Death penetly for child rape

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No, you just want to be right and think if you keep saying the same thing and blaming everyone else .. that eventually we'll agree .. and we aren't. Because we can read And obviously comprehend the dictionary.

The serial killer INTENDS to kill his victims when he enters their home.

The state INTENDS to kill murders once they have been convicted.

HELLOooooo .. can you not piece the 2 scenario's together?
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No, you just want to be right and think if you keep saying the same thing and blaming everyone else .. that eventually we'll agree .. and we aren't. Because we can read And obviously comprehend the dictionary.

The serial killer INTENDS to kill his victims when he enters their home.

The state INTENDS to kill murders once they have been convicted.

HELLOooooo .. can you not piece the 2 scenario's together?
You still do not understand a basic concept. Why does a serial killer kill? answer that question.
Then ask yourself what the death penalty is about.
If you honestly try to answer those questions you will know they are not in any way the same thing at all.


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A serial killer kills because they feel compelled to do so.

The state kills because society feels compelled that if you take a life you deserve to give your life in that life's place.

I think it is YOU that does not understand how things work.

The taking of a life outside natural means is murder .. regardless of how it is handled. To say otherwise is just fooling yourself so you feel better about it or have a reason for it .. but it does not change WHAT it is .. no matter the reason for it.


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That is ideological nonsense. Whether you believe in the death penalty or not it is asinine to compare the act of a murderer with that of a state mandated execution of said murderer.
If a man breaks into a home and murders an entire family then is later captured. His execution is not the same thing.
If you cannot see the difference between cold blooded murder and punishment for such a crime, then I fear for the world.

First of all, I don't believe calling someone who disagrees with you asinine is the way to proceed. But we'll let it go.
The "comparison" came about because you brought up the idea of the man breaking into a home and murdering an entire family. So since you brought that scene into play, it was obviously going to be used as a comparison in further posts.
This is a break down of the comparison, and perhaps you'll see the non-asinine similarities/differences between a murder and an execution:
1) both instances involve the death of a human being
2) both instances involve the intentional taking of a human life
3) a murder involves an act by an irrational, perhaps insane individual
4) an execution involves an act by a law-abiding individual who acts under the direction of society
5) both deaths are pre-meditated, that is, they are considered before they are carried out
6) a murder is considered a crime by one individual against another, because of # 5
7) an execution is a society's crime against an individual, also because of # 5

Now you are going to say that an execution is a punishment. Yes, I agree that a murderer should be punished. You are going to say that an execution is different than a murder. My answer to that is when a person or a society CHOOSES to take a life, for whatever reason, that both are equally guilty of killing with intent and maliciousness. Both murders and executions are extreme examples of a society that has lost its ability to function coherently.


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A serial killer kills because they feel compelled to do so.
He does it for pleasure.
The state kills because society feels compelled that if you take a life you deserve to give your life in that life's place.
The state does it for punishment not for fun. See the difference?
I think it is YOU that does not understand how things work.

The taking of a life outside natural means is murder .. regardless of how it is handled. To say otherwise is just fooling yourself so you feel better about it or have a reason for it .. but it does not change WHAT it is .. no matter the reason for it.
The fact you even try to equate the murders of what cold blooded killers do to a state that executes such killers tells me you have no idea what murder is.

First of all, I don't believe calling someone who disagrees with you asinine is the way to proceed.
Lets be strait here. What is asinine is the belief that a killer who kills for fun is the same as a state execution. Trying to equate those two is idiotic and yes asinine.
But we'll let it go.

The "comparison" came about because you brought up the idea of the man breaking into a home and murdering an entire family. So since you brought that scene into play, it was obviously going to be used as a comparison in further posts.
This is a break down of the comparison, and perhaps you'll see the non-asinine similarities/differences between a murder and an execution:
1) both instances involve the death of a human being
2) both instances involve the intentional taking of a human life
3) a murder involves an act by an irrational, perhaps insane individual
4) an execution involves an act by a law-abiding individual who acts under the direction of society
5) both deaths are pre-meditated, that is, they are considered before they are carried out
6) a murder is considered a crime by one individual against another, because of # 5
7) an execution is a society's crime against an individual, also because of # 5

Now you are going to say that an execution is a punishment. Yes, I agree that a murderer should be punished. You are going to say that an execution is different than a murder. My answer to that is when a person or a society CHOOSES to take a life, for whatever reason, that both are equally guilty of killing with intent and maliciousness. Both murders and executions are extreme examples of a society that has lost its ability to function coherently.
I disagree, You cannot compare the two at all. A serial killer kills innocents, an execution of said serial killer is not. Do you not know the difference between innocent and guilty?


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Lets be strait here. What is asinine is the belief that a killer who kills for fun is the same as a state execution. Trying to equate those two is idiotic and yes asinine.
Let's be STRAIGHT. Cut the insults if you plan to continue a debate. If you want to be known as the one who slings mud during an argument, then don't be surprised when you get no rebuttals.

I disagree, You cannot compare the two at all. A serial killer kills innocents, an execution of said serial killer is not. Do you not know the difference between innocent and guilty?
Did I not say that the guilty murderer should be punished? Do you not understand that I am saying that the executioner is JUST as guilty and not innocent? You choose to call the executioner innocent. I am saying that the fact that he also chooses to kill makes him just as guilty as the murderer. Do you not know what a choice is?


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Fuck it. here's my opinion.

1. He maliciously hurt a young child. They may not be physically scarred, but they are now emotionally scarred for life.
2. Now I won't have to be worried that another registered sex offender, who won't notify his neighbors of his status, is moving into my neighborhood. Or my friends, or my brothers neighborhood.

When I lived up in northern Fort wayne there were 25 of them within a 3 mile stretch. Guess what? They lived within a mile of a park and two schools.


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Let's be STRAIGHT. Cut the insults if you plan to continue a debate. If you want to be known as the one who slings mud during an argument, then don't be surprised when you get no rebuttals.

Did I not say that the guilty murderer should be punished? Do you not understand that I am saying that the executioner is JUST as guilty and not innocent? You choose to call the executioner innocent. I am saying that the fact that he also chooses to kill makes him just as guilty as the murderer. Do you not know what a choice is?
You call what I say is an insult. What is insulting is your belief that an execution of a convicted killer is just as bad as the convicted killer murdering people. You cannot seem to see the moral difference. To you killing an innocent is the same as executing the person who kills the innocent.


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You call what I say is an insult.
When you call a specific person's opinion idiotic and asinine...yes, that's a direct insult.

What is insulting is your belief that an execution of a convicted killer is just as bad as the convicted killer murdering people.
My belief is an opinion. Your understanding of it as an insult is not very comprehensive. I'd google the dictionary meaning of it, but I think you can handle it.

You cannot seem to see the moral difference. To you killing an innocent is the same as executing the person who kills the innocent.
I believe a moral has to do with the concept of right and wrong. You believe it is right to kill a man who has killed a man. I believe that same act is wrong. I follow the concept that killing is wrong. You want to put conditions on it.


DT3's Twinkie
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Let's just throw a bucket of water on the fire and get back to the topic at hand:)

It is getting dangerously close to personal attack, no need for that to happen.


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He does it for pleasure.

Not all killers kill for pleasure .. many of them kill out of compulsion .. these people are sick (mental disease or perhaps chemical imbalance) while they do know right from wrong in most cases they continue to do it (often leaving a trail so that they are more easily caught).

The state does it for punishment not for fun. See the difference?

You seem unable to realize that no one is saying that the state ENJOYS killing people. You also seem unable to put 2 and 2 together and form the conclusion that while the killing of a human by a serial killer or by the state are done for different reasons .. they are both still KILLING (i.e. taking the life of) a human being.

The fact you even try to equate the murders of what cold blooded killers do to a state that executes such killers tells me you have no idea what murder is.

No one is equating anything. We are simply trying to show you that forecefully .. willingly .. and openly taking a life outside natural means is murder.


1.Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder), and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder).
Do you see the connection here? The state commit's "murder" under cnditions specifically cvered in law (i.e the death penalty), and the "murder" commited by the state is deliberated and premeditated (i.e they set a date for your death).

No one is saying that the state kills for the SAME REASON that a serial killer will. They are simply saying .. that the states (that have a death penalty) still partake in the taking a life, in replacement of a life.

Lets be strait here. What is asinine is the belief that a killer who kills for fun is the same as a state execution. Trying to equate those two is idiotic and yes asinine.

No one EVER said the two were on common ground as far as the REASONING behind the killings. All we have gone round and round about in here is the fact that BOTH parties are still responsible for taking the life of a human being.

Both actions by both parties result in death.

I disagree, You cannot compare the two at all. A serial killer kills innocents, an execution of said serial killer is not. Do you not know the difference between innocent and guilty?

Now right here you are at your most illogical. The 2 are most definately comparable because both parties commit the same action (un-natural death) , just for 2 different reasons.

The serial killer kills out of human desire.

The state kills out of human desire to punish one for not controlling their human desires. Humans get together and vote on this, so it is a collective reasoning that agree that the killing of such a human being has to be done to rectify what they did towards society.

I think you are missing what Breath and AEF are saying though.

They do not agree with the taking of a life by another human beings hand .. period.

They do not agree that even though another persn may have killed, it is not ethical to in return kill that person. They are nt saying to not punish them ..they are simply saying that they do not believe that DEATH should be the punishment delivered.

Kinda like some people believe children shouldn't be "arrested" for bringing knives to schol.

You're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this under that subject. It's a hot topic and one that is not ging to end. There will always be 2 sides to this situation. Obviously many people agree that death should be the punishment else it wouldn't happen (which is why some states carry the death penalty), but not all states agree .. which is why not ALL states carry the death penalty.

What you are arguing though is that taking a life by one is justified while another taking a life is not. When that verywell MAY be true .. the 2 acts are still the same on a very basic level.

Killing .. is killing. Taking a life is taking a life.

debbie t

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Taking a life, be it by murder or execution, is wrong. (Leave self defense out of this.) A criminal who murders is wrong. A society that kills a murderer is wrong.

you all know that this is how i feel.ditto above

instictively i want to kill this person but thankfully the advocates and judges get to view this an decide what the out come is to be
thats why we have a justice system

stop making me weep ,i do not know what the answer is ,but life imprisonment is my best guess,that way i keep society safe but also serve some punishment,and do not taint myself with murder


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Ok, if any more insults go flying, I will need to close this thread.

This is not a debate about the death penalty in general, but that of the use of it in the case of child rape.

We have had a thread all about the death penalty which also went round and round in circles.

Now, please stop the insults.

Thank you.


Accidental Bastard
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You guys better recognize Ria

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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i always recognise ria as my chief agony aunt...mutha

in a debate about a subject which is so heartbreaking and volatile ,i think that emotions will always run riot.

the justice system(at least in the UK,my experiencial homebase) are there to make the judgments and remove all emotion ,which is all we can do.

you all know my beliefs and views and yet even i would like to employ people to punish animals like this.....that is why we have a judical system