Difference of Opinion

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Defiant Tuesday

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This is a debate forum, 'manning up' does not equate to backing off. Debate your point until you get tired of debating. It's that simple. And this has nothing to do with getting ugly. I consistently have never-ending debates and it is done mostly while remaining civil or maybe just a little sarcasm enters the discussion. ;)

Agree :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:D


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I disagree with all my friends on pretty much every issue, but we're still friends, we have fun bickering about our beliefs and things never get heated or anything because we know how how to actually have an intelligent discussion about things and not get MAD that someone actually disagrees with us.


In Memoriam - RIP
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How do you handle a difference of opinion? I'm not talking something minor like.... that's green... and someone says no... it's ivy. I'm talking about a topic that can get really personal. Examples:

Sexual Preference.

You know.... the heart of things.

What do you do when your beliefs are being questioned or attacked? Do you take a stand and argue until you're blue in the face? Do you 'man up' and realize it's only gonna get uglier if you pursue the conversation and take the high road and back off?

Does anyone who offers their opinion on anything really need to shove it down the throats of others? Does anyone who doesn't agree with another's opinions need to keep at them until both are beside themselves with anger?

What does any of it prove?

Whatever happened to being able to agree to disagree? Civility?

Your thoughts?
NEVER talk religion or politics with people... Unless you know FOR SURE they think the same way you do.


The cake is a metaphor
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Sexual Preference.

You know.... the heart of things.

Couldn't care less about those things.

I don't care what religion somebody follows, because they're all stupid.
I don't care what sexual preference somebody holds, it can even make for some good banter if they're cool with it.
I've never argued with anyone about money. I'll pay back my debts and expect others to do the same.
I don't really care about government either. Unfortunatley communists, anarchists and other wierdo's make it their business to convert you or point out yours and the world's flaws... Not something I'd build a friendship on.


Number 2, Rafael!
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I mainly debate about football and pro wrestling. They are my stronger subjects. Generally speaking I never get too angry in a debate because I always have the belief that my opinion is right.


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I want nothing to do with people having radically opposed views from mine -in other words, flawed views- on matters such as religion, belief, sexual preference/sexual liberties or liberties and politics.
That's too bad because you really limit yourself when you limit your relationships.


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NEVER talk religion or politics with people... Unless you know FOR SURE they think the same way you do.

Only if they don't have an open-mind.

Fights develop out of debates when someone is closed-minded and they believe 100% they know the right answer. Any intelligent person has to acknowledge the potential subjectivity in opinion and that humans do in fact make mistakes.

My friends are generally open-minded, so we can discuss politics and religion and everything with no problem. And we have a wide variety of views on the subjects.


Well-Known Member
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How do you handle a difference of opinion? I'm not talking something minor like.... that's green... and someone says no... it's ivy. I'm talking about a topic that can get really personal. Examples:

Sexual Preference.

You know.... the heart of things.

What do you do when your beliefs are being questioned or attacked? Do you take a stand and argue until you're blue in the face? Do you 'man up' and realize it's only gonna get uglier if you pursue the conversation and take the high road and back off?

Does anyone who offers their opinion on anything really need to shove it down the throats of others? Does anyone who doesn't agree with another's opinions need to keep at them until both are beside themselves with anger?

What does any of it prove?

Whatever happened to being able to agree to disagree? Civility?

Your thoughts?
When I read this I thought you were referring to face-to-face conversations. In this forum, I'm with Minor. My whole purpose of coming here is to hash out opinions and ideas, hopefully expanding my own knowledge and others in the process. Finding out that I'm wrong about a long-held belief is actually a time for celebration, because that means I've learned, changed, and improved.

If when things get hot we just "agree to disagree" and walk away, we do each other a disservice. The tenacious ones who stick with a conversation like that generally do not go nuclear, but eventually return to a more civil level and usually earn each other's respect and even friendship. Ed and Minor are generally more tenacious (read "bullheaded" ;)) than I am and usually stay cooler. We've found that though we vehemently disagree on some things, we also strongly agree on others. We never would have found that out by walking away.


Now, IRL conversations are very different. :willy_nilly:

Religion: If it's a conversation about a religion, that's a good conversation to have & very interesting. If it turns into a sales pitch to convert me, that's something else. I usually laugh at the effort and try to steer the conversation to the first type.

Sexual Preference: I don't care who makes you horny, unless it's me or my beloved. Any conversation with me about sexual preference usually resembles a conversation about whether you're a dog person or cat person.

Money: I like discussing money. I get lost quick if it turns into a conversation about investing, but money and budgeting are subjects about personal responsibility & accountability. I can discuss that all day long.

Government: I don't discuss politics, generally. I usually mention OTZ & recommend they join, then change the subject.


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Now, IRL conversations are very different. :willy_nilly:

Religion: If it's a conversation about a religion, that's a good conversation to have & very interesting. If it turns into a sales pitch to convert me, that's something else. I usually laugh at the effort and try to steer the conversation to the first type.

Sexual Preference: I don't care who makes you horny, unless it's me or my beloved. Any conversation with me about sexual preference usually resembles a conversation about whether you're a dog person or cat person.

Money: I like discussing money. I get lost quick if it turns into a conversation about investing, but money and budgeting are subjects about personal responsibility & accountability. I can discuss that all day long.

Government: I don't discuss politics, generally. I usually mention OTZ & recommend they join, then change the subject.

you are wrong ;)


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Only if they don't have an open-mind.

Fights develop out of debates when someone is closed-minded and they believe 100% they know the right answer. Any intelligent person has to acknowledge the potential subjectivity in opinion and that humans do in fact make mistakes.

My friends are generally open-minded, so we can discuss politics and religion and everything with no problem. And we have a wide variety of views on the subjects.

Fights do not occur due to someone's 'closed-minded' opinion, especially on forums, it is just really a matter of opinion whether that person is close minded or not. All I have seen on this site, and on others it is because everyone believes that religious people are close minded, which isn't correct, those who oppose religion are the ones that really start accusing others of being that, which is really unfair, because one person starts a thread expects someone to reply to their threads, if they don't like the opinion they get accused of being either close minded or backwards


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Fights do not occur due to someone's 'closed-minded' opinion, especially on forums, it is just really a matter of opinion whether that person is close minded or not. All I have seen on this site, and on others it is because everyone believes that religious people are close minded, which isn't correct, those who oppose religion are the ones that really start accusing others of being that, which is really unfair, because one person starts a thread expects someone to reply to their threads, if they don't like the opinion they get accused of being either close minded or backwards
True dat. Although your first sentence is wrong. The ones that accuse religious people of being closed minded by virtue of being religious are the closed-minded ones in this case. If both are truly open-minded, there will be no fight.

Peter Parka

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If I'm on the forum, I will get into deep discussion about it because that's what it's here for. Unfortunately there are too many people who take it personally and when they cant argue their point reasonably start chucking around childish insults which do nothing to back up their view (I'm not talking about heated discussion). They are the kind of people who should just stay out of debate imo.
In real life many of you will be surprised to learn that I have friends who are Catholic, homophobes, sexist and racist. They keep their opinions to themself around me though and have qualities that do make them good friends. They know my opinions on those subjects and as a friend know not to try and offend me by spouting on theirs and if they do let something slip it's easy enough to quickly put them in their place because their views are stupid.For example, a friend of mine with racist views, I was talking to her about how we were having trouble getting a housing transfer because of my missus medical needs. She responded by saying that it's because they give all the spare houses to foreigners. I replied that was strange because my missus is foreign. That shut her up. Strange how people seem to forget that my missus is foreign simply because she is a white Australian. Having a half black African goddaughter helps too. Its quite funny hearing people spouting on about foreigners and when I just tell them this fact with no other argument, they start squirming, get all uncomfortable and shut up.Dosent work on forums though as there are too many brave little e-thugs around who only talk shit from the safety of their house, hiding behind a keyboard.
Even my missus and I have strong religious differences. We used to have heated rows about it but have found it's best just not discussing it. I love my wife, religion really isn't important unless someones trying to shove it down your throat, which she dosen't so that's the best way to go. She dosen't try and stop me doing stuff which is against her religion and I dont stop her going to church, I even drive her there sometimes. I love her and if that's what makes her happy I'll help her if I can.


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How do you handle a difference of opinion? I'm not talking something minor like.... that's green... and someone says no... it's ivy. I'm talking about a topic that can get really personal. Examples:

Sexual Preference.

You know.... the heart of things.

What do you do when your beliefs are being questioned or attacked? Do you take a stand and argue until you're blue in the face? Do you 'man up' and realize it's only gonna get uglier if you pursue the conversation and take the high road and back off?

Does anyone who offers their opinion on anything really need to shove it down the throats of others? Does anyone who doesn't agree with another's opinions need to keep at them until both are beside themselves with anger?

What does any of it prove?

Whatever happened to being able to agree to disagree? Civility?

Your thoughts?

I think it reasonable to state your own point of view rather than assailing others.
Also, it is unreasonable for someone to ask for ''proof'' to a 'news' already on air!! That is a fact and the debate should go by it rather than someone insisting on ''proving'' it. How can you prove a news already published by
International Newspapers or the media???

Some people object to ''cut-paste'' which is not correct because in many circumstances especially when some point has to be corroborated with other evidence!

It is also poor debating when someone stoops to personal insults and obnoxiousness when he is not able to hear what he wants to hear from his opponent. That's sheer narrow mindedness and uncalled for.

Some posters float threads with their opponent's name which is again insulting and uncalled for because the purpose behind launching such threads it only to taunt and mock at others and to save themselves from the ignominy of their defeat.

One another thing: There are always members from different nationalities on most forums who may not be as good at English colloqualism as others or are weak at expression. This shouldn't be taken as a genuine ground for bashing or maligning them and ought to be dealt with the civil refinement that's expected of a civil people! :::)