Countdown until Obama is gone

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Gee, That's unexpected praise from you, Anuk. :D
So you think Bush made reasonable promises and has shown in the past to uphold them? :24:

Cute! And I think you know me better than that. (LOL)

I've done a lot of human nature study in the last 45 fact, I've even done some freaky human nature study. I've come to the conclusion that most people are lazy, and do the least amount of leg work and research possible. The way this poster is counting down the days......FOR WHAT, WE DON'T KNOW.....BUSINESS AS USUAL? leads me to believe they are going to pretend they have done their homework, then spend the next 4 years in denial, while pointing fingers, and blaming the other party. I could be totally wrong on this one.....but I have a feeling I'm not. :p
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So what campaign promises has he broken in your view? Just curious

I think he's kept quite a few campaign promises.....half-ass counts, right?

BTW, I like that Dan Baker quote. I tried to enter a quote last night, and it kept telling me it was too long??? Any suggestions?
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Having way too much fun
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Barack? Really?

1st: Taking away the tax-incentives for taking jobs overseas. Tho, I did read just this week that they're thinking about something like that. We'll see if it passes.

2nd: Rescinding the Patriot Act.

Those are two right off the top of my head...

Didn't he promise to end both wars too? Plus bring accountability back :24:

As to your 1st one, that stalled in the senate (republican filibuster) on the 28th of this month. “Creating American Jobs and End Offshoring Act” Google it. It died quietly in the senate when it didn't get 60 votes to make it to the floor for debate. Didn't see it in the news, did you? Hmmm liberal media my ass.

Your 2nd point... you are right on this, he dropped the ball on this big time. I wasn't sure he was going to able to do anything about that, but I had my hopes. But if you go back and check, it was never a promise that he made. Hell, he didn't say much about the patriot act at all and he never said that he was going to repeal it.

He did promise to withdraw troops from Iraq, and he did. But he promised to strengthen the troops in Afghanistan, and he did. He never promised to end the war in Afghanistan yet he did set an agressive time table. It's not open ended like Bush left them both.


Damn you are funny


Disclaimer: They all do it. Just I admit it while you live in denial IMO

So far to date...

He has kept 122 promises, compromised on 39, stalled on 82, 238 are still in the works and 22 were broken promises... That's a HELL of a record for any politician.

The so called "Liberal media" has not covered a fucking good thing so far.
Did you hear about the “Creating American Jobs and End Offshoring Act” that was just in the senate?
How about the two bills that were just signed into law supporting small business with 16 different tax breaks for them? Or the $30 billion dedicated to small businesses so they can have their lines of credit/loans opened up?
The list goes on and on.
And doesn't anyone find it interesting that the President spoke in front of a crowd of 26,000 yesterday and not one news station carried it? When was the last time any news station gave him coverage?


Having way too much fun
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BTW, those two small business bills that were just signed into law, well the republicans tried to stop them as well. Fucking republicans don't give a shit about the working folk or the middle class.

Like I said before... Show me one fucking thing the republicans have done for the working man aka middle class in the last 20 years... anything


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Aside: are they still allowing filibusterers to take breaks, stop for the evening & start again the next morning, etc? I can't think of a single real filibuster mentioned in the news, maybe because one side says the word and the other side rolls over, I don't know.

I wonder how long the senators would carry on a filibuster if they were really challenged to - meaning a real one like the old days, with no breaks.


In Memoriam - RIP
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So far to date...

He has kept 122 promises, compromised on 39, stalled on 82, 238 are still in the works and 22 were broken promises... That's a HELL of a record for any politician.

hehehehehehehehehe..... I didn't know there was a list somewhere... I should have. :nod:

Is there one for Bush? Then again, I don't want to know. :yuk

Does that list include his getting a puppy for his kids? :D

I'm half awake, but I think I just heard our esteemed politicians are going on break? I'm not rewinding to find out for sure. (yes, we tape our am news so we can FF through commercials - awesome in these political ad times) It's a rough life for them isn't it?

Perhaps one day the good folks of this country will realize that both sides don't work for us? That they will say whatever they think will get them votes. That they find little things to divide us in hope that we won't focus on the big picture and decide to vote every single one of them out. Too bad there aren't any new ones coming up that will be able to actually put US first, second & third in their priorities. It's another reason I wish Ron Paul could have won. Cuz when he won and he too was assimilated (as he actually said was possible) it would have been clear just how bad it really is.

The same w/the media. Hey, did y'all know the UN determined that the flotilla attack was a crime? Not a word here in the US. It did make it to BBC... Good to know the outcome of gunning down an unarmed American kid doesn't rate news. Good to know Lindsey Lohan is going back to rehab but no word on Troops we've lost these past few weeks.

Then again, most people are so busy trying to stay afloat, keep their jobs and raise their families, who has time to really pay attention? I think the politicians like it like that. I hope they all have a nice break.

*asks myself what am I doing in a political thread this early in the morning & remembers it does no good. Except that I get to use this cute Icon that sums it all up!!*

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New Member
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BTW, those two small business bills that were just signed into law, well the republicans tried to stop them as well. Fucking republicans don't give a shit about the working folk or the middle class.

Like I said before... Show me one fucking thing the republicans have done for the working man aka middle class in the last 20 years... anything

I can't think of a thing!


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hehehehehehehehehe..... I didn't know there was a list somewhere... I should have. :nod:

Is there one for Bush? Then again, I don't want to know. :yuk

Does that list include his getting a puppy for his kids? :D

I'm half awake, but I think I just heard our esteemed politicians are going on break? I'm not rewinding to find out for sure. (yes, we tape our am news so we can FF through commercials - awesome in these political ad times) It's a rough life for them isn't it?

Perhaps one day the good folks of this country will realize that both sides don't work for us? That they will say whatever they think will get them votes. That they find little things to divide us in hope that we won't focus on the big picture and decide to vote every single one of them out. Too bad there aren't any new ones coming up that will be able to actually put US first, second & third in their priorities. It's another reason I wish Ron Paul could have won. Cuz when he won and he too was assimilated (as he actually said was possible) it would have been clear just how bad it really is.

The same w/the media. Hey, did y'all know the UN determined that the flotilla attack was a crime? Not a word here in the US. It did make it to BBC... Good to know the outcome of gunning down an unarmed American kid doesn't rate news. Good to know Lindsey Lohan is going back to rehab but no word on Troops we've lost these past few weeks.

Then again, most people are so busy trying to stay afloat, keep their jobs and raise their families, who has time to really pay attention? I think the politicians like it like that. I hope they all have a nice break.

*asks myself what am I doing in a political thread this early in the morning & remembers it does no good. Except that I get to use this cute Icon that sums it all up!!*


Is his getting a puppy an important issue? Am I missing something? Is his dog paling around with terriers now?


Having way too much fun
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Outstanding link. :thumbup Unfortunately the conservative forces in the country thrive on partisan rhetoric and don't want to be confused with facts.

You mean like when the tea party was rallying with signs complaining about taxes when they just got a tax break? :24:

Funny thing is, when they were interviewed, they didn't know they were paying less taxes than under Bush. They thought that their taxes had gone up... since that time, you don't see many signs about taxes :24:

Stupid people are fun to watch, yet it's scary to think they vote