I have a bottle of Pepsi Max infront of me... Want me take a pic of the label for ya?
I have a regular Diet Pepsi that I could take a picture of as well. It doesn't have any sugar in it. Nor does my Diet 7-Up. Milk is another story.
Yeah I know..
I learned to pay close attention to labels when mom was diagnosed...
I do not buy many products because of what I read on the labels. My main concern is sugar levels ie: how many grams per serving and then I concentrate on carbs. The serving size is also important to make note of even if they are ridiculous. I have learned to manage my disease very well because of my concentration and rarely do I need to take medication. When I decide to spoil myself with a good feed of Chinese food I'll pop about a 1/2 of a Glybe and that helps get my level down before I drag my ass into the rack.
It took quite a while to " educate " myself and it was a bit of a challenge because food tastes that good. That's why we eat it. Survival is the least of our concerns.
I learned it all with mom because mom wouldn't learn herself unless she had someone to help her..
She did great for 6 years and now she's in trouble again.. She's being switched around on meds etc... :S... So I kinda wanna go home and read her the riot act and such.. To help her get back on track.. She can't come out to visit me because she has to go to the dr's so much right now to get it all back in control.. Mom's problem is she loves her starches and won't eat her veggies for the most part..
i told him today to stop and get a sugar packet, some orange juice or hell even a candy bar. the past two days he has been driving home from work feeling dizzy etc. he started taking the glucagen about 2 weeks ago. his thing is gonna be eating small meals through out the day, not a big meal all at once
We all like startches don't we. Tonight we had Pisgetty and meataballs. Years ago I would have added French Bread to the mix but no more because I know what's going to happen.... and I really liked French Bread in the good old days but if I had both I might as well cut off my own legs. It can get a tad depressing not being able to eat what you want so I know how your mom feels and it really sucks. There's a few different foods that I will risk a couple of times a year but even then I slap myself knowing I'll pay for it. I'm so used to feeling good I really don't like the effect of high blood sugar levels. I threatened to have my fav DQ milkshake this year but I haven't and won't which is what I did last year. A large Pineapple milkshake with extra Pineapple... yum = death :eek 59 grams sugar in a one cup size ( not including extra pineapple ). Who the hell has 1 cup of milkshake?
It's going to take a while to regulate his medication and for him to get used to it. I would recomend he talk to his doctor about decreasing his medication so it doesn't go low. ( I did that and felt much better ) I know I don't need to tell you the possible outcome.
btw... I didn't know you were married and now I'm kinda pissed but I'll get over it.![]()
I'm a damn good cook pleas and thank you. I've also been a diabetic for longer than I care to remember. The best tasting foods are laced with fat and sugar plain and simple. If a person wants to get serious about getting their disease under control they have to condition their thought process and taste buds accordingly. That takes time and until it does healthy food tastes like shit.
Yes but a gram or two or three of sugar can't tell the difference between whole or white flour. I gotta ask you this.... are you a diabetic and have you experienced what effect sugar has on the body. Unless you are a diabetic you have no idea.... personally speaking of course.
You read too much. To a diabetic sugar is sugar and it will have the same result regardless of what type it is.
I don't know how your laws are relating to labels on food products but in Canada one of the things that must be on the label is how many grams of sugar are in a product. No diet pop sold in Canada contains even 1 gram of sugar so I believe it's safe to assume they don't use High Fructose Corn Syrup in ours. You might want to check an actual can which btw I will make a point of doing when I cross the next time.
Maybe it's personal taste, then. Because I've always loved vegetables and chicken and they are VERY tasty to me. I don't prepare anything from a package unless you want to count things like brown rice and whole grain noodles (rare). Any packaged food is going to be laden w/ fat and sugar.
My doctor was concerned that I was borderline. We used a glycemic index based diet to control my weight. So at 95 pounds lighter and nowhere CLOSE to being borderline diabetic anymore, yes, I know what effect it has on the body. I'm also a nationally registered EMT and my grandmother passed away from complications of diabetes.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on that. There are different glycemic loads which cause quicker/longer/more severe/less severe responses in insulin.
I don't drink soda, so I can't help you there. I do know, though, that "caramel color" is produced from corn syrup...but it's not the same as HFCS.
I never mentioned packaged foods. Many cuts of beef have loads of fat as does pork and skin on a chicken. Those are just a few examples. That's where seasonings come in. Without them foods prepared properly for a diabetic are tasteless.
I hate the term borderline diabetic. It's kinda like being a little bit pregnant. Either you are or you aren't.
I don't need help despite what you may think.
Yeah, I don't eat chicken skin anymore, LOL I use seasonings that don't have added sugar or salt. Never had a problem w/ tasteless food. *shrugs* I mean, diabetic or not, seasonings are pretty common sense unless you ENJOY bland food, no???
Doctor's term, not mine, LOL I agree (yes, mark it on your calendar) that the term is stupid.
LMFAO...don't take things so literal.
not yet. still trying to figure it all out. i did tell him about this thread so we will see if he visits it![]()
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