How do you handle a difference of opinion? I'm not talking something minor like.... that's green... and someone says no... it's ivy. I'm talking about a topic that can get really personal. Examples:
Sexual Preference.
You know.... the heart of things.
What do you do when your beliefs are being questioned or attacked? Do you take a stand and argue until you're blue in the face? Do you 'man up' and realize it's only gonna get uglier if you pursue the conversation and take the high road and back off?
Does anyone who offers their opinion on anything really need to shove it down the throats of others? Does anyone who doesn't agree with another's opinions need to keep at them until both are beside themselves with anger?
What does any of it prove?
Whatever happened to being able to agree to disagree? Civility?
Your thoughts?
When I read this I thought you were referring to face-to-face conversations. In this forum, I'm with Minor. My whole purpose of coming here is to hash out opinions and ideas, hopefully expanding my own knowledge and others in the process. Finding out that I'm wrong about a long-held belief is actually a time for celebration, because that means I've learned, changed, and improved.
If when things get hot we just "agree to disagree" and walk away, we do each other a disservice. The tenacious ones who stick with a conversation like that generally do not go nuclear, but eventually return to a more civil level and usually earn each other's respect and even friendship. Ed and Minor are generally more tenacious (read "bullheaded"

) than I am and usually stay cooler. We've found that though we vehemently disagree on some things, we also strongly agree on others. We never would have found that out by walking away.
Now, IRL conversations are very different. :willy_nilly:
Religion: If it's a conversation about a religion, that's a good conversation to have & very interesting. If it turns into a sales pitch to convert me, that's something else. I usually laugh at the effort and try to steer the conversation to the first type.
Sexual Preference: I don't care who makes you horny, unless it's me or my beloved. Any conversation with me about sexual preference usually resembles a conversation about whether you're a dog person or cat person.
Money: I like discussing money. I get lost quick if it turns into a conversation about investing, but money and budgeting are subjects about personal responsibility & accountability. I can discuss that all day long.
Government: I don't discuss politics, generally. I usually mention OTZ & recommend they join, then change the subject.