Birth control for unfit parents

Should we put unfit parents on birth control?

  • Yes, if they are unfit- they shouldnt procreate

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • No, it's not our business to

    Votes: 12 33.3%

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The cake is a metaphor
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That's fine--educate them after we sterilize them!!! :24:

Sorry--couldn't resist!!! ;)

I see your point--but I think we are talking here about two different issues. I am talking about a level of society that education is not going to reach.

Well there's a fundemental problem in society to begin with lol
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La entrepierna de fuego
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Maybe we can euthanize the elderly as well. Think of all the hospital beds it will free up and the money we will save in social security alone...

There's a vast difference between preventing birth and ending a life. Personally, I support the idea of assisted suicide for people w/ terminal I bet you guys are REALLY scared, huh??? ;)

But whose definition of "unfit"? Left kids alone for 3 hours. Dangled kids out of window so fans could catch a glimpse. Knocked out kids tooth with a punch.

All of the above (depending on the age of the children left alone...if at least one is 16, then no).

what about those parents who drown and murder their kids in a bathtub?

Personally, my wish is a death sentence...that takes care of the nasty birth control issue, too.

.... true, jail may PERHAPS be a form of birth control - but I'd feel a little better if there was something more definate.

Jail isn't always a form of birth control...there are ways for inmates to have sex while in prison and there are plenty of crooked jailers that will accommodate (by the way, a jailer is NOT a "cop" peeve!!!).


Having way too much fun
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But I'm also for assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. :D

But what happens if this were to happen and good mothers were to fall through the cracks of the system? What do you say to them when they are forced to be on birth control since they are single and only have a minimum wage job? What if she is one of the most caring people in the world, one that would love her child more than anything. A person that would do everything she needs to provide for her and her child. But since she doesn't meet the minimum requirements she must be on birth control?
What about the people who are forced onto birth control and have medical problems because of it?
How are you going to get these people to the clinic to get their shots? What if they don't show up? Are you willing to put them in jail for not complying?

My point is that you cannot force people to go on birth control at gun point. And if a system were put in place, many good people would fall through the cracks. You would hurt too many good people.

We have systems in place to remove children that are in bad homes. We can't sit back and point to those people over there and say, "You must get the shots since you don't look like good people" and that's what we would be doing...


Well-Known Member
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I voted yes, if an unfit parent cannot control the one or two children they already have why the hell do they deserve more??

This was one of the biggest things that came up when My brother lost his son in utero at full term, he felt robbed his fiance did everything right that she should have done she never smoked and she never did drugs in her life she didnt drink and she should have (by right) had a perfectly normal healthy baby and yet Stephen passed away minutes before being born.
Yet you walk down the street you see mothers swearing at their children or you hear the news of beatings and docs getting involved and you wonder how the hell these people have the fucking right to become parents if they are planning on treating their children like this
I say Contraception for unfit parents fuck em if they arent willing to understand the importance that is involved with raising a child then they should be allowed to have them.

/end rant


The cake is a metaphor
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I voted yes, if an unfit parent cannot control the one or two children they already have why the hell do they deserve more??

This was one of the biggest things that came up when My brother lost his son in utero at full term, he felt robbed his fiance did everything right that she should have done she never smoked and she never did drugs in her life she didnt drink and she should have (by right) had a perfectly normal healthy baby and yet Stephen passed away minutes before being born.
Yet you walk down the street you see mothers swearing at their children or you hear the news of beatings and docs getting involved and you wonder how the hell these people have the fucking right to become parents if they are planning on treating their children like this
I say Contraception for unfit parents fuck em if they arent willing to understand the importance that is involved with raising a child then they should be allowed to have them.

/end rant

Life isn't fair. Bad things happen to good people.

But that's no reason to try and create some Orwellian society.


Well-Known Member
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Life isn't fair. Bad things happen to good people.

But that's no reason to try and create some Orwellian society.

SO your telling me a set of parents both using drugs and not caring much for their own lives should be able to Have children?
Do you not think there should be something to stop this kind of thing, hence the reason children are fund dead in suitcases and hell not far from me a man beat his wife and he wasnt allowed to see his kids except on weekends he had them one weekend killed all three of the kids and then himself. and you beleive this is a "fit" way of parenthood? :ninja


The cake is a metaphor
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Of course I fucking don't

But that wasn't the matter at hand. I believe in human rights, you take away peoples rights your no better than these unfit drug abusing parents you hypothesize about.


Active Member
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Is the birth control a permanent thing? There's like 7 pages and I don't feel like going back over it all.


The cake is a metaphor
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Apparently you believe only in the parent's rights. The point is if a parent has proven they are incapable of caring for children (that is the one's they have have already been taken away), then why the fuck should they be permitted to have more---do you not care about the rights of the child that will be brought into a world of abuse and neglect? What about the rights of society not to have unwanted children forced on them?

And when does personal responsiblity and consequences enter into your concern for human rights? This is what I really don't understand about all the "human rights crusaders"--a bunch of politically correct bullshit in my mind. Rights can be forfeited--a parent foreits the right to have children when the parent has screwed up on the ones they already have. I really don't see how this is even a debatable issue, frankly.

I have no problem with human rights so long as people don't abuse their "rights"--especially when their abuse of their rights starts infringing on the rights of helpless children and on my rights.

I'm not sure you understand what human rights are, you can't "abuse" them. You either have them or you don't. And you CANNOT forfiet human rights, that's the whole point of them.

And please don't ever call human rights politically correct bullshit - unless you truely believe that not everyone has the right to: Education, healthcare, food, water, procreation, freedom, and all those others that you and I take for granted.


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No--my thought was the six month patches or whatever they are called. Just like probation, a person would have to check in every 6 months for re-application of the patch or pay fines or do jail time or whatever consequences are appropriate for failure to adhere the sentence. Or--they could choose permanent sterilization--you can't force it on them permanently.

You can't force sterilization but you can't force birth control 6 months at a time? You do realize that the 6month thing wouldn't work. They can take it off and them put it back on for the appointments.