OK, allow me to offer my perspective... and please keep in mind, I live in a "third world country"
Abrianna, what do you know of the 'lesser developed nations'? Do you know that it is quite common for those in dire poverty to have way more children per family than those who are more affluent? Looking at the world around me... my peers are likely to be 2 child families, where the people living in informal settlements are far more likely to have in excess of 5 children (none of which they can afford to clothe, feed and educate). Birth control is freely available from the state in many different forms, so it's not a case of them not being able to afford protection.
Do you think it is fair to imply that people who can actually afford their children should limit how many they have in order to be able to send aid to nations who breed like bunnies even though they cannot afford the children they produce? Keep in mind that it is likely that every single child born to these large families will become a tax payer, contributing to their country, where these large families born in poverty will probably never become tax payers in the same sense, since government offers tax breaks to those who are disadvantaged.
Furthermore, you have a problem with the Duggars, but think that "Jon and Kate plus 8" are fine (Since they have multiples)... if I was to have a problem with large families, I would most certainly target Jon and Kate first... keep in mind that their multiples are 'created' via IVF, something that they also didn't "need" as you put it.
Personally, I have no problem at all with large families.