There used to be amateur videos of this online but I have looked all night for them and some links that I found on forums have been disabled and nothing comes up in the search engine. You can ask almost any New Yorker that was of age at that time and they will tell you the same things as me and what I saw in my neighborhood. Most New Yorkers heard about this happening if they weren't actual eyewitnesses. There were a lot of pissed off people against the Muslims at that time.did anyone catch it on video? It's a widely held belief that the celebrations filmed in the Middle East were either faked, or used from another celebration of some kind. The Muslim world has generally condemned the 9/11 attacks and especially the US Muslims.
I even searched the 9/11 archives on sites and news coverage that hasn't been seen by the public and can't find any news station that captured the ones who were doing it on video. Remember that back then I don't think cell phones had cameras like they do now so people weren't able to record like they do today. And there were quite a few people that were doing it where I lived. I wasn't in Manhattan I was in The Bronx when I saw this. The Muslims in Manhattan were as devastated as the Americans because many of their friends and families were lost in the attack.I've tried to find something concrete regarding Muslim celebrations on that day and I haven't been able to do it. I'm sure some of the more radical types did celebrate though. It just makes sense.
It was a very tense time for New York Muslims back then. They were trying so hard to let America know that they were just as much victims as we were. There was a video that I can probably find where they did arrest 5 Israelis dressed as Arabs and I think they were charged with some charges of conspiracy because they were seen dancing and doing other things because they were under surveillance when it happened. i don't remember what the outcome was of that though...