By Faith And Faith Alone - The Existence of God

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Minor Axis

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I'm just a dumb &*^% who has happened to be blessed in his life, and at times can't figure out why. I do however like to talk to people who are much smarter than myself to see what they believe in and why.

1) God's Blessing.
2) Luck
3) The Devil is setting you up.
4) Karma
5) The Force of all living things (Star Wars)
6) The Spiritual Society (Spirits looking over us).
7) Mother Nature.
8) An unknowable force not focused on you per-sey, but you benefit from it's effects.

Pick one, then tell us why it has more validity than any other choice. :)
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Ya, they're horrible topics to talk about in anything put pure anonymity and in the safety of those who agree. They lead to a lot of trouble.

True. When I quit Christianity I didn't tell my dad because I wasn't sure how he'd react. My wife quit a couple years after me. She told her parents and they pretty much disowned her. Said she's evil.


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True. When I quit Christianity I didn't tell my dad because I wasn't sure how he'd react. My wife quit a couple years after me. She told her parents and they pretty much disowned her. Said she's evil.

That's a shame. I have distant family I wouldn't want to know about my lack of belief, they live in NC and are pretty intensely Baptist, to the point they always ask to "sacrifice" their up north family members at the local pulpit to be saved.

Nothing good can come from telling them. My dad gives me trouble but it's been manageable.


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Originally Posted by The Doc
I cant see your brain, but im sure it exists. As does God Almighty

Crack open a skull and you'll see the brain. Until there's a god pinata I'm going to suspend judgment.

It was not only a witty response but it was a logical response. We have proof brains exist even if it requires cracking a skull but we have no concrete proof that their is a" God Almighty". The only thing anyone can be sure of is their faith. I think that is what Mak2 is alluding to when he says
Mak2 said:
...the only thing I think could destroy my faith woudl be proof there is a God.
Because where there is proof, there is no need for faith.


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I think the logical next step to the gist of this thread is: what value should faith have (any individual belief) and how much power should faith be given in society?

Those are the interesting topics regarding religion to me, not necessarily entertaining the scope of logically unsound beliefs therein.

Diggin Deep

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I think the logical next step to the gist of this thread is: what value should faith have (any individual belief) and how much power should faith be given in society?

Those are the interesting topics regarding religion to me, not necessarily entertaining the scope of logically unsound beliefs therein.

Good twist Pan...I'm anxious to see the replies to this. :thumbup

Diggin Deep

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If I may ask... what is your faith built upon?
How did you come to have a personal relationship with God and is it based on the teachings in the bible? Was the bible important in your understanding of God?

My relationship with God began to take form in the summer of 1995 (20 years old). However, it was based upon something that happened to me when I was about 3 years old. It was a very personal experience that wasn't affirmed until I was much older.

I wasn't raised in a church and I had no idea who God or Jesus was. My Dad's side of the family are Catholic and my mom's side never went to church until after I graduated high school. The only time I stepped foot into a church was midnight mass during Christmas as a child while spending time with my Dad.

It was in January of 1996 that I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. It was a crazy day, which started with a church service. I met with the pastor afterwards and talked to him about what I had been feeling and explained to him the experience I had when I was a child. We didn't have much time to talk, because we had to go to a youth outing and while I was driving there, I picked up a homeless hitchhiker. Shortly after dropping him off is when I gave my life to God. The Jesus that I speak of and know to be real and the faith that I have in Him stems from something much greater - my personal experience.

Once in church and while attending Bible College, yes, the Bible aided me in understanding God and Jesus, almost like a roadmap, but it is by far not the reason I came to know God or seek a personal relationship with Him. The Bible and everything else I've read concerning different forms of ideas and beliefs, science and God - for or against has only strengthened my faith and helped shed light on who I believe in, but it did not make my faith for me and it's not why I believe. My life has led me to God, torn me away from Him, and led me back to Him. My life has been one that can only be described as that of a modern day Job or The Prodical Son.

What I have experienced, witnessed, what I have touched and what has happened in my life is the foundation of my faith in God. Who I was, where I've come from, what I've been delivered from and the man I am today - in my opinion, is only by the grace and mercy of God. Literature, preaching, and youtube videos (for or against) is not why I believe in God. I can honestly say that even when I became Agnostic and on the verge of Atheism, there was not a day that I didn't feel what can only be described as deep sea fishing - a spiritual battle, a tugging on my heart. I believe that He was not willing to let me go even though I walked away from a call that I believe He put in my life, denounced my faith and His name...laughing and spitting in the face of God. He was determined to bring His will for my life to pass.

I've heard and read every argument for and against the Bible God. And even though I tried so hard to walk away from Him, every road led back to Him...every answer led back to what I experienced as a little boy and what was affirmed when I was much older.

However, and I've said this before, I completely believe in the Bible. I believe it is the inherent word of God. What I don't believe is that any of us have an inherent understanding of the word of God.

I came to a point in my life where I posed these thoughts and questions to myself:

1. Is there a reasonable explanation for the existence of the universe without a creator?

2. Can I disprove the accuracy and unity of the Bible?

3. Can I explain or disprove the prophecies that came to pass or the miracles that were written in the Bible?

4. Can I explain or disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

5. If there is no evidence of design in the universe. Could I do a better job? -
- What do you think the world should look like if there was a designer?
- What do you feel would be the best way for a creator to tend to it's creation?
- Should the creator even desire a relationship with it's creation?
- If so, to what lengths should a creator go to have that relationship with it's creation?

At the end of the day, I couldn't disprove the Bible: the accuracy or unity of it. I couldn't explain everything in the Bible: the prophecies, miracles, or resurrection. I couldn't explain the existence of the universe or prove that God is the creator. I couldn't even begin to fathom how the universe would look or be like without a creator. All of the things that can or can't be explained, proved or disproved are not central to my faith and why I believe. My faith is not equivalent to an insurance's real, it's personal and it lives within me and is based on far more than any book!

I can't give my faith to you; it can't be bought or traded and I can't force feed it to you. It's personal and unique for each individual. There is something in each individual, something in their life that draws them to God, that is the turning point for them...the Bible, a sermon, a picture, a song, a tragedy or maybe just walking outside. Some require more proof than others and some need no proof at all. It's up for each individual to determine what is required for them to believe and have faith. It's up to the individual to decide what is enough and whether to choose this invisible being called God, another god, science or themselves.

I believe with all of my heart that God - the God who became man and sarificed Himself on the cross - is real. I also believe that beyond the shadow of a doubt, He truly loves and cares for us. Again, I could be completely wrong about what I choose to believe and where I rest my faith. I could be someone who just enjoys believing in fairy tales, fantasies, unicorns and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. However, none of those or science could ever explain my life and the experiences I've had or the miracles I've witnessed. None of those can begin to explain the love that I believe comes from none other than my God...Faith & Faith Alone!
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Minor Axis

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I believe with all of my heart that God - the God who became man and sarificed Himself on the cross - is real.

Unfortunately logic, the basis upon which human beings have risen to the top tier of life on Earth, must be abandoned to apply belief to this corner stone of Christianity. Did God, especially if God is Jesus, sacrifice anything by this charade? And why would it cleanse the entire species known as human beings of sin? There is no logical explanation. Faith must be liberally applied.

Joe the meek

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1) God's Blessing.
2) Luck
3) The Devil is setting you up.
4) Karma
5) The Force of all living things (Star Wars)
6) The Spiritual Society (Spirits looking over us).
7) Mother Nature.
8) An unknowable force not focused on you per-sey, but you benefit from it's effects.

Pick one, then tell us why it has more validity than any other choice. :)

God helps those who helps themselves (doing no harm to others being my personal belief). I always love those people who are in a dire predicament who pray to God to help them but take no action on their own to help their own cause LOL

1. Hard work. I busted my balls, and no one IMO can work harder when I put my mind to it (there is a fine line between being an alcoholic and a workaholic LOL)

2. Pure s*** luck. I could of ended up dead if not for not a few seconds "here or there". Was it luck? Personally, I happen to think of it as "divine intervention" all though I have no proof.

To each his own.


Having way too much fun
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At the end of the day, I couldn't disprove the Bible: the accuracy or unity of it. I couldn't explain everything in the Bible: the prophecies, miracles, or resurrection. I couldn't explain the existence of the universe or prove that God is the creator. I couldn't even begin to fathom how the universe would look or be like without a creator. All of the things that can or can't be explained, proved or disproved are not central to my faith and why I believe. My faith is not equivalent to an insurance's real, it's personal and it lives within me and is based on far more than any book!

So have you studied all of the bible or only the 66 books currently in the King James version?

Were you aware that the King James version originally had 80 books? The 14 books of the bible that were removed were called the Apocrypha, located between the old testament and the new. Have you read and studied these as well?
What about the other 500 or so books that were removed throughout history, the ones deemed irrelevant by councils of men, did you read these as well?

The King James version of the bible Christians use today to base their faith is less than 100 years old..... does that bother you?

The 14 books of the Apocrypha
14 books of the Apocrypha

Diggin Deep

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So have you studied all of the bible or only the 66 books currently in the King James version?

Were you aware that the King James version originally had 80 books? The 14 books of the bible that were removed were called the Apocrypha, located between the old testament and the new. Have you read and studied these as well?
What about the other 500 or so books that were removed throughout history, the ones deemed irrelevant by councils of men, did you read these as well?

The King James version of the bible Christians use today to base their faith is less than 100 years old..... does that bother you?

The 14 books of the Apocrypha
14 books of the Apocrypha

I am completely aware that there are many other books and that they were removed. I have done some minor studies on the Apocrypha, but I have not studied them in the depth that I have the Bible that most people are familiar with. I do not understand why the other 500 or so books were deemed irrelevant and no I have not read them. However, the fact that those books have been removed and for whatever reason is not central to what I believe or my faith.

I am sure that the reasons the many other books are not central to my faith are similar to the reasons some people form their belief and faith based on a waterfall, the changing of the seasons, a sunset or sunrise, or the birth of a baby.

There are many different reasons people come to believe and have faith in God. There are also many reasons people decide not to believe in God. Everyone is different just as the circumstances that either draw one to God or cause one to deny Him are different.


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I think the logical next step to the gist of this thread is: what value should faith have (any individual belief) and how much power should faith be given in society?

Faith in someone who you know well and has earned your trust is good. Faith in someone you have never seen and don't know whether he even exists is bad.