I feel that sometimes bullying can go way too far. Especially with young kids. If they take it to heart it can fuck their self esteem up bad. I wasn't bullied in school but I know a few people who were.
Makes me think of that one part in Napoleon Dynamite. That shit was awesome.[/quote]
You had me going until that last line.
You don't think my skinny ass was never bullied? lol
I dealt with it by pulling pranks... it's kinda funny when the guy that used to fuck with you in middle school is suddenly your locker partner in High school.
Lets just say I moved my stuff out of the locker, and then proceeded to spray shaving cream all over his stuff.
The best part of it was it was out of the blue. Nothing set me off, I just did it to do it. They never figured out it was me.

That's hilarious!
Wow, now that comment(Although not directed towards me) pisses me off. How do you know he's not religious? I seriously hate it also when people tell me, "Jesus loves you!" or, "Find God!"
well then in that case he may be a very rich man....
I would be too if I sued my school for $440,000 just for being called gay. Hell, I get called gay every day for no reason at all(No, I'm not gay, so go ahead and make jokes, see if I give a shit

), and I have yet to see $440,000 for it. Maybe I should sue my poor-ass school, they can't afford it, I'll be getting money for years.

Bullying is just a part of school(Although those kids did take it a bit too far). Man up, and kick some of their asses. Or even better, buy out the job they work for and fire their sorry asses.