Bullied teen win's 440k lawsuit against school

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Don't know about the Gay thing, but My kid was being bullied and he would tell the teacher and My wife told the teacher and nothing was done. I could of sued the school, but I am not that way. I told my son to kick the bully in the gut (son in in TWD and does a killer side kick) and he did. That bully don't pick on him any more.
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horseshoeing said:
Don't know about the Gay thing, but My kid was being bullied and he would tell the teacher and My wife told the teacher and nothing was done. I could of sued the school, but I am not that way. I told my son to kick the bully in the gut (son in in TWD and does a killer side kick) and he did. That bully don't pick on him any more.

i dint know you had kids. how many kids you got?


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I have 2 kids. A boy, 9, and a girl that 1 1/2.

I woulod like to have the 440K, but I would like for my son to not to like people push him around. I can not fight his fights.


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to be honest i would hate for my child to think he would be the type of person that would sue for anything and everything and think of it as easy money instead of learning to accept lifes hardships and grow to be a respectable adult.


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if i were in his shoes, i wouldn't be such a pussy about small issues like being bullied. If you can't handle a bit of harassment, then maybe you deserve to be harassed.

Later in life he's going to learn that not everything is going to go his way, and is he going to sue everybody who doesn't agree with him?

Bullying is NOT a small issue. Something tells me that if you have this kind of attitude, you were probably one of the kids to bully him. You will have a very rude awakening one of these days. Then you will stop and think about Dylan and what you said and did. No, life will not always go his way. He handled it great and the right way and he will become a leader in life because of the way he handled it.. Its all about integrity, and morals. Something that you obviously don't have. No one was around to teach you right from wrong. Get God!


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to be honest i would hate for my child to think he would be the type of person that would sue for anything and everything and think of it as easy money instead of learning to accept lifes hardships and grow to be a respectable adult.

He took this boy 5 years to finally get fed up so don't say he is going to sue for everything. It isn't easy money. Get real, do you really think that this case was at all easy for him or his family. You are obviously a bully. God put him in that position so that he could make a stand for other kids as well. AWESOME job Dylan! This is not what God intended for a persons life to be like. Jesus paid the price so that we wouldn't have to. GET IT? Probably not. He has accepted his fate and didn't recieve a diploma. So don't you dare say that he didn't deserve the money. Way to Go Dylan. I hope kids and districts wake up real soon. Hello there have already been 3 school shootings in the past week. HELLO, Deaf, dumn and blind


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You don't think my skinny ass was never bullied? lol

I dealt with it by pulling pranks... it's kinda funny when the guy that used to fuck with you in middle school is suddenly your locker partner in High school.

Lets just say I moved my stuff out of the locker, and then proceeded to spray shaving cream all over his stuff.

The best part of it was it was out of the blue. Nothing set me off, I just did it to do it. They never figured out it was me.

Well, you were just as bad as the other guy. Kids are there to get and education and then succeed in life, not to be treated like dirt. No one deserves that, not even the bullies themselves. Think about it. That is not what life is about. You are obviously young and in some years will come to think about your actions and your words because something profound will happen in your life to turn you completely around. I pray that all the teenagers on this site that are cursing and acting cool will at sometime seek God and then you will really know what Dylan went through.


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I feel that sometimes bullying can go way too far. Especially with young kids. If they take it to heart it can fuck their self esteem up bad. I wasn't bullied in school but I know a few people who were. Makes me think of that one part in Napoleon Dynamite. That shit was awesome.[/quote]

You had me going until that last line.

You don't think my skinny ass was never bullied? lol

I dealt with it by pulling pranks... it's kinda funny when the guy that used to fuck with you in middle school is suddenly your locker partner in High school.

Lets just say I moved my stuff out of the locker, and then proceeded to spray shaving cream all over his stuff.

The best part of it was it was out of the blue. Nothing set me off, I just did it to do it. They never figured out it was me.


:D That's hilarious!

Wow, now that comment(Although not directed towards me) pisses me off. How do you know he's not religious? I seriously hate it also when people tell me, "Jesus loves you!" or, "Find God!"

well then in that case he may be a very rich man....

I would be too if I sued my school for $440,000 just for being called gay. Hell, I get called gay every day for no reason at all(No, I'm not gay, so go ahead and make jokes, see if I give a shit :D ), and I have yet to see $440,000 for it. Maybe I should sue my poor-ass school, they can't afford it, I'll be getting money for years. :D Bullying is just a part of school(Although those kids did take it a bit too far). Man up, and kick some of their asses. Or even better, buy out the job they work for and fire their sorry asses.


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Well, you were just as bad as the other guy. Kids are there to get and education and then succeed in life, not to be treated like dirt. No one deserves that, not even the bullies themselves. Think about it. That is not what life is about. You are obviously young and in some years will come to think about your actions and your words because something profound will happen in your life to turn you completely around. I pray that all the teenagers on this site that are cursing and acting cool will at sometime seek God and then you will really know what Dylan went through.

Give me a break. God doesn't exist. So don't preach your happy supernatural unproven bull to me.

I got my revenge on the one person in school I couldn't stand. and I'm just as bad? You just defended Dylan and how he deserves the money because of (the assumption) of how he's had to deal with this bully "for years and years". I got my revenge on the guy who annoyed the living FUCK out of me for 7 years.

Yet I'm just as bad as the bully for doing it? Give me a fucking break and go read the bible bro.

I'm an athiest, loud and proud. God this God that. I had that shit crammed down my throat as a kid. In high school, and now... I can make my own decisions.

So before you go spouting off about how I'm so horrible and some "teenager", learn who you're talking to before you make that assumption.

In other words, don't tell me that YOU know what *I* went through, because you don't.


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I hope kids and districts wake up real soon. Hello there have already been 3 school shootings in the past week. HELLO, Deaf, dumn and blind

So what... you propose the school districts spend more money (like they have enough as it is...) to hire police officers to stand around in the halls all day learning every single kids names to prevent bullying? Or how about you simply raise taxes to offset that cost? haha


It won't happen, and the fact that you're blaming the school district because the kid receiving the bullying doesn't tell ANYONE about it out of fear of being hurt doesn't help at all.

duh. Do you have kids, kids in the 'awkward' stage of 13? Teenage kids? Do they tell you everything about their day at school?

haha... no they don't.


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Well, you were just as bad as the other guy. Kids are there to get and education and then succeed in life, not to be treated like dirt. No one deserves that, not even the bullies themselves. Think about it. That is not what life is about. You are obviously young and in some years will come to think about your actions and your words because something profound will happen in your life to turn you completely around. I pray that all the teenagers on this site that are cursing and acting cool will at sometime seek God and then you will really know what Dylan went through.

Did you ever think that maybe, kids don't curse to act cool? Why do adults do it? Emphasis, or at least that's why I do. If I tell somebody to shut the fuck up, it'll most likely have more of an impact than just, "shut up". And God has nothing to do with it. I believe in God, but finding God has nothing to do with treating people the right way. And learn to actually spell DUMB before calling people that.


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The thing about law suits such as these is it is not just about the kid being bullied. Its about the school failing to see a problem, and not doing anything about it.

Schools have a responsibility to TRY to protect our children and keep them safe, if they know a student is being harrased or picked on for any reason and look the other way then not only are they failing our children, but they themselves are causing more damage.

If they see something happening. or are made aware that it is happening and do nothing then they send a message that it is ok to treat people badly, they say that they agree with the way that person is being treated, they validate those that are in the wrong.

A child is going to get picked on in school, for any various of reasons, but for the school itself to allow it to happen is them failing our kids, they are the responsibility of the schools's during the time in which they are there, and as a parent I damn well expect the school to take necessary steps to protect them.

Bullying only starts out with words and hate, but to not discipline these kids, is making thier hate acceptable. and it leads to more trouble.. it leads to physical abuse and often death.. one way or the other.

I personnaly am glad to see the school held accountable for the ignorance in such a matter. They are the teachers of our future, if they fail to do that for even one child, then they have failed.


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That's not fair Silent. People expect these TEACHERS - notice I didn't say BABYSITTERS - to keep an eye on each and every single student in a school. 800 students, 40 teachers (my school student-teacher ratio). Those are bad odds for what you're simply placing blame on the teachers and faculty for not being able to see.

IMO I'm glad he got his retribution, but I think it's rediculous when people put the blame on the faculty because kids don't tell them things like this. Let alone parents.


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That's not fair Silent. People expect these TEACHERS - notice I didn't say BABYSITTERS - to keep an eye on each and every single student in a school. 800 students, 40 teachers (my school student-teacher ratio). Those are bad odds for what you're simply placing blame on the teachers and faculty for not being able to see.

IMO I'm glad he got his retribution, but I think it's rediculous when people put the blame on the faculty because kids don't tell them things like this. Let alone parents.

No James, I did not say they are expected to see or know.. It is going to happen. BUT when they do see it, and they do know.. When complaints and reports are made, and they refuse to do anything about it... Yes they damn well should be held accountable,, and if there was not record or proof of the school BLATENTLY ignoring these facts, then they would have never won the lawsuit.

these are hard law suits to fight, and even harder to win, because you have to prove that the school acted with blatent disregard. you have to prove that the school was aware of the events claimed to be taking place, and made no effort to resolve the situation.

He won the lawsuit, so it seems to me he had to of proven these facts.
No the teachers and staff can not hold every kids hand all through school. But If my kid or I go and make repeated complaints to the school about a particular reaccuring problem and the school still does nothing, the your damn right. The school is accountable.


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I see this setting off a whole chain reaction of greedy parents who are wanting to cash in on thier childs distress. They should have never awarded that kid that money. He's not the only kid in history to have ever been bullied I'm sure.