He is using military might to spread our agenda; in that sense you could consider him an imperialist. But when the agenda is freedom, imperialism isn't a bad thing..He is an imperialist because he is using military might to force our agenda and spread our influence and military power across the globe, and to secure strategic footholds in the middle east.
Iraq isn't about terrorism. If we were going after terrorism we would be in Syria and Iran right now, not Iraq. Iraq is about securing strategic resources for the future and establishing a permanent military spring board.
Iraq is, without a doubt, about terrorism. We're putting the war on terror on one front, instead of over-extending our military (more then we already have) and invading syria and iran as well.
This isn't about capitalism. Its about him and his corporate bed fellows raping America (and other countries) just for their own gains. Half of our problems stems from the rich ruling us.
How on earth are they raping America? Other countries, yes, and I don't support that, but here? No. And how many of our problems stem from the rich ruling us? And of those that do, we have to make some sacrifices. It's better then not having the rich, at least.
You can still fight it. And terrorism is not always a bad thing - just when its used against freedom, then it is.You can't fight terrorism like its a standing army, nor is it a single group of individuals. Its theoretically everyone, everywhere. Plus, I would think twice about throwing around the word "terrorist". By our own government's definition of terrorism, our founding fathers would have been considered terrorists as well.
It is not the reason for all poverty, it is the reason for a lot of poverty. If a person really works hard in this hey counntry, and puts everything into it, how can they not get ahead?the very idea of "people are poor because they don't work hard enough" is crazy. A lot of people are poor because of social/cultural and economic injustice that still exists. Sure, there are poor people because they make bad choices, but to say this is the reason for all poverty is ridiculous.
:24::24::24:But, I'm going to guess that you are white, and middle/upper-middle class, so you wouldn't know of those personally.
Oh, that was funny. No, I am white, but I'm lower, maybe lower-middle class. I used to live (got out last September, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, Praise be his name) in a very poor community populated mostly by rednecks. But these are New York Rednecks (It was in upstate NY), and not the average larry-the-cable-guy rednecks. Upstate NY rednecks are a bunch of socialist idiots who wouldn't know the way out of a brown paper bag.
First- the government is established to look after your rights. Social Welfare is produced from your own hard work, whereas rights are God-given blessings. Some social programs for people in some amount of debt with a low chance of ever getting out, yes, but for most people - no. We should work oursleves out (It would help if they would repeal the child labor laws. :rant:Sorry, just always been a personal bug of mine).Why shouldn't the government help your parents? The government exists to make sure the welfare (well being) of the people is taken care of, and I think social programs are just fine for people in debt.
Look at various European countries that are welfare states, they have a much higher standard of living than us and they manage to function fine and exceed us in many aspects of society.
Europe is more-so a welfare society. The Government is not actually the major funder of these programs, but is just one out of a combination of independent, charity, corporate benefits, etc. The welfare state in Europe is a much overplayed role.