which only one person has commented on.

Pudding Time

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I haven't been on all night, I just saw it. I like it. I think it's the best way to do it yet. Solves the time problem.

The whole idea behind my proposal is to keep everyone happy, interested, and to keep the debate process flowing nicely.

I just hope it gets serious consideration.


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Patience is virtue:

From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996): "Patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. The proverb has been traced back to 'Piers Plowman' (1377) by William Langland and is similar to the Latin, Maxima enim..patientia virtus (Patience is the greatest virtue) and the French, Patience est une grant vertu. (Patience is a great value.) Some ten years after Langland, Chaucer wrote in 'The Canterbury Tales' (1386) that 'Patience is a high virtue.' Sometimes followed by the wry rejoinder 'but virtue can hurt you.' First cited in the United States in 1724 in the 'Works of Thomas Chalkley' (1766)..."


Well-Known Member
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Patience is virtue:

From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996): "Patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. The proverb has been traced back to 'Piers Plowman' (1377) by William Langland and is similar to the Latin, Maxima enim..patientia virtus (Patience is the greatest virtue) and the French, Patience est une grant vertu. (Patience is a great value.) Some ten years after Langland, Chaucer wrote in 'The Canterbury Tales' (1386) that 'Patience is a high virtue.' Sometimes followed by the wry rejoinder 'but virtue can hurt you.' First cited in the United States in 1724 in the 'Works of Thomas Chalkley' (1766)..." A Take that song

See, what do ya know Deb - it's included in the above "Random House Dictionary". Blimey, Take That are so huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, eh? :24: