Is it really necessary for the thread starter to have said "The tripe conservatives and religious right feed us about saving the family is crap?"
Sure, that's his opinion on a political standing. He's not mentioning anyone here by saying "you".
What I am finding on this board is that you can say just about anything you want if you're knocking conservatives or the right, but as soon as someone (like me) starts pointing out the stupidity of liberal policies, all of a sudden its an attack.
Where's the Freedom of Expression?
What in the hell are you talking about? Talk about the stupidity of liberal policies in the government for all anyone cares. You're not, i repeat, NOT attacking anybody on this board doing that.
but I can't tell someone their viewpoint is based on a complete and utter lack of understanding of economics or the Constitution?
Why bother? You calling someone ignorant is just going to start fueling the fire and turn a healthy debate into a flame fest. So AGAIN, I ask, WHY BOTHER? Keep it clean, there is absolutely NO point to telling someone they don't understand, or they're "ignorant" or anything remotely close to this.
Makes no sense--as soon as someone gets called on their opinion they can simply claim I'm being hostile--that's bullshit in my view. I don't respect your opinion until you can prove to me you know what your talking about. This "respect other people's opinions" is a load of crap--respect should be earned not given away. Some people's opinions don't deserve any respect because their opinions are based on emotion and ignorance. I think if you want to debate, you should have thick enough skin to do it or stay out of it. As the old saying goes if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
Oh... ok... so because someone isn't aware of 100% of everything that goes on, they're not allowed to have an opinion?
Now what would you do if your opinion was wrong?
Door #1: Would you enjoy it if the person was polite and took the time to simply explain why its wrong, and prove to you the correct answer?
Door #2: Would you rather them just call you ignorant and move on?
And I've seen the phrase "Stop watching Fox News" more than a few times--is that not also saying, "You are a fucking idiot?" That's clearly the intent of it.
[Nothing to do with anything]
Again--semantics--all a matter of perception. What you need is a no name calling policy, not a "no hostility" policy--the former is objectively enforced, the latter is unable to be objectively enforced.
Please read the rules.
*While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, or purposeless inflammatory posts. The Administrators decisions are final in these matters. Or in some cases, a Moderators decision is final in these matters.
To me this pretty much means don't be hostile. Whether or not you think it's just semantics and based on perceptions is entirely irrelevant. Just don't go around telling people they're ignorant and you'll get along with people on here so much better.
Is this extremely short and easy point I've made really that hard to comprehend for you? You seem fairly intelligent, you're just not making sense.
Now how does those last two sentences feel? Pretty inflammatory, aren't they?