Canada sucks

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Re: RE: Canada sucks

2000Si said:
I can handle the debate. I just don't think I should have to handle the personal insults made against me.

There were no personal insults until you told him you wished he never signed up, and even after you said that he didn't insult you. He simply disagreed with your opinion, and did so in a respectable way in my opinion.

Tonytroll may not have made any valid points, but he never once personally insulted anyone. He is a moron though for his dumbass posts in other threads about this, but he most certainly did not do anything but disagree with you.

One thing I will not tolerate is insulting or disrespecting a moderator of OTz, you know that James. But that is not the case here.

Now, gentleman, carry on the conversation.
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Re: RE: Canada sucks

Mrs Behavin said:
Hurt911gen said:
ha, 2000si lost! and dont jump on my ass now, remember james, i'm an immature prep gay dude who smokes weed with his moronic brother on a thursday night while eating burritos and watching chapelles show along with sitting in a chatroom. i'm clean

Was that necessary? No, I dont think so

nah, nobody fucks with me or my bro


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Re: RE: Canada sucks

To get back on topic

tonytroll said:
OUZBnd said:
How can you say that you do not contribute? Maybe not to this specific reserve in canada. Every single thing you own, every single tool you use, every single source of energy you consume had to come from the environment and its resources. So tell me how you can be so sure that,for example, in the processing of your keyboard that you type this shit on a squirrel wasn't killed?

I hate destroying of the environment also, but you seem to only equate it to those who produce the oil, not those who consume it. Humans are not the only species who change the course of nature. What about a beaver colony who builds a massive damn and destroys the eco system down stream? Or destroys what used to be a marsh land, but now its a pond or a lake. Do you hold them accountable for killing thousands of spotted frogs? Or do you say its okay because they need a place to live, just like humans?
Well for starters I knew it would piss you off.
And the truth of it all I don't need any of these oil base products to survive. If one day they up and vanished. that would be a good day for me. It would make me very happy.
I simply use these products because they are an easily achivable luxury.
As for the Beaver..
The beaver does what it does out of instinct and has no idea of what it is doing to the enviroment down stream
We the humans destroy out of greed and know exactly what we do.
We even have the intelligence to know that it is wrong but blanket it with false pressumptions of the benefits of how it wil help all man kind.

It is wrong what they do and shame on you for thinking other wise.

The whole logic behind your argument is nothing but hypocritical BS. How can you make any sort of stand against oil companies if you use their products, not out of necessity, but because they are “easily achievable luxury”? This does not promote that fact that you say you care about the environment. It shows that you are spouting off simply to hear your self bitch about something that you obviously don’t care enough about to do anything worthwhile for the cause. If you are going to argue a point, then try to remain consistent with your arguments.

As far as the beaver example goes, how do you know beavers don’t know the effects their damns have to the environment? According to you, whales are smarter than humans, so perhaps beavers are just as smart as whales. If this were the case, then beavers should be able to live in harmony with the eco system and find a better, less destroying way to build their homes.


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I know my opinion may not matter in this situation but i do agree with 2000si...simply because of the general posting nature of tony is very insulting and it's almost impossible to take his words by any other means.

and hurt....grow the hell up...

but as for the topic...i may not have the full understanding of the story from what i've read...however, can't base an ecological opinion on what u "THINK" can happen when there are numerous case study's to show the effects of strip mining resources from the ground.


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nah thx rusteh, i'm fine like this...

about oil...well it's like PETA like they will oppose animal testing and all and yet 85% of health reasearch comes from animal testing. and yet they still use products that were developed from animal testing (diabetes cures, artificial knee, etc.). simply put, hypocrites. and tony if u don't like paying a $5000 gas bill every month, then dont bother


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tonytroll said:
This pissed me right the fuck off.
They found oil in canada in some sand. so now they are strip mining a section of canada the size of great britian..

Isn't canada suppose to be like some kind of enviormentaly protective country?
Weren't they just resently bitching about us wanting to drill in Alaska?

Holy crap we were wanting to poke a few holes in the ground..
But no the freakin Canadads plows part of their country up.

You want an intelligent debate out of this? Ok. First I must correct a few points for you.

The definition of strip mining:

n : the mining of ore or coal from an open mine

How Oil Sand is mined, from your own previously provided link:

Hot water is added to the sand, and the resulting slurry is piped to the extraction plant where it is agitated and the oil skimmed from the top. Provided that the water chemistry is appropriate to allow bitumen to separate from sand and clay, the combination of hot water and agitation releases bitumen from the tar sand, and allows small air bubbles to attach to the bitumen droplets. The bitumen froth floats to the top of separation vessels, and is further treated to remove residual water and fine solids. Bitumen is much thicker than traditional crude oil, so it must be either mixed with lighter petroleum (either liquid or gas) or chemically split before it can be transported by pipeline for upgrading into synthetic crude oil.

Strip mining is more dangerous to the ecology of the land than mixing hot water with oil in an effort to get the oil to float to the surface to be extracted, captured and refined.

While extracting Bitumen is dangerous for the world, the amount of greenhouse gases and the disturbing of the earth is much less from the burning of it's product for energy... unlike, say, coal.

Furthermore, for every barrel of synthetic oil produced in Alberta, more than 80 kg of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere and between 3 and 5 barrels of waste water are dumped into tailing ponds.

I'm not seeing you tell the USA it sucks for the damage it's doing to Wyoming.


Or seeing you tell Germany it sucks for the damage it's doing to it's western region.

You see the difference between Wyoming, Alberta and Germany is that Alberta has plans within the next 30 years to reinhabit the land it is currently producing this synthetic oil from.


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well the funny thing is non of us will be alive when this shit happens.......were humans we fuck up everything we touch
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My, such disenchanting discourse.

I have to agree with Tony that it is rather hypocritical for the Peoples Republik of Canukustan© the call us ecoterrorists when they are doing things like this. I think it all comes back to their obvious attempts at world domination.

2000Si said:
You're hating on Canada for something the US has done for many years previous to Canada finally tapping into their resources to make some money.

Yeah, but the US doesn't run arround claiming a hollier than thou stance on enviromental protection.

2000Si said:
My point here was, even though you think it's irrelevant, that as lemon said is a temporary destruction.

HC_CrAzYHoRsE said:
anyways i wouldn't worry about too much, Canadians do things like that the most humane way possible. i'm sure the animals will be taken care of and the land will suffer as minimal damage as possible

While I'm sure the beavers will retain their healthcare, pensions, and ration cards, the damage done to the ground itself is permanent. Damage done to Alberta 30 years ago remains today, just as the damage done by Pennsylvania strip mining is there forever.

Check this site out. Fires accidentally started in Pa. strip mines have been burning for 40 years now.

Amazingly, no one knows how to put the damned thing out. They tried dumping water into it, and the steam broke through and created even more ventilation. Then they tried sealing it off, and the vacuum actually sucked the earth down into it.

tonytroll said:
The big deal is: It's wrong. It's greed. It's unecissary. We have the knowledge to produce cheaper more efficient fuels.

Not true, actually. All of our alternative fuels are rediculously expensive, and can't be produced fast enough to supply the needs of millions of cars.

The only viable solution we have at this moment is nuclear generators, producing power for dwellings and hydrogen for cars, but nuke scare the shit out of hippies.

The problem is, gas is just too cheap in the US, and there's not enough demand for the technology. If there were countless billions in the near future, companies would invest in alternative fuels. But once they are created, they will be expensive for decades and the companies need to know people will be desperate enough to buy them for the time it takes for them to become cheap.

By the by, Cheneys hunting trips are sponsored by a cavalcade of imperial Jews, the oil companies only pay for his secret underground lair.


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We will reach peak oil production by 2037 according to a report by the energy information administration. Peak oil is the point at which demand for oil is greater than supply and oil prices skyrocket. 2037 is a high estimate it will probably happpen sooner. The world demand for oil will increase by about 30 percent in the next 5 years. Acessing the tar sands is vital to ecnomic security of all industrialized nations in fact acessing any oil any wear is important to an economy where nearly every consumer product is some how coneected to oil. The key board your typing on is made of oil of course vehicles run on gasoline which comes from oil but what you didnt know is that every vehicle produced expends about twice its weight in oil while being manufactured. It is important that we find alternative energy sources but in the mean time extracting oil from the sands is an important way of acessing oil as traditional oil supplies dwindle. It is going to get worse before it gets better considering it will take about ten years to make an alternative energy infrastructure in america an we shoulnt expect politician to pay attention to alternative energy as a real solution until alterantives can be cost competitive with gas. So basically what im saying is fuck the enviornment unless you want to be poor...why do you think bush invaded iraq...terroism.