Not at all and no surprise you would jump to that conclusion. How small of a minority are they? When they make that much noise it's hard to tell and don't you think it diminishes and over shadows whatever legitimacy the people with legitimate concerns have? The extremists must be denounced, but we know that is not going to happen, because it does not serve the political ends now does it?
Hey, you said it not me. Its just really funny how the left in this country is trying everything they can to demonize and marginalize the opposition amongst the American people by pointing to the "extremists" and yelling at the top of their lungs "SEE!! IF YOU DON'T DENOUNCE THEM YOU'RE ALL EVIL!!!" when during the last 8 years they embraced the left wing extremists wholeheartedly and pretty much let them run the show.
Or have you forgotten about those on the left doing really similar things up to including burning just about every member of GWBs admin in effigy.
Remember kids, going letting the fringe run the protest is 100% if you're on the left, but having them within 100 miles of a protest for anyone else is just evil...