Can sciences prove the existence of God ?

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I bet if I made a thread talking about why God doesn't exist, telling religious people they're wrong, someone would ban me.

You should merge this one with the other. :p
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Having way too much fun
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Well you failed again to understand what I have meant. Science cannot prove the existence/inexistence of god DIRECTLY because ( as you know ) it is limited to the physical so it can neither prove nor disprove the spiritual .. However if we make a good look of some scientific discoveries (in particular, which are integrated and very complex), we will find that the idea of atheism can never explain the beginning of the functional integration of these things. Therefore, current science as well (although it is limited) can INDIRECTLY lead us to discover the answer of our main question: does the god exist ?

Where is the contradition in all that ???

I find it very amusing that people can still use the too complex argument to say there is a god. So what if we don't understand how the universe started? We may never know how the universe started or the mechanics behind it, that does not prove anything. If you were to transport a present day quantum physics book into the past a few hundred years, it would truly shock and amaze them, if they believed it at all. We are gaining in our knowledge of the universe exponentially. There will be a time when we can look back at these religious debates and laugh at our stupidity, just as we laugh at the fact that our ancestors believed lightning bolts were thrown down by Zeus himself.
We are here because of an extraordinary series of events that worked out perfectly for our existence. But if just one thing went wrong and we never came to be, then no one would be here to question it. And there are billions of planets that didn't make the cut.
It's still not a reason to think we were created.


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How many atheist bashing threads do we need?

Believe what you like and I'll believe what I like. I've expressed my feelings towards this many times in the "Hey Atheists, why?" thread.

Did I put the gun on your head to adopt my beliefs ? I explained my idea and I waited your idea that's all ! My only motivation for writing this topic is like what has Mr "All else failed" said: "I feel bad for you as well. Just accepting something because it makes you feel good is not a good idea".



DT3's Twinkie
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Did I put the gun on your head to adopt my beliefs ? I explained my idea and I waited your idea that's all ! My only motivation for writing this topic is like what has Mr "All else failed" said: "I feel bad for you as well. Just accepting something because it makes you feel good is not a good idea".


No.....but a lot of the followers of your faith would:D

Here's the HUGE hole that all "organized" religions have, including your own:

They all think they're right, even the ones that are reading the same book, but call themselves something different.

I attend church with my family, because we like it. But I could care less what you call yourself or your religion.

If everyone is soooo convinced they are right, why can't they let everyone else be wrong and shut up about it?


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Listen Sylviane...

I don't care what any of the other atheists think to be honest. I don't believe in God. It's great that believing in God makes you happy and gets you through the day.

I've heard enough arguing back and forth. You might be right, I might be right, neither of us may be right.
So really, it should not be a debate. Seriously!


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Well put:clap

This debate is senseless:)

I'm with Dani

Thank you for the useful opinion :thumbup

I find it very amusing that people can still use the too complex argument to say there is a god. So what if we don't understand how the universe started? We may never know how the universe started or the mechanics behind it, that does not prove anything. If you were to transport a present day quantum physics book into the past a few hundred years, it would truly shock and amaze them, if they believed it at all. We are gaining in our knowledge of the universe exponentially. There will be a time when we can look back at these religious debates and laugh at our stupidity, just as we laugh at the fact that our ancestors believed lightning bolts were thrown down by Zeus himself.
We are here because of an extraordinary series of events that worked out perfectly for our existence. But if just one thing went wrong and we never came to be, then no one would be here to question it. And there are billions of planets that didn't make the cut.
It's still not a reason to think we were created.

Very good to say "I find it" because really it is not amusing ! read again the simple quetions and "try" to answer them ! and who believes in your Zeus ? is there only Zeus or atheism ???


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No.....but a lot of the followers of your faith would:D

Believe me I was afraid from such answer when I wrote that sentence ! listen Mr badboy, you find the answer in my other topics, because here it is off topic !

Here's the HUGE hole that all "organized" religions have, including your own:

They all think they're right, even the ones that are reading the same book, but call themselves something different.

I attend church with my family, because we like it. But I could care less what you call yourself or your religion.

If everyone is soooo convinced they are right, why can't they let everyone else be wrong and shut up about it?

#10 :)


Having way too much fun
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Very good to say "I find it" because really it is not amusing ! read again the simple quetions and "try" to answer them ! and who believes in your Zeus ? is there only Zeus or atheism ???

No, those are not the only two choices. Since man has been able to ponder his existence he has wondered where he came from and has pondered his own mortality. And centuries of passed down stories explaining our physical world and after life generation after generation turned into the hundreds of religions around the world. This is why the religious beliefs are so localized... Don't you find it funny that Allah only appeared in the middle east? What about the rest of the world? Did it not matter that there were people all over the globe? What about the god of Abraham? Again, just in the middle east. And the greek gods just so happened to live on Mt Olympus? My god, what a coincidence.
I would tend to believe in any god that had enough foresight to appear to everyone around the globe at the same time instead of just appearing to a small band of goat herders who are then asked to spread his word... WTF? He can't let everyone know his secret?

If anyone took the time to do a little research on the origins of religion you would see that it was a way to explain the unexplainable. A way to comfort those who have lost loved ones. A way to bring community together and share in a common good...... that doesn't mean that Allah is any more real than any other god that came before him or after him.


DT3's Twinkie
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I agree somewhat with what Tim said, and to take it a step further,

For eons, civilizations have used whatever they felt empowered them as a higher power. The sun, stars, moon, weather, animals etc.

And I am very okay with that. I think certain groups saw that much power and wealth could be wrought from taking charge of these belief systems and did so.

And in so doing....Decided that a textbook with thousands of loopholes would be sufficient for the narrow minded.


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Don't you find it funny that Allah only appeared in the middle east? What about the rest of the world? Did it not matter that there were people all over the globe? What about the god of Abraham? Again, just in the middle east.
I don't find it funny because as a muslim I know that the god of Abraham is the same god of Muhammad, of jesus, of moses, Allah is one and he is the god of all the prophets sent by him .. However, while Allah was sending Abraham, moses, jesus to only some people ! he sent his last prophet "Muhammad" to all the humanity. Allah said in the holy Quran:
""" We have sent you to all the people, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner, but most people do not know. """ ( Quran 34:28 )


Having way too much fun
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As a muslim I know that the god of Abraham is the same god of Muhammad, of jesus, of moses, Allah is one and he is the god of all the prophets sent by him .. However, while Allah was sending Abraham, moses, jesus to only some people ! he sent his last prophet "Muhammad" to all the humanity. Allah said in the holy Quran: """ We have sent you to all the people, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner, but most people do not know. """ ( Quran 34:28 )

Allah sent Muhammad as a bearer of good news? Allah, a god who can do anything? He only sends one man to walk around in the deserts of the middle east to talk to a handful of goat herders? Really? This is the best he can do? The creator of everything big and small, creator of the universe, maker of man... this is his way of getting his word out?

Doesn't anyone else see the complete and total madness in this way of thinking? A man runs around calling himself a prophet of god in the middle of the desert and we are all to believe him? Don't you think that when god created the earth he would have put in some sort of PA system where he can address all of us at once????



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Allah sent Muhammad as a bearer of good news? Allah, a god who can do anything? He only sends one man to walk around in the deserts of the middle east to talk to a handful of goat herders? Really? This is the best he can do? The creator of everything big and small, creator of the universe, maker of man... this is his way of getting his word out?

Do you want Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) to come to your house and say : "believe in me !" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really better idea :clap

God gave a message to the prophet to deliver to as many people as possible .. After that, it's the Muslims who are in charge of delivering the message of God throughout the world. is this difficult to understand ?​


Having way too much fun
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Do you want Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) to come to you to your house and say : "believe in me !" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really better idea :clap

God gave a message to the prophet to deliver to as many people as possible .. After that, it's the Muslims who are in charge of delivering the message of God throughout the world. is this difficult to understand ?​

Oh I completely understand. I just think you are completely mad to believe this was the best Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) could do.


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Oh I completely understand. I just think you are completely mad to believe this was the best Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) could do.

No You understood nothing ! .. Who said it was the best Allah could do , You know that Allah is the all powerful .. but you should also know that Allah do anything he wants .. You're not his partner in the divinity to dedicate what he has to do !

Since his message has arrived to you should thank him and look well to what has he created


1/2 Angel 1/2 Devil
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Oh I completely understand. I just think you are completely mad to believe this was the best Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) could do.
It is the best way to test faith in a higher power and calculate the time it would take to create the believer and non believers professed in most tales of the end of days.


Having way too much fun
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No You understood nothing ! .. Who said it was the best Allah could do , You know that Allah is the all powerful .. but you should also know that Allah do anything he wants .. You're not his partner in the divinity to dedicate what he has to do !

So he really wasn't serious about getting his message out then, now was he?

I mean if I wanted to let the world know about something important as, say, I am the creator of all and you need to worship me, I'm not going to send my message on a postcard to the polar ice cap.

Allah can't even get his message out to everyone properly, how can I respect a "god" that can't even get something as simple as his message out right?