Well the fact remains that you didn't see the celebration on the other side of bridge, or you missed the broadcasts, of what the tragedy 9-11 symbolized to Muslims, just next door to the event, who paraded, waved signs and chanted "Death to America" while the firetrucks and police personnel were still being dispatched.
I did and whether you choose to believe me is up to you. But you can also think about why all of the links to videos and pictures have been removed by the users...Why would people post links in conversation years ago where they were seeen and now they are gone? ANd you can bet that at the same time the Muslims around the world were celebrating they were doing it here too....
Just like in Paterson, NJ there wrere no American Muslim Anti-Terrorist protests after 911. They did the same thing there that they did in NY.
Can any American Muslims explain why there were no Muslim anti-terrorism protests there after 9/11? If I was a member of a minority that had an extremist wing responsible for a terrorist attack, I would have organized such a protest both so the terrorists would see our solidarity with America as well as to diffuse any misconceptions by Americans that my entire group was in line with the extremists...I was very surprised that Muslims did not do this (at least not that I saw). Explanations?
Well I'll give you one. If they had stood up then and if they would stand up now, they would change a lot of perceptions about Muslims. But they don't.
They sit by just like many Germans sat by and did nothing as Hitler murdered the Jews. Those who sit by and do nothing are as guilty as those who are doing the actual acts.
All evil needs in order to flourish is people who sit by and do nothing.