Why has this gone off topic now?
This is the thread for discussing how to organize our teams for debate, not global warming.
Right, there are few things I do not agree with on how the team debate should get started...
I don't think anyone should be limited to a certain amount of posts and the timing for when people post, should be more flexible too, given that some people are in bed when otthers are still at early evening.
Then, this is what I posted before re the teams, but it wasn't acknowledged...
I think whoever's the one arranging the teams, should be left to decide who goes with which team - then I reckon, if anyone's not happy about being in that team, they don't have to join in, I would imagine.
Reading over some of the posts since I left last night, I am beginning to agree with jen - I can't see this working. Look how this has gone on this far and nothing has even been resolved.
It started out with a good idea from Deb/CB.
Now, it's been run into tension already with people saying they won't be in a team with so and so and then another trying to decide the whole thing and not having an open mind on it at all, getting highly tense already, then disagreeing on the time limit, how many posts per person per team etc etc.
I feel like this has become a bit of a mess now and should have been concluded long ago - the amount of pages so far and still nothing come together once and for all - all just over getting teams together.
There are already tensions plus now, as mentioned above, it has gone onto a completely different topic, ignoring the reason for this thread.
I don't know - maybe this should be thought through by the the person who will be overseeing this only, as I mentioned^^^^^^
This has gone on far too long.
Plus, I do not think religion or the war should be topics either - there have been so many threads re these topics as it is, which have gone round in more than enough circles already.
Why not make it about something in the current news?